本科毕业论文:淘宝电子商务网站的盈利模式分析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章本科毕业论文:淘宝电子商务网站的盈利模式分析更新完毕开始阅读422d79b3f021dd36a32d7375a417866fb84ac047









Taobao since May 10, 2003 Since its establishment, in a short span of 6 years, quickly became the first online shopping platform, online shopping in China accounted for about 70 percent market share. \word is the rapid rise of Taobao and eBay to defeat a strong opponent of the \of copper.\When I do not know from the beginning of this emerging retail TaoBao gradual popular among us off. In 2007, Taobao users reach 53 million people, and in 2006 compared to 30,000,000, an increase of 76.7%; Taobao online trading of goods reached 116 million, the number of users on the independent breakthrough 9,000,000. In 2008, Taobao was 99.96 billion yuan in transactions, and in 2007 of 43.3 billion compared with an increase of 131 percent year-on-year, retail sales of consumer goods accounted for about 1% of the total, Taobao quickly become Asia's largest shopping Web site, and began the challenges Wal-Mart, Carrefour and other retail giants.As Internet is becoming more and more popular,C2C electronic commerce of China is developing quickly,too.Although the the market scale and user scale are large,C2C electronic commerce websites of China haven’t found a proper profit mode.Without profit,the websites cannot develop themselves.Based on the profit mode of C2C electronic commerce websites of foreign countries and the features of C2C electronic commerce websites of China,this thesis focuses on exploring proper profit mode for C2C electronic commerce websites of China.

Keywords: C2C; electronic commerce; profit mode


目 录

摘要 ........................................................................ I Abstract ................................................................... II 1 前言 ...................................................................... 1

1.1选题背景 ............................................................. 1

1.2 研究意义 ............................................................ 2 1.3 国内外研究现状 ...................................................... 2 2 淘宝网的概述 .............................................................. 3

2.1 淘宝网的发展历程 .................................................... 3

2.2 淘宝网服务与使用 .................................................... 4 2.3 淘宝网的营销 ........................................................ 5 3 电子商务网站的定义与特征 .................................................. 7

3.1 C2C电子商务网站的定义 ............................................... 7

3.2 C2C电子商务网站的特征 ............................................... 8 4 淘宝网的盈利模式 ......................................................... 12

4.1通过支付宝盈利 ...................................................... 12 4.2 通过开发B2C业务盈利 ............................................... 13 4.3 网络广告盈利 ....................................................... 13 4.4 信息服务盈利 ....................................................... 13 4.5 大力展开内、外部拓展及合作联盟 ..................................... 14 4.6 其他盈利方法 ....................................................... 15 4.7 淘宝盈利模式小结 ................................................... 15 5 总结 ..................................................................... 16 参考文献 ................................................................... 17 致谢 ....................................................................... 18