基于组态软件嵌入式数据库的设计大学学位论文 联系客服

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摘 要


本文就针对组态王软件的数据功能,进行嵌入式的设计。在组态王软件中完成实际的案例工程——井供水监测系统,由于组态王软件支持动态数据交换技术,可以将组态王软件的实时数据传输到Visual Basic中,进行数据分析和监测。组态王软件的SQL访问管理器可以用来建立数据序列和组态王软件变量之间的联系,将组态王软件产生的海量数据传输到了Access数据库中,完成了它们之间的数据交换,并且利用Visual Basic的数据处理功能进行海量数据的管理和处理。最后组态王软件调用Visual Basic的可执行文件,完成了嵌入式数据库的设计。




The Kingview software is one of the domestic configuration software which is welcome in the recent years. The Kingview software includes the corresponding drivers for the most of frequency changers, the board card, the instrument measuring appliance etc. And it enables the user to uses the software quickly and conveniently. The user interface of Kingview software is friendly, and the Kingview software can be improved by using computer software resources. Therefore, the engineers and developers in our country show great favor to Kingview software. But the data function of kingview is a weak point of Kingview software, for example the document of storing data takes the floppy disk a large space, the data format is complex, moreover it cannot achieve the general effect.

This paper aiming at the data function of Kingview software carries on the embedded design. We implement practical case project in the Kingview software——monitoring system of well water supply. Because the Kingview software supports dynamic data exchange technology, it can transmit its real-time data to Visual Basic, then analyze and monitor the data. SQL’s visiting manager of Kingview is applied to establish the relationship between the data sequence and the Kingview variable. It transmits the plentiful data which is produced by the kingview to the Access database, exchanges the data between them, manages and processes plentiful data by using Visual Basic data processing function. At last, the embedded database can be complemented by executing the executable program which is generated by Visual Basic.