初三英语第一学期 新课预习 人教版(新目标) 联系客服

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初三英语第一学期 新课预习

一. 本周教学内容: 新课预习 [教学过程] 一. 重点句型

A. How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes. How does he learn English?

He learns by having conversations with friends. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. I don’t have a partner to practice English with. B. Why don’t you borrow the teacher’s tapes? C. I don’t know how to use commas.

D. He also thinks that watching English movies isn’t a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words.

E. The only other problem I have is that I don’t get much practice. F. That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.

G. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.

H. The best way to improve your English is to join an English club.

二. 话题:

1. Talk about how to study.

2. How do you study for a test? Have you ever studied with a group?

三. 课文解析:

SB 1a. Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check (√)the statements that are true for you.

-I can’t pronounce some of the words. -I can’t understand spoken English. -I read very slowly.

-I can’t spell some English words. -I make mistakes in grammar.

(1)spoken是动词speak的过去分词,过去分词作形容词使用、修饰名词English,许多动词的过去分词可以用作形容词来修饰名词,常表示被动意义,例如: a locked door = a door which is locked

spoken English = English which is spoken by people (2)make mistakes 犯错

2a. Listening

Teacher: You look worried, Paul.

Boy: I am, Ms Mitchell. I’m having trouble learning English. Teacher: You said you liked English. What’s the problem? Boy: I can’t get the pronunciation right. Teacher: Well, listening can help. Why don’t you borrow the teacher’s tapes? You can listen to them

at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.

Boy: That’s a good idea. But what about all the new words? I forget a lot of new words.

Teacher: You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. You can even study in the train on the way to school. Boy: That might really help! Thanks.

Teacher: Can you understand when people talk to you?

Boy: Well, no. Not always. Sometimes I just don’t understand what people are saying.

Teacher: Why don’t you join an English language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Boy: Maybe I’ll go. The only other problem I have is that I don’t get much writing practice. Teacher: Maybe you should find a pen pal.

Boy: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing. Thanks, Ms Mitchell.

3a. Read the article. Then read the statements about the article. Write “T”(for ture)or“F”(for false).

How I learned to learn English

Last year my English class was difficult for me. First of all(1), it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. To begin with(2), she spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. Later on(3), I realized(4) that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. Also I was afraid to(5) speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldn’t always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another(6) thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. It’s amazing how much this helped. Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed.

The writer found learning English difficult because? 1. ?the teacher’s pronunciation was poor.

2. ?people always laughed at her when she spoke. 3. ?she had trouble making complete sentences. 4. ?English grammar was difficult.

Her English improved when she started? 5. ?going out with English-speaking friends. 6. ?lots of speaking practice.

7. ?using grammar in original sentences.

(1)“first of all”意为“首先,第一”,above all也有“首先”的意思,但两者有区别。first of all是从事物的排列顺序上说的,“首先”、“第一”,而above all则是从事物重要性上说的“首先”,因此,也可译为“最重要的是”,“特别是”,“尤其是”等等。 eg: First of all, you must be frank. 首先,你必须坦率。

But above all tell me quickly what I have to do.


(2)“to begin with”是惯用语,意思是“首先、第一”,通常置于句首,用以叙述理由。 eg: I can’t come. To begin with, I don’t feel well. Besides, I don’t have much money. 我不能来,第一是因为身体不舒适,其次我也没有太多钱。 (3)later on 是惯用法,意思是“过后,后来” eg: He found his lost bike later on.


It will be warmer later on. 过后天气会暖和一些。

(4)realize是动词,意思是“领悟到?”,“了解到?”,其后常跟宾语从句。 eg: I realized that he needed help then. 我了解到他那时需要帮助。

Suddenly he realized what was happening. 突然间他察觉到发生什么事了。

(5)be afraid to do sth. 意为“由于害怕而不敢做” eg: I’m afraid to play with monkeys. 我害怕逗猴子。

Are you afraid to go to the teacher’s office? 你不敢到老师办公室去吗?

(6)Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. 我发现另外一件难事是英语语法。


Old phone, true friend

A few weeks ago I met an old friend for lunch. While we were on our way to the restaurant, my mobile phone rang. I started to answer(1) it, but I stopped(2) myself because I didn’t want to answer it in front of (3)my friend. I was ashamed of(4) my old phone. It’s old-fashioned, behind the times, and outdated. What phone you have says a lot about you to some people these days(5).

Some years ago I bought a Motorola Star Tac 70. It was fashionable at the time. I was glad to be like my friends who all had mobile phones. Having one was very important, but I actually didn’t use it much. Most of the time(6) it was turned off. Then I discovered SMS. I started using(7) it more often and I became an expert at sending fast messages.

Now my phone is outdated. It doesn’t play cool tunes when it rings and it sometimes has problems receiving(8) calls. Worst of all, it looks big and fat. The newest phones are thinner and fit into your hand easily. I often think my old phone will make people laugh.

Since(9) mobile phones are getting cheaper, most people can buy one. If you have the latest model, it can make you look good in front of your friends. For some people this is important. Your mobile phone is like a status symbol-it says if you are cool or not. So why haven’t I bought a new one? I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think I really need a new one. Why do I spend money on a new model when I won’t use everything it has and I wouldn’t even know how to anyway?(10)

The real reason is that I like my old phone. It has been with me through the years and has let me have so many sweet conversations and funny messages(11). Giving it up would be like saying goodbye to an old friend just because he or she doesn’t fit in with my new, fashionable friends(12). Maybe one day, old styles of mobile phones will be popular again and my old friend will be fashionable once more. 练习:

I. Match the words and expressions with their meanings. Then make sentences with the words and expressions. 1. ashamed a. following a popular style 2. behind the times b. isn’t the same as others 3. fashionable c. feeling embarrassed about something 4. SMS d. not modern

5. status symbol e. sending text messages with a mobile phone 6. doesn’t fit in f. something you own that makes you look important

II. Read the article and complete the sentences.

1. The writer became very good at _________________________.

2. The main differences between the Star Tac phone and newer phones are ________. 3. To the writer, it’s not important to have a new phone because ____________. 4. To some people, having the latest phone is important because _________. 5. The writer hopes that in the future _________. 参考答案:

I. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b II. 1. sending fast messages 2. appearance and function 3. he/ she doesn’t need it 4. it is a symbol of status

5. old styles of mobile phones will be popular again


(1)answer the phone意思是“接电话”

(2)stopped myself可以理解为stopped my-self from answering it, 意为“阻止了自己接电话行为”。

(3)in front of 与in the front of的区别 这两个词组都有“在?前面”的意思。

A B in front of 意为“在?前面”,如“A”is in front of “B”,“A”与“B”都是互为独立的。

B A in the front of 意为“在?前部”如 “A”在“B”的内部

eg: There is a garden is front of the house. 这座房子前面有一个花园。(范围之外)

There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom. 教室的前面有一张讲桌。(范围之内)

(4)be a shamed of ?意为“对?感到羞愧”。 反义词be proud of ?“引以为骄傲的”

eg: You should be ashamed of what you have done. 你应该对你自己所做的一切感到羞愧。

(5)What phone you have says a lot about you to some people these days. 目前,你拥有哪种手机会向别人说明关于你的许多方面。 (6)“most of the time”意为“大部分时间” eg: Most of the time they studied hard. 他们大部分时间都很认真学习。

I spend most of the time in collecting stamps. 我花了大部分时间集邮。

(8)have problems(in)doing sth. 意为“在做某事方面有问题”

“A”is in the front of “B”.