丙类航海英语机考大三副通用题库(缩小版) 联系客服

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丙类英语机考题库大三副通用 含金量极高 百分之90 第一章 航海基本知识

1 Roll-on\\roll-off ships are equipped with A cargo elevators B conveyor belts C ramps

D derricks and winches for cargo handling 滚装船配备了什么。C

2 Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water for purposes.

A safe manning B trimming

C avoiding collision D preventing pollution

要求允许用泵打出约220吨的干净压载水为了什么目的。B 3 Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day A Third officer B Second officer C Chief officer D Assistant officer


4 Vessel must be duly qualified officers and crew. A.supplied with B.B.equipped by C.C.manned with D.D.fitted with


5 The man in charge of a ship is He is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew. A.Chief officer B.Second Officer C.Third Officer D.Master

负责船舶的人是谁,他负责船舶,货物和船员的安全。D 6 -is the head of the deck department. A.The Chief Officer B.The Second Officer C.C.The Third Officer D.D.The Master


7 the Third officer’s duty is to when vessel is commanded under the pilot or captain. A operate the wheel and stand by

B keep a lookout and operate steering gear C enter telegraph orders in the bell book

D operate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book 当船舶由引航员或船长指挥时,三副的职责是什么。D

8 who must ensure that the emergency lighting and power systems on cargo vessels are operated at least weekly A master

B chief engineer

C deck officer assigned

D engineering officer assigned

谁至少每周云海确保华航上的应急照明和电源系统正常A 9port of registry refers to the port where A the ship has been named B the ship has built

C the ship has been signed D the ship has been registered 船籍港指的是什么港口D

10the port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called A port of call

B port of embarkation C port of destination D port of disembarkation

船员或乘客上船 的港口叫什么B

11the present voyage of my ship began at the port of shanghai after loading 8000tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is A.the port of destination B.B.the next port of call C.the port of arrival D.the last port of call

我船现在的航信从上海港开始装了8000吨货物上船,在香港港卸货后结束,香港是什么港A 12.The second officer will take ___the watch soon. A.on B.at C.off D.over


13._____the morning,from 0800 to 1200,third officer is on duty. A.on B.at C.in D.during


14.You are getting too old for seaman.You'd better _____ a job ashore instead. A.take in B.B.take for

C.C.take up D.D.take over

对海员来说你太老了,你最好在岸上什么工作C 15.I can hardly understand ____ you said. A.what B.B.which C.C.that D.D.who


16.BHP stands for the of the main engine. A.breath dimension B.B.builder's name

C.brake horsepower D.revolutions peer minute BHP代表主机的什么C

17.Who can contact the Designated Person? A.The designated B.B.The captain C.All senor officer D.All officers and crew 谁能联络指定人员D

18.Merchant vessels can operate in there basic ways,but ___ is not one of them. A.liners

B.B.voyage charter C.C.time charter D.D.general carrier

商船以三种基本方式运营,但是下列哪一个不是D 第二章 船舶结构和设备

1.The foremost part of the upper deck is called the ____. A.forecastle B.B.tweendeck C.C.hatches D.D.peak tanks


2.The ____ is the intermediate deck between upper deck and the inside bottom of the vessel. A.forecastle B.B.tweendeck C.C.hatches D.D.peak tanks

什么是在上甲板和船舶内底间的中间甲板B 3.Access to a hold can be obtained though __ __. A.forecastle B.B.tweendeck C.C.hatches D.D.peak tanks


4.The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the _D__. A.forecastle B.tweendeck C.C.hatches D.D.peak tanks


5.Forecastle deck is located in the ship's _A___. A.bow stem B.B.stem C.C.portside D.D.starboard side


6.____A__ provides strength and storage space for fuel,lubricating oil,fresh water,salt(ballast)water and potable water. A.The double bottom B.B.The cofferdam

C.C.The navigating bridge D.D.The superstructure


7.Longitudinal and transverse separations between the tanks,which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into the other,are called __B___. A.double bottoms B.B.cofferdams

C.C.navigating bridge D.D.superstructure


8.___C___contains the wheelhouse with the control station,the chartroom where charts,pilot books and publications are kept,and the radio room.

A.The double bottom B.B.The cofferdam C.C.The navigating bridge D.D.The superstructure

哪里包含有控制站的操舵室,保存海图,航路指南和出版物的海图室,和无线电室 9.___A___is a casing used for exhaust pipes from engines A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley

D.The satellite antenna


10.__D___is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.

A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley

D.The satellite antenna


11.___C___is where delicious food is cooked. A.The funnel

B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 在哪里烹饪每位的食物

12 is where the crew eat their meals B A.The funnel B.The mess room C.The galley

D.satellite antenna 在那里船员吃饭。

13 is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary B A The bulbous bow B The-anchor

C The bow thruster D The propeller


14. is a round -shaped underwater part in the front of the ship .the purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves easily A A The bulbous bow B The-anchor

C The bow thruster D The propeller


15. is placed in the front of the ship under the water .which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at slow speed . C A.The bulbous bow B.The anchor

C.The bow thruster D.The propeller

什么位于水下船舶前端,方便靠泊或慢速侧向操纵。 16.Masts and derricks of cargo ships are made of A A steel B copper C brass D zinc


17.Which refers to the living space for seafarers ? C A poop

B store room

C accommodation D saloon


18.My propeller was hit by a steel barge lying(B) A.ahead B.astern

C.alongside mt port bow

D.alongside my starboard bow


19.Right at the top is ( ) It is 300mm long and 25mm wide with its upper edge in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck. A

A.the deck line B.Plimsoil dise C.Plimsoll line D.summer load line


20.Vertically below the deckline is a circle whose outside diameter is 300mm. It is called the( B) A.the deck line B.Plimsoll disc C.Plimsoll line D.summer load line


21.A horizontal line 450mm long nd 25mm wide cuts through the loadline disc.It is called the C A.the deck line B.Plimsoll disc C.Plimsoll line D.summer load line


22.When a ship is in tropical zone and in seawater os density 1025,she must not load ti mire than the upper edge os the line maked B A.S B.T C.W D.F


23.When a ship is in summer zone and in seawater of density 1025,she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked A A.S B.T C.W



24.when a ship is in winter zone and in seawater of density 1025,she must not load to more than the upper edge of theline marked(C) A.S B.T C.W D.F


25.when the density of water is 1000,i.e.in fresh water and in summer zone,a ship may load up to the upper edge of the line marked(D) A.S B.T C.W D.F

当水的密度是1000,也就是淡水和夏季区,船舶可能装货到标有什么的线的上边缘。 26.( A )length of the ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft. A.length overall

B.after perpendicular C.amidships

D.extreme breadth


27.( C )is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendiacular. A.length overall

B.after perpendicular C.amidships

D.extreme breadth


28.( D )measured at the midship section and taken from outside of the ship’s side shell pialing on one side to the outside of ship’ side shell plating on the other side A.length overall

B.after perpendicular C.amidships D.extreme breath


29.(B)measured at the midship section and taken from inside the ship’s shell on one side to inside the ship’s side shell plating on the other side

A.length overall B.after perpendicular C.amidships D.extreme breath

什么在船中部测量,从船一舷的船壳板的内部量到另一舷船壳板的内部。 30.(A)is tsken from the lower most point of the keel to the summer loadline A.extreme draft B.molded draft C.extreme depth D.molded depth 什么是从龙骨的最低点量到夏季载重线。

31.(B)is measured from the baseline to the summer load line at the midship section A.extreme draft B.molded draft C.extreme depth D.molded depth 什么是在中部,从船底基线量到夏季载重线。

32.(C)depth of the vessal at ship’s side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel. A.extreme draft B.molded draft C.extreme depth D.molded depth 什么是在船侧的深度,从上甲板量到龙骨最低点。

33.(D)from baseline to ton of the upper deck at the ship’s side amidships A.extreme draft B.molded draft C.extreme depth D.molded depth 什么是在船侧中部,从船底基线量到上甲板。 34.The ship has an overall length(C)160 meters A.on B.by C.of D.at 船舶有160米的长度

35.I hereby declare that my vessal has a (D) 15400 metric tons A.bale capacity B.grain capacity C.cargo capacity D.DWTC 兹声明我船有什么15400公吨。

36.The ship has(D)of more than 10metres an full load

A.an engine B.an overall length C.a dispacement D.a draft 船舶的什么在满载时超过10米。

37.(D)is the draft of your ship at full load? A.how many B.how much C.how high D.what 满载时你船的吃水是多少?

38.There are some navigational instrumentss(B) the brige. A.in B.on C.at D.of


39.The ship is lacated on my radar. A A.found B.lookef for C.entered D.reported 船舶在雷达上找到了。

40.(D) is an equipement used to detected the presence of ships,buoys,coast and many other targets and to obtain range and beating of these targets.

A.the matine sextant B.the chronometer C.the echo sounder D.the radar

什么是用于探测船舶,浮筒,海岸和其他目标的存在并获得目标的距离和方位的设备。 41.Radar makes it posssible and much safer for us to sail(A)

A.in dense fog B.in boisterous werther C.in the open sea D.in rivers 雷达使我们在哪里航行变得可能并更安全。

42.(A)is used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles.

A.the marine sextant B.the chronometer C.the magnetic compass D.the gyrocompass 什么用作测量水平和垂直角度。

43.(B) is the navigational timekeeper of the vessal.

A.the marine sextant B.the chronometer C.the magnetic compass D.the gyrocompass 什么是船舶的航用钟表。

44.(D)is a radio receiver with ability to sense direction of the incoming radio waves. A.the echo sounder B.the radar C.the course recorder D.the direction finder 什么是无线电接收机,能检测到无线电波来的方向。

45.(C)provides a paper trace of course steered by the vessal against time.