丙类航海英语机考大三副通用题库(缩小版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章丙类航海英语机考大三副通用题库(缩小版)更新完毕开始阅读424754fa910ef12d2af9e7cf

A. Underway B. Using gearing which extends more than 50 meters outboard C. Using a seine of some type D. Using gear which restricted her maneuverability 对于“从事捕鱼的船”她必须怎样

15. The term power-driven vessel means ___ in these Rules. A. Any sailing vessel with propelling machinery B. Any vessel propelled by machinery

C. Any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propelling D. Any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in use 在规则中,“机动船”一词是什么意思

16. You see anchor vessel approaching and its compass bearing does not significantly change. This would indicate that ___. A. You are the stand-on vessel B. Risk of collision exists C. A special circumstances situation exists

答案:附加题1.1-5CCBAA 6-10DCBDA 11-15CACDB 16-20BDBBA 21-25BCACD 26-30CADCB 31-35CACBB 36-40DDCCB 41-45BAABC 46-47DA

附加题2.1-5DBCDA 6-10DCCBB 11-14DADB