百师联盟2019届高三第一套原创猜题(新课标I)英语试卷 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章百师联盟2019届高三第一套原创猜题(新课标I)英语试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读413cbc2f814d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa0082d5

C. Cassia's self-made dollhouse D. the writer's newly-bought house 25. While making her own dollhouse, the writer______. A. often showed it off to her mother B. asked for help from others C. bought lots of doll furniture D. spent hours reading a book about dollhouses 26. We can infer that the writer______.

A. built her own house with different materials B. made all accessories herself for her house C. learned to become a house designer D. made a living by writing books 27. What did the writer learn from her mother?

A. To live independently in one s own house. B. To find treasure of tiny things from the trash C. To solve problems from a different view. D. To avoid putting on another person's shoes.


A new study supports the view that jobs aren't simply a love-at-first-sight deal. Rather, they say that achieving passion for your work is something you can develop over time.

Unlike the main way of thinking that you'Il only achieve passion for your work through finding the right fit with a line of work - what the researchers call \your job and find meaning in it gradually(“developing theory\

We probably hear and think a l.t more about \theory\than “developing theory\because we've become used to it. \is to do what you believe is great work,\what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'II know when you find it. \

Chen and colleagues examined some students' career attitudes and expectations with regard to \theory\the fit or develo-ping theory. The key difference lies in how these results are reached : fit theorists(理论家) tend to self-select into lines of work that fit them from the start, while developing theorists grow into that fit over time. \

Fit theorists tend to value enjoyment at the expense of good pay, while developing theorists are willing to let enjoyment take a back seat to other goals, safe in the knowledge that they'll grow into the role and find enjoyment over time.

Everyone has moments of being bored with their work,but it's important to keep your thoughts focused on the bigger picture, your Iong-term goals , and whv you took the role in the first place. 28. According to the \

A. treat his job as a great deal B. try to seek passion for a job C. find the meaning in his job slowly D. learn to achieve his dream gradually 29. The writer quoted Steve Jobs' speech to prove____________. A. the romantic idea of \

B. the difficulty of finding passion for jobs C. the great pursuit of satisfying jobs

D. the influence of \



30. If you hate your job , you are advised to___________. A. consider your situation as a whole B. try other new jobs as soon as possible C. consider your role in your work first D. start your work from the beginning again 31. What might be the best title for the passage? A. You Will Have Passion for Your Work B. You Can Learn to Love Your Job

C. You Will Finally Achieve Your Job Goal D. You Can Get Enjoyment from Your Work


Satellites play big roles in modern life. Some look downward to monitor environmental conditions on Earth.Others look outward in search of major solar flares(耀斑) that can trouble the transmission(传送) of electrical power to homes and businesses. Some spy on our enemies. Others relay communications around the globe. But all of these million-dollar wonders of technology can be knocked out by a collision with space junk ---debris (碎片 )from satellites and other earthly technology orbiting high above the planet. Now,a teen from Jordan has designed a satellite to chase down space junk , collect it and then deal with it. Even bits of space junk as small as dots of paint pose a threat , says Dana. That's because this debris orbits our planet at speeds up to some 28,200 kilometers per hour. Such high speed explains why tiny paint dots have damaged the windshields of space shuttles so badly that they needed to be replaced.

Researchers have come up with many ideas for getting rid of space junk. Some have suggested vaporizing(蒸发) small bits with lasers. Others have proposed launching satellites to collect the debris. Dana's design falls into this category.

Here's how hers would work : A radar system aboard the satellite would scan and find a piece of space junk.Then,thrusters(推进器)would change the satellite's orbit so that it could chase down the errant object. As the satellite closed in on its prey, cameras would keep it on target.

At the last minute,a door that leads to a container would open. This container needs to be strong so that it doesn't break apart when the satellite swallows the space junk,Dana explains. Finally,when the trash container was full,it would be lowered toward the earth on a kilometer-long cable and its contents released into the upper atmosphere. There, the space junk would harmlessly burn up just like a meteor (流星) does. Meanwhile, her satellite would roll the container back up so that it could collect more trash. 32. What is focused on in the first paragraph?

A. The types of satellites being categorized into. B. The tracks of satellites orbiting above the planet.

C. The sources of space junk coming from. D. The danger that satellites face in space. 33. Why can small pieces of space junk threaten satellites?

A. They travel at a very high speed. B. They are difficult to track by satellites. C. They can blow up into millions of pieces. D. They are as soft as a ball in the air. 34. The underlined words \ A. the radar system that scans space junk B. the space junk that travels in disorder


C. the satellite that doesn't keep its track

D. the camera that can't keep space junk on target

35. According to the Dana's design, space junk in her satellite___________. A. will be swallowed and stored in its trash bin

B. will be broken apart in the trash container

C. will be destroyed by heat in the upper atmosphere D. will be transported to the earth through a cable


第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to Deal With Losing in Sports

Winning and losing go hand-in-hand when it comes to sports. Great athletes never let the highs get too high,

or the lows get too low. The result of a match is uncertain. The only thing that is certain is the competition itself.

36 The result is just the result of all the hard work put in.

Congratulate your opponent (对手) after a loss. Respect your opponent because he put in as much work, or more than you. This shows respect for the opponent and respect for the contest.

Accept the fact that the loss is no one's fault. This is harder to do in an individual sport , but absolutely impor-tant in a team sport. 37 Don't get down on yourself. If competing in an individual sport , accept that losing is apart of competing and move on.

Examine why you lose the competition. Ask yourself if you did everything possible to prepare for the competition. Ask yourself if you gave it all during the competition. 38 This is crucial if competing in an individual sport. If competing in a team sport,recognize that everyone isn't perfect and examine the loss from the team opinion.

39 Practice more, and practice better. Correct whatever mistakes made during the match. Get


stronger, faster, smarter and do whatever it takes.

Seek out the support and encouragement of teammates and coaches. Don't allow yourself to think negatively.Avoid negative people. 40__ Never accuse a competitor of cheating, even if it were true. Again, this will make you seem as if you are looking for excuses. A. Don't put blame to anyone. B. Work harder to get better.

C. Train hard to achieve your aim. D. Winning is No. I for great athletes. E. Great athletes love the competition. F. Stay positive and trust your work value.

G. Analyze any mistakes you might have made.


笫三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A Hundred Reasons to Laugh

During one particularly dark period of my life,l didn't laugh even 15 times a day. Not__41 . For a variety of

reasons , ranging from anxiety in my 42 life to overwork and tiredness,l was__43__. I felt 44__by an ocean of problems, professional and personal, with no chance of finding any way out.

Everything looked 45 .

I met my colleagues for supper the first evening. To my _ 46 __ ,we sat around the dinner table telling funny

stories. We 47 real-life incidents that had happened to each of us.I had to 48 ,even in my sadness, that it was good to laugh. And those turned out to be some of the funniest stories I had ever 49 ! My anxiety melted as I relaxed and I found myself Iaughing hard ---harder than I'd laughed for years.

The next day we worked,but we also played. We invented 50 using whatever equipment we could lay our

hands on. The sheer 51 0f playing,something else I hadn't done for far too long, 52 something within me

I thought I might never recall again.

The following day I returned home and I felt better than I did in months. 53 it eventually took a lifestyle

change to 54 the depression for good,laughter became a key ingredient(因素) of that 55 . I've held to it,

and have found that regular and hearty 56 is essential if I want to maintain inner peace and good health.


I had discovered a great truth about laughter - it is good for the body,the mind and the spirit. It's a 57___ stress reliever. Have you ever laughed so hard that you doubled over,fell off your chair, spit out your food or wet

your pants? You just cannot 58 muscle tension when you are laughing. Find 100 reasons to laugh. You are_ 59 _to feel better, you will cope with problems more effectively and

people will enjoy being 60 you. Besides unhappiness,what do you have to lose?

41. A. totally B. really C. nearly D. truly 42. A. meaningful B. valuable C. active D. personal
