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发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月文档:专题六 书面表达 分类突破(一) Word版含解析更新完毕开始阅读4180e82d1fd9ad51f01dc281e53a580217fc5050

分类突破(一) 提纲作文





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假定你是李华,是学生会主席。你校将于5月25日至30日在广州沙面举行龙舟赛 (Dragon Boat Race)。请根据以下内容给姐妹学校剑桥中学(Cambridge High School)写一封邀请信。内容要点如下: 1.写信目的;

2.活动时间、地点和意义; 3.回复时间:2017年4月15日前。 注意:


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir or Madam,


Li Hua

构思要点 请写出要点提纲

范文赏析 欣赏并背诵满分作文 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Li Hua,president of our Students’ Union.I am much honored to inform you of the exciting news that a Dragon Boat Race will be organized by our school.On behalf of our school,I am writing to invite all your faculty and students to be the participants and audience of this activity.

The Dragon Boat Race,in memory of the great poet,Qu Yuan,will be held in Shamian,Guangzhou,from May 25th to 30th.Not only will it enrich our campus life but also greatly motivate our passion for Chinese culture.Additionally,it’s a precious opportunity to promote the interaction/friendship between the two schools.

I would appreciate it if you could be our distinguished guest of this activity.And hopefully,we can receive your reply by April 15th,2017.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely, Li Hua 作文升级 依据括号内提示改写满分作文 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Li Hua,president of our Students’ Union.①I have the honor to inform you of the exciting news(我很荣幸地通知你们这个激动人心的消息) that a Dragon Boat Race will be organized by our school.②I,representing our school,am writing to invite all your faculty and students to participate in this activity(我代表我们学校写信邀请你们全体师生参加这次活动).

The Dragon Boat Race,in memory of the great poet,Qu Yuan,will be held in Shamian,Guangzhou,from May 25th to 30th.③It will greatly motivate our passion for Chinese culture as well as enrich our campus life (这不但会丰富我们的学校生活,而且极大地激发我们对中国文化的热爱;用as well as).Additionally,it’s a precious opportunity to promote the interaction/friendship between the two schools.

I would appreciate it if you could be our distinguished guest of this activity.And hopefully,we can receive your reply by April 15th,2017.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua



假设你是李华,刚结束学校安排的“加拿大之旅”返回福州。请给你在加拿大时接待家庭的主人Johnson夫妇写一封信,主要内容包括: 1.你已安全返回福州; 2.感谢他们的盛情款待和照顾; 3.希望他们有时间来福州游玩。 注意:


2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mr and Mrs Johnson,

Best wishes!

Yours truly,

Li Hua

构思要点 请写出要点提纲

范文赏析 欣赏并背诵满分作文 Dear Mr and Mrs Johnson, I’m writing to tell you that I had a safe journey back to Fuzhou.Thanks to your hospitality,I had a wonderful time in Canada.

It was my first time to go abroad and I was naturally a bit nervous when I first arrived.The first time I saw you at the airport,I knew from your warm smile that everything would be all right.With your help,I visited so many places of interest in Canada,of which I have good memories.In addition,what has impressed me most is your motherly care when I was ill,which made me feel at home.

I hope someday you will come to visit Fuzhou and I can return your kindness. Best wishes! Yours truly, Li Hua

作文升级 依据括号内提示改写满分作文 Dear Mr and Mrs Johnson,

I’m writing to tell you that I had a safe journey back to Fuzhou.Thanks to your hospitality,I had a wonderful time in Canada.

①It was the first time that I had gone abroad (这是我第一次出国) and I was naturally a bit nervous when I first arrived.The first time I saw you at the airport,I knew from your warm smile that everything would be all right.With your help,I visited so many places of interest in Canada,of which I have good memories.In addition,when I was ill,②it is your motherly care that has impressed me most(你慈母般的关怀给我留下了深刻的印象;用强调句型),③making me feel at home(使我感觉像在家一样;用非谓语动词).

I hope someday you will come to visit Fuzhou and I can return your kindness. Best wishes!

Yours truly,

Li Hua





1.精通英语,大学毕业; 2.教学经验丰富,性格开朗; 3.喜欢学生,工作负责。 注意:



参考范文 Dear Peter,