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发布时间 : 星期一 文章2016-2017学年人教版初中英语中考英语必考题型真题题型复习二 阅读理解 word版练习题更新完毕开始阅读41f20b8d50e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f53364c9

B. A movie poster.

C. A sports magazine. D. A science report.

Passage 21 (2017原创)

西班牙舞蹈 Spanish Dancing

Spanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.

Place: John Black's Date: July 1-31 Time: 7:30 pm-9:30 pm Tel: 301-2768

Live Pop Music

Enjoy the music from Jay Chou, the famous pop singer. Place: The music hall Date: July 20-22 Price: ¥200-¥250 Time: 8:00 pm-10:00 pm

Shows—Daqian Museum

Daqian Museum has over 1, 000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history! Place: Daqian Museum Date: July 1-August 31

Price: ¥50 (half for students)

Time: Monday to Friday; 8:30 am-5:30 pm Weekends:9:00 am-8:00 pm Tel: 271-1399

1. When can you enjoy Jay Chou's music in the music hall?

A. 9:00 pm on July 23 C. 7:30 pm every day 2. Where is a big show?

A. Daqian Museum

C. John Smith's D. The meeting hall

B. 8:00 pm on July 20 D. 9:30 pm on July 1

B. The music hall

3. If Mr. Wang wants to go to Daqian Museum with his wife and ten-year-old son, how much should he pay for it? A. ¥70.

B. ¥100.

C. ¥125.

D. ¥200.

Passage 22 (2017原创)


Everyone surfing the web has billions of choices on what they can be viewing. And always we can find many different kinds of ads. Some of them are annoying, but some of them are useful. Here are some ads from the Internet. Maybe they are helpful for you.

House For Sale

Century Garden, Shijiazhuang

3-storey house, 509 sqm(平方米) total land area, 428.8 sqm build-in,312.2 sqm garden. Asking ¥13 million($ 1.57 million)

If you are interested in the house, please contact the Housing Center. MP:13861973547 Tel:0311-89609228

Fax:0311-89609728Job Wanted

Cherry, 24, a shining girl, is good at oral English and Putonghua. Now she is working at a trade company in Shijiazhuang. She is kind-hearted, hard-working and healthy. She would like a part-time weekend job offering Putonghua lessons to foreign friends.

Her email address:cherry if@hotmail.com

Qingliang Mountain Ski Park

Price:18 yuan(entrance ticket 门票).

50 yuan/hour on weekdays and 70 yuan/hour on weekends.

120 yuan/four hours on weekdays and 190 yuan/four hours on weekend. Tel:0311-85191617

1. How large is the total land area of the house for sale?

A. 509 sqm.

B. 428.8 sqm.

C. 312.2 sqm.

D. 80.2 sqm.

2. What can a French student do if he wants to learn Chinese?

A. Call 13861973547. B. Fax 0311-89609728.

C. Email cherry if @ hotmail.com. D. Call 0311-85191617. 3. Where does Cherry work now?

A. The Housing Center. C. A post office.

B. A Ski Park. D. A trade company.

4. How much will you pay at least if you want to ski for four hours on weekdays?

A. 138 yuan.

话题四 观点建议类 (3年12考)

Passage 23(2016 滨州改编)


China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem,our government carried out one-child policy (政策) before. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages

B. 200 yuan.

C. 208 yuan.

D. 280 yuan

but also disadvantages.

From 2016, two-child policy is put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy is good. First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Besides the loneliness of their child,when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marries an only child girl, the burden (负担)on their child and his wife is too heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better. Secondly, two-child policy can guarantee(保证)the number of Chinese population.

All in all, one-child policy has been out of date. And two-child policy is needed and necessary. It can solve the problems of nowadays(现在)and the future. 1. ________ has the largest population in the world.

A. America

B. Britain

C. China

D. Japan

2. The underlined phrase “carried out” in Paragraph 1 means ________ in Chinese.

A. 携带

B. 取消

C. 禁止

D. 实行

3. Our government carried out one-child policy before in order to________.

A. solve the population problem B. take care of two old couples

C. share the burden of taking care of their parents D. argue that two-child policy should be put into effect 4. What's the main idea of this passage?

A. Two-child policy is needed and necessary. B. Our government carried out one-child policy.