英语中考复习背诵材料9上Units7--8 联系客服

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高邮南海中学九年级英语复习材料 主备人 杨明宏

九上units 7-8


一、梳理九上Unit7、Unit8课文(Reading/Integrated skills/Task为重点 )

二、复习although & though; so—that &such---that; so that;以及定语从句的用法。 背诵材料: 一、重点单词:

1. western西部电影;西部小说 2. Industry 工业;产业 3. storyteller 讲故事的人

4. all-time一向的;空前的 5. actress女演员 6. dancer舞蹈着 7. lead 主角;扮演主角的演员 8. role角色 9. mark 表明;标志 10. lifetime终身;一辈子 11. final最终的;最后的 12. peacefully宁静地;和平地 13. park停车 14. row 一排;一行 15. actor 演员 16. cancer取消;终止 17. neither 也不18. stupid 愚蠢的 19 consider 考虑;认为 20. missing 缺少的;丢失的 21. untidy 不整洁的 22. truth 事实;真相 23. guess 猜;猜测; 24. lie说谎 25. somewhere 在某处 26. wound 使—受伤 27. enemy敌人 28. single单身的;单个的 29. suppose猜想;假定;料想 30. report 举报;报告 31. heavily 沉重的;猛烈地 32. couple 夫妇;一对 33. probably大概;或许 34. boss 老板 35. hurry 急忙;匆忙 36. wealth财富 37. safety 安全;保险 38. lock 锁 39. shut 关上;封闭;合拢 40. guard守卫;保卫 41. steal偷


1. 你做梦;你妄想in your dreams 2. 吸引某人的注意 catch one’s attention

3. 进入电影行业 enter the film industry 4. 科幻片;动作片science fiction film/ action film 5. 标志—的开端 mark the beginning of 6. 因失去—而伤心 feel sad about the loss of 7. 以---为基础base---on/ upon 8. 扮演主角 play the lead/major role of 9. 最后一次路面 make one’s final appearance 10.错把---当作 mistake---for

11. 去世. pass away 12. 失踪 go missing 13. 拥有迷人的气质 have an attractive quality 14. 适合所有年龄的人 be suitable for all ages 15. 因流血过多而死bleed to death 16. 与—没有关系have nothing to do with 17. 防范;提防 guard against sth

19. 导致;导向 lead to 20. 与---和睦相处 get along with 21. 结果是 turn out 22. 强行闯入 break into 23. 爱上某人 fall in love with sb 24. 超出 go beyond

25. 在屏幕上再现bring--- alive on screen 26.做模特/替身演员work as a model/ stuntman 26. 讲实话tell the truth 27. 气喘吁吁breathe heavily 28. 有什么罪 be guilty of 29. 为---提供奖励 offer a reward of 30. 做某事谋生 do sth for a living 31. 中等身高的 of medium height 32. 被刀致伤be wounded with a knife 32. be charged with 被指控 33. 使某人树敌make sb enemies

34. 匆忙做某事 be in a hurry to do sth 35. 一些昂贵珠宝some valuable jewellery 三、重点句子:

1.尽管我昨晚睡得很好,但是仍然感到很累。 Although I slept very well, I still felt very tired. 2. 瘦西湖很美,以至于很多游客不停地拍照。

The Slender West Lake is so beautiful that many visitors can’t stop taking photos. 3. 他坚持认为赫本是扮演这个主角的完美女孩。

He insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role/ to play the lead role.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today! 对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好!

高邮南海中学九年级英语复习材料 主备人 杨明宏

4. 你认为哪项是你见过的最有用的发明?

. Which do you think is the most useful invention that you have ever seen? 5.昨晚大约七点在东城有人最后一次看见他离开办公室。

He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7p.m yesterday. 6. 他早期的生涯并不很成功。

His early career was not a great success.

7. 他被认为是中国最有才华的演员之一。

He is considered an one of the most talented actors in China. 8. 原来他与这个案子没有瓜葛。

It turned out that he had nothing to do with this case. 9. 去年他被指控闯入了邻居的公寓。

Last year, he was charged with breaking into his neighbour’s flat. 10. 西镇的谋杀案有进展吗?

Has there been any progress in the West Town murder case? 11. 米莉故事讲得这么好,她能写出精彩的剧本。

Millie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts. 12. 当地电影院在放映什么影片? What is on at the local cinemas?

13. 许多人认为成龙是一位超级巨星,不仅因为他在功夫片中的成就,还因为他致力于慈善工作

Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work.

14. 我这么优秀,倒是应该在好莱坞发展。

I’m so good that I should be in Hollywood instead. 15. 他是一个中等身高的办公室职员。 He is an office worker of medium height.

16. 任何能提供有用信息的人应该和警察联系。

Anyone who can provide useful information should contact the police. 17. 你们能想出一些安全策略来保护自己防范犯罪。

Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime? 18. 布鲁斯和所有的邻居都相处的很好,除了住在隔壁的那个男人。

Bruce gets along with all of his neighbours except the man who lives next door. 19.你因谋杀而被逮捕了

You’re under arrest for murder.

20. 我们正在检查现场,查找更多有助于侦破此案的线索。

We’re now checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today! 对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好!