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Unit3 Weather B Let’s learn


本单元的话题是weather。本课是四下第三单元B Let’s learn第五课时,共有Let’s learn,Let’s play两个板块。其中,Let’s learn是通过一幅世界地图来学习有关天气的形容词及句型What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s hot and sunny. Let’s play是通过对话练习巩固所学的单词及句型。 二、学情分析

四年级的学生已经学习了一年多的英语,拥有一定的英语基础,再加上前面所学的有关气候的形容词及句型What’s the weather like today?,学生对本课的掌握会更容易一些。 三、教学目标 1. 能力目标

(1)能熟练询问或描述天气情况,如:What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s hot and sunny. Today it’s hot and sunny in Sydney.

(2) 能在语境中正确运用单词描述天气状况。 (3) 能完成Let’s play部分。 2. 知识目标

(1) 能听、说、认读五个描述天气的单词。

(2) 能在语境中理解world, Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore的意思并正确发音。 3. 情感、策略目标

(1) 情感态度:让学生了解各地的气候特点。

(2) 学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养学生相互沟通和交流的能力。 四、教学重、难点


难点:地点Singapore, Sydney的正确发音 五、教具

PPT,tape. 六、教学过程 Greetings:

Good morning, boys and girls. I am very glad to be your teacher today. Now let’s divide our class into four groups, Group1-4. I will give you some rewards if you get good jobs. Now let’s begin our class. Step 1 Preparation 1. Let’s chant 2. Free talk:

T: What’s the weather like in ...? S: It’s warm/hot/cool/cold. Step 2 Presentation

(一)The presentation of words

1. 教师出示世界地图,问生: What’s this? Ss:It’s a map. T:Yes, it’s a world map. This is a weather reporter. a.T:What’s she talking about? S:Weather. T:Which city is she talking about? Do you know? S:Sydney.. T: What’s the weather like in Sydney? (师出示句子的卡片S: It’s hot in Sydney. T: Yes. It’s hot and sunny in Sydney. 师板书sunny并教读单词,生跟读,小组读,个读。做对话练习:Is it sunny in Sydney?用Yes./No.作答。(

2. 教师出示新加坡的图片,问: Where is it? S: Singapore. 教师板书该词,同时让学生注意Singapore中的g不发音。T: What’s the weather like in Singapore? S: Cloudy. T: Yes. It’s cloudy in Singapore. 师板书cloudy并教读单词,生跟读,男女生读,个读。做对话练习。

3. 教师出示伦敦下雨的图片,问:Where is it? S: London. 师板书London并教读单词,后师问:What’s the weather like in London? S: Rainy. T: Yes. It’s rainy in London. 师板书rainy并教读单词,生跟读,男女生读,个读。做对话练习并作答。

4. 教师出示莫斯科雪天的图片,问:Where is it? S: Moscow. T: Yes. It’s Moscow. 师板书单词并教读。T:What’s the weather like in Moscow?

S: Snowy. T: Yes. It’s snowy in Moscow.师教读单词Moscow,生跟读,小组读,个读。做对话练习并作答。

5. 教师出示北京的图片,问:Where is it? S: Beijing. T: Yes. It’s Beijing, the capital of China. 师板书北京后生跟读一遍即可。T: What’s the weather like in Beijing? S: Windy. T: Yes. It’s windy in Beijing. 教师板书单词windy并教读,生跟读,小组读,个读。做对话练习并作答。 6. Look at these words, read and think.

共同点:每个形容词都以y结尾,发/i/音。 (二)听音正音

Listen to the tape twice. The first time, just listen and point. The second time, listen and repeat. 1. Listen,point and animate. 2. Listen and repeat. (三)合作学习

Practise these words in groups, one reads, the others point, then exchange. Step 3 Practice

1. Let’s do a guessing game. Which word is suitable for each picture? 2. Let’s play 通过学生拿不同的卡片来开展对话, Step 4 Production

1.Be a weather reporter and report the weather of China.

教师出示中国地图,T:What is it? S: 中国地图。T: Yes, it’s a map of China. Talk about the weather in groups and then show your weather report. 让学生选3-5个不同的城市,用不同的形容词来对该城市展开表达,教师先做示范,小组内讨论后汇报。

E.g.: S: What’s the weather like in ...? T: It’s....

2.Make a dialogue in groups, then give a report.

This is the weather report. It’s ........ in .........It’s ........ in .......... 找两三组学生做类似的练习。

Step5 Summary :What have you learned today? (1) To use the words like rainy, snowy, windy...

(2) To know some places like Sydney, London, Moscow... (3) To ask What’s the weather like in Sydney? Step6 Exercise

Let’s check Which group is the winner? Homework:

Be a weather reporter and report the weather in your city to your parents after class. Class is over.