2020年吴忠市中考英语仿真模拟试题(附答案和听力材料) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2020年吴忠市中考英语仿真模拟试题(附答案和听力材料)更新完毕开始阅读4157504cb9f67c1cfad6195f312b3169a551ea30

names out there as soon as they can.

“I think students are sometimes surprised by how easy it is to connect with professionals,” Glass said. “A simple Google search for any profession will turn up many individuals and organizations who are active on platforms like Twitter.”

However, there are problems with putting class work on social platforms (平台). Many teachers, including Seidel, believe that social media and technology in general can easily distract(使分心) students. However, they hope they can find a way to use it properly.

“For teachers and students, technology has become both a powerful tool for learning and a potential distraction in the classroom,” Seidel said. “Not only can it improve collaboration, communication and creation in endless ways, but it can also serve as an infinite(极大的) distraction. Properly using technology in the classroom requires additional management from the teacher as well as a great deal of self-discipline (自律) from the students.”

Glass believes it’s very important for schools to teach students how to use social media. “As a teacher, I think part of my job is to help students understand how best to make use of it as thoughtful learners and creators,” said Glass.

( )52. By using social media, ______.

A. it will be easier for teachers to observe students’ performance B. students will become more actively involved in courses C. students will become independent learners D. fewer students will attend the class

( )53. According to the passage, Glass probably believes that social media ______.

A. is a good platform for students to share their class work B. can help students to contact professionals more easily C. offers students the latest knowledge in real world D. makes it much easier for students to get jobs

( )54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Social media should not be used in the classroom as it distracts students. B. Students will become less creative if they always use technology for study. C. Humanities teachers can make fuller use of social media than science teachers. D. Both teachers and students need to work hard in order to use social media properly.


( )55. What is probably the best title for this passage?

A. Social media is popular B. Classes use social media C. Technology distracts students D. Technology is important


五、补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) A: You look upset,Mary.___56___? B: The math test is coming. I’m worried about it. A: ___57___.It’s not so difficult as you imagine. B: ___58___? A: Sure.You could do some exercises to improve your math.

B: OK. By the way, I am too nervous to fall asleep at night these days.___59___? A: You should listen to some light music. B: Good idea. I will have a try.___60___. A: You’re welcome.



I like reading in my free time. I've read all kinds of books which are __61__(write) by many famous writers from all over the world. But I like a Chinese writer __62__(well). His name is Xu Zhimo. Xu was born in a big family. His parents were good at writing. His father taught little Xu by ___63___(he). When Xu was very young, he was interested__64____ reading. Fables(寓言) and novels were his favorites. He loved reading very much and he often forgot to eat and sleep.

When Xu was about six years old, he began to write some __65____(story). He kept practicing writing and did better and better. But he still kept on reading, ____66___he always believed \ makes a full man\

When he grew up, his dream came true. He became a world-famous writer. Not only Chinese but also people ___68___ other countries worshiped (崇拜) him. His works (著作) were __69__(enjoy) all over the world. Everyone _70___(think) his works were nice and great. 七、根据中文意思完成句子。(每小题2分,10分)

71. Nowadays, people (保持联系) their friends and relatives


by WeChat.

72. I like drawing (然而) she likes dancing.

73.As (事实上) I have no place to live. 74. About (四分之三) of the earth' s surface is covered by water. 75. Who breaks the rules will (被惩罚) 八、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)


Wu Dajing won gold in the Men’s 500m Short Track Speed Skating at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics on February 22nd.

Before this race, the Chinese short-track team got only silver and bronze(铜牌). They met 76 many troubles that it made Wu Dajing China's last hope of 77 a gold medal(奖牌) at these Games. The 23-year-old entered the final with a lot of pressure. However, he didn't give his competitors 78 chance. He just kept his speed from the start.

“I am just so 79 of myself to have been able to hold on and bring out my best in the race. I only realized I was the winner at the finish line and I'm very happy that I have won the 80 gold medal for China in these Games,” said Wu.

Chinese team head coach Li Yan said excitedly, \ 81 support. In 82 to get ready for the races, we have turned 83 our social networks(网络), but still saw some reports from Chinese media(媒体). These reports are important 84 they give us encouraging messages and now there are more people caring about this sport. It 85 never been easy for all of us, but we finally got our long-awaited gold medal on the last day of the short track competition.\ 九、书面表达(本大题共15分)


内容包括:1.住宿安排; 2.活动安排; 3.…… 注意:1.词数80~100;

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信中不能出现真实的人名或校名; 4.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。


Dear William,

I am glad to know that you are coming to China for a holiday and especially excited that you will stay in my home.____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

I am sure you will have a wonderful experience in China.

Yours, Li Hua