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( 9 )

It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. We had a party and we (1)___________ourselves very much. How tome flied! It was time (2)_____________ us to exchange (交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom to get the presents. When I went into the room, to my (3)___________I found my friend Ben was (4)___________ my diary. It was impolite to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was (5)___________ angry that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit (6)___________ when he found me standing in front of him. I SHOUTED AT HIM. He went out of my room at once and went home without(7)__________ goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Amy asked me (8)____________ Ben went back him so early. I told her what had just happened. She said to me, “Don’t be (9)___________ at him, please. He doesn’t do things like that often. Why not wait and see what he will say to you when we get back to school?” A week (10)_____________, he did say sorry to me at school.

( 10 )

Today is Thursday. I will show my history homework to the class. I will stand in (1)____________ of the class and (2)____________ a talk about California, a state in the US.

It (3)______________ me one week to finish my homework. Will it go well?

I am not (4)_____________at history. last year, I did badly (5)_____________this subject. Now I am very nervous.

I wanted to be the(6)___________to speak. If I went first, no one will think my work was bad. But I didn’t put up my hand. Mary put up (7)_____________. She went first. I quickly put up my hand to be (8)___________.

Then it’s me. I walked to the front of the classroom and began my talk. At the (9)___________of my talk, the class cheered loudly. “I was not so bad.” I thought.. I was (10)___________I put up my hand early.

( 11 )

Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a boy he was not happy in (1)____________ He seemed to be slower(2)_______________others and he often failed in his exams. Most of his teachers (3)______________ like him. His parents, however, loved him very much. They often (4)____________ to the teachers, Albert was a bright boy. He failed in some of the exams(5)_____________ he was not interested in those subjects. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by (6)_____________ river. Someone said, “Look! the other children (7)___________ playing and laughing, but not Albert. He just sits and looks somewhere far.” Albert’s mother heard this and said. “Albert was quiet, because he’s (8)____________. Let’s wait and see. He would became a great (9)_____________, I believe.” She was right. Later, Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) for physics (10)______________1921.

( 12 )

Hi! I’m Kate. I am from Rose Junior Middle School. I like going to school very much. But one year ago I really didn’t like going to school. At that time, I always felt (1)___________ out because I had a test once a week and I had lots of homework to (2)____________ every day. I had to get up at about 5:30 to read English. At noon, I had (3)____________ at school. After lunch I had no time to play and I had to keep on (4)_____________. I often felt tired (5)_____________the afternoon. P.E. was my favorite subject, but we had (6)____________ only once a week. Later our government (政府) began to change the situation. Now I get up at 6:30. And we do morning exercise every(7)___________. Doing morning exercise really helps me to keep in (8)____________ health. I study well in the morning. At noon, we can rest for an (9)__________. I also don’t feel tired in the afternoon. We have tow P.E. classes every week. Now I am healthy (10)____________ get better grades.

( 13 )

Today I had to give a report in my class, and I had been afraid to do so for a long time. On my (1)______________to school, I could feel my heart beating.

I went into Mrs. Owens’ class, She was smiling, and saying hello (2)___________all her students.

“Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked into the (3)______________.

“Hi,” I said and sat in my (4)______________. Then Mrs. Owens started, “Sam, it’s time for you to show yourself.”

I got up slowly and (5)_______________to the front of the class . Mrs. Owens knew I was (6)_____________, so she turned to me and asked, “Sam, (7)_____________did you like best about your report on Hawaii?”

I thought (8)______________the fun things in the report and I started to talk. I talked and talked in front of the whole class, and I was not nervous at all. It was great (9)______________.

In fact, I can do better than I think I can —if I try! I am (10)____________of myself.

( 14 )

Hello, I’m David! I(1)_____________ from Dalian. Last summer, I went to the countryside on a bus to (2)_____________ my grandparents. There I made some new friends. some of them didn’t go to school because their families were very (3)____________. Li Dong and I are of (4)______________ same age. We are both students. He couldn’t finish school, because his parents didn’t feel well and had to look (5)______________them. He told me that he hoped to go back to school, (6)_____________he couldn’t. I felt (7)____________for him . When I got back home, I told my parents about Li Dong. After hearing that, they decided to help him. We raised same money for (8)______________. I sent some books and old clothes to him. With our help, Li Dong went (9)______________ to school this year. My family felt very (10)______________for him.

( 15 )

This morning, when I opened my eyes, It was eight o’clock. I got up and went to the bus stop quickly. After I got on the (1)______________, it started to run.

After five minutes, the bus (2)_____________ because there was something wrong with it. “My school is not (3)___________ from here. I can run there,” I thought.

When I reached the classroom, I was all wet. Mr. Li was giving a math lesson. I’m afraid of (4)______________and I don’t like math.

“It’s you again. I told you not to be (5)_____________, but you…” Mr. Li said to me angrily. He stopped and looked at my (6)____________ clothes. Then he took off his coat and gave it to me.

“Take off your wet coat and (7)_____________ on this one.” he said to me.

Mr. Li’s jacket was too(8)_____________for me. But I felt very warm in it. I found, for (9)______________first time, that math was very (10)________________, and I learned a lot that day.

( 16 )

In Britain the weather never gets too hot or too cold. There isn’t difference (1)_____________summer and winter. Why is this?

Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it’s (2)_____________ island country. In winter the sea is warmer (3)_____________. The winds from the sea bring (4)______________ air to Britain. In (5)_____________ the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.

The winds from the west blow over Britain all the (6)______________. They blow the southwest across the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). They are wet winds. They bring (7)____________to Britain all the year. Britain (8)______________a lot of rain all the year. That’s why the British

people are used to taking an (9)_______________or a raincoat with them when they are going out. And they hate rainy days very much. Therefore, (10)______________becomes a good topic when people start their talks.

( 17 )

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1954. So his parents (1)______________ him “Gangsheng”.

Jackie was (2)____________ only son of his parents. They loved Jackie very much. Little Jackie didn’t like study. He loved kung fu very much. He always fought (3)____________other kids. So his father sent him to the Beijing Opera School in 1960. His teacher was the Master Yu Zhanyuan. The teacher gave him a new name Chen Yuanlou. He studied there from the (4)______________of seven to seventeen.

At the school, students studied hard. They (5)___________ up at five in the morning. They had to (6)_____________ to bed a day. It’s a very (7)____________ time for Jackie Chan. But he also grew up from the hard time. At that time, he began to (8)________________ in some plays.

Now, Jackie Chan is one of the (9)_____________ famous movie stars in the world. His movies are popular with the people (10)_____________are interested in kung fu or Chinese history, Have you ever seen his latedt movie called The Karate Kid (《功夫梦》)?