广东省惠州市惠州市实验中学英语Book 4 Unit 3 Grammar学案(无答案) 联系客服

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Unit 3 Grammar

Learning aims: To master the important usages of the –ing form as the Predicative, Attribute and Object Complement.

【问题导学】 判断V-ing形式在句子中充当的成分。 1. What is so interesting about them?(P17) ( _____语)

2. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.(P18 L6) ( _____语)

3. Such training was common in acting families at this time, especially when the family income was often uncertain. (P18 L7) ( _____语)

4. No one was ever bored watching him — his subtle acting made everything entertaining. (P18 L12) ( _____语)

5. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. (P18 L13) ( _____语) 6. He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick.(P18 L17) ( _____语)

【合作探究】动词ing形式作表语、定语和宾补 一、动词ing形式作表语

1.表示抽象的一般性的行为,用来说明主语的内容,与主语通常是同一概念,表语和主语常可互换位置。 我的工作是教你们英语。 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。 2.表示主语的某种性质和特征,这时通常可以看作形容词。常见的有astonishing,exciting,amusing,confusing,disappointing,boring,encouraging,inspiring,moving,tiring,interesting,surprising等(这类分词表示“令人……的”的含义)。 她讲的故事很有趣。

我们昨晚看的电影很感人。 二、动词的ing形式作定语


a swimming pool(=a pool for swimming)游泳池 a walking stick(= a stick for walking)手杖 阅览室里不准我们大声说话。


2.表示所修饰的名词的动作或状态,与被修饰词为主动关系,且表示正在进行的动作, 相当于一个定语从句。当分词单独作定语时,放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语作定语,则放在该名词后。 大约有50个学生在教室里学习。

There are ____________________________________________________________ 在接下来的几年中,她学习更努力了。 三、动词-ing形式作宾语补足语


1.感官动词,如see,hear,feel,smell,watch,find,listen to,look at,notice,observe等。


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注意:在see,hear,feel,watch等感官动词后,既可用动词ing形式作宾语补足语,也可用省略to的不定式作宾语补足语。用动词ing形式时,表示动作正在进行,用省略to的不定式时,表示动作从开始到结束的全过程。 I saw a boy ___________(get) on the bus.(表示动作正在进行) I saw a boy ___________(get) on the bus.(表示动作全过程)

2.表示“指使”等意义的动词(使役动词),如have,set,keep,leave,get等。 那个笑话使他们都笑了。


3.在“with+宾语+宾补(V-ing)”结构中, 宾语和宾语补足语之间存在主动关系。 这个孩子睡着了,亮着灯(burn)。



1. The cruel boss had his employees _________(work) all day long.

2. The man _________(deliver) a speech at the conference now is from Japan. 3. Don’t talk with others with your finger _________(point) at them.

4. The news that Thailand’s Prime Minister was sentenced to two years in prison was so _________(shock).

5. I saw him _________(read) in the room at that time. 6. There’s always a _________(worry) look on her face. 二.语法填空


This is a story about how important it is to be persistent and never give up, no matter how many failures you have experienced.

A man was spending his holiday in Africa. One day when he was wandering in the jungle, he watched the elephants 1________(pass) by. To his great surprise, these giant and strong animals 2________(hold) only by small ropes, tied to their front legs. Obviously, they could 3________(easy) run away at any moment. However, they did not.

Then he saw 4________ trainer and asked him how it could happen that not a single elephant made an attempt to break free. The trainer explained that 5________ the elephants were very young, they tied them with ropes of the same size, 6________ were strong enough to hold them at that time. Gradually they grew up and got stronger, 7________ they never tried to get away because they believed the ropes would still hold 8________.

Sometimes people act 9________ elephants when they give up for the first few failures. Remember the failure is part of learning. If you hope to achieve 10________(succeed), you should never give up, but try and try again.


In today’s world it is hard to imagine life without cell phones. People need this 1________(amaze) invention to stay connected with the rest of the world. It is often

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said that so far technology 2________(create) more problems than it solves and the same goes with the 3________(introduce) of cell phones. 4________ they have reduced barriers of communication, extensive cell phone usage has given rise to various health concerns, especially 5________ kids, the elderly, and pregnant women. There has been a debate on the harmful effects of cell phones 6________ unborn babies, and many medical experts claim that extensive cell phone usage can cause various problems on unborn babies. These reports are one of the first medical experiments 7________ dig deeper into finding the side effects. However, according to various medical journals, there is still no scientific proof to say 8________ mobile phones are harmful to the unborn children or not. But as 9________ expecting mother, it is wise to be more careful in such sensitive times. She should take all the necessary precautions to keep the baby safe, not using a cell phone every day and learning to live without 10________.

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