2018届高考英语大一轮复习规范训练:选修八 Unit 4 Pygmalion 含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2018届高考英语大一轮复习规范训练:选修八 Unit 4 Pygmalion 含答案更新完毕开始阅读427573e27275a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecdd42

“I felt like my mother ruined my communication with our landlord. We could have gotten it done ourselves. She was well intended but only made me feel annoyed and defeated,”says Mary.

Obviously, overparenting is motivated with the idea of doing good things but it does the exact opposite. In the long run parents are actually damaging their child's basic skills to deal with matters independently. It makes the child feel lacking in confidence, less competent in dealing with the stresses of life on their own. They're winning the battle, but actually losing the war.

9.What's the purpose of helicopter parents' overparenting? A.To do something good for their children. B.To make their children not ignored. C.To help their children find a good job. D.To get rid of the pressure from other parents. 10.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Children who have helicopter parents live a hard life. B.Helicopter parenting only happens to very young children.

C. Helicopter parents can protect their children against all problems. D.Helicopter parents do their children great harm in the long run. 11.What will possibly be discussed in the paragraph that follows? A.The bad effects of helicopter parenting. B.How we can avoid being helicopter parents. C.Different opinions about helicopter parenting. D.The reasons for the development of helicopter parents.

12.What is the author's attitude towards “helicopter parenting”? A.Uninterested. C.Positive.

B.Objective. D.Disapproving.

【语篇导读】 本文为说明文。主要介绍了“直升机式父母”的定义,产生“直升机式父母”的原因及危害。

9.解析:选A。事实细节题。根据最后一段第一句“Obviously,overparenting is motivated with the idea of doing good things ...”可知“直升机式父母”过分呵护孩子的目的是想做一些有益于孩子们的事情。故答案为A项。





(2017·河南天一大联考)500 dog owners played the same games at home that researchers use in the laboratory and contributed data to a study of what goes on inside the minds of their dogs.

In one of the games, the dogs watched as their owners hid food under one of two cups. Then while the dog's eyes were covered, the owner switched the food to the other cup. And the owners found that most dogs went to where they last saw the food.

The result has been repeated in seven different research groups and more than a dozen different studies.“Most people think dogs use their sense of smell for everything,” a researcher said.“But actually dogs use a whole range of senses when solving problems.”

The data were collected through a website called Dognition. com that was developed by Brian Hare, an associate professor who studies dog cognition(认知).

Analysis of the unusually large data set created by Dognition. com has also found that all dogs have a unique set of cognitive (认知的)skills that they use to deal with the world around them. Some dogs were found to be good communicators, some had better memories and others were better at taking their owners' perspective.

“Most people think of intelligence as a glass that is more or less full,”Hare said.“But intelligence is more like ice cream. Everybody has different flavors. Being good at one thing doesn't mean you will be good at everything else.”

Hare said these kinds of findings were only possible with the big data sets that citizen scientists were able to offer.

“So much is possible when you have this much data,”Hare said.“I'm looking forward to dog owners answering all the big questions that have puzzled scientists for decades.”

13.What did most dogs use to find the hidden food in the test? A.Memory. C.Ears.

B.Feeling. D.Nose.

14.Dog owners actively participated in the research ________.

A.to entertain themselves B.to test the IQ of their dogs

C.to train their dogs to be more intelligent D.to help find out dogs' problem solving skills 15.What can we infer from what Hare said? A.Intelligence is unique to man and dogs.

B.Dogs use the same cognitive skill to handle problems. C.There is still something about dogs puzzling scientists. D.Dogs use a whole range of senses when solving problems. 16.What is the main idea of the passage? A.Dogs are not as clever as expected. B.Citizens contribute a lot to dog research.

C.At home tests produce findings different from laboratories. D.Problems which puzzled scientists for decades have been solved.

【语篇导读】 本文为记叙文。为了弄清狗解决问题的方法,500名养狗人参与了一项研究。

13.解析:选A。事实细节题。根据第二段最后一句“...most dogs went to where they last saw the food.”可推知在实验中狗是利用记忆力来寻找被藏起来的食物。故答案为A项。


15.解析:选C。推理判断题。A项文中并未提及;根据第五段可知,所有的狗在解决它们周围的问题时都有自己独特的认知技巧,故排除B项;根据文章最后一句可知还有一些有关狗的问题一直困惑着科学家们,故答案为C项;第三段最后一句“But actually dogs use a whole range of senses when solving problems.”与D项相符。但与题干中的“...from what Hare said”不符,故被排除。

16.解析:选B。主旨大意题。根据文章首段、尾段可知本文的主题是很多平民对狗的研究做出了很大贡献,故答案为B项。A项文中并未提及;第一段介绍了500名养狗人用研究人员在实验室中所用的方法在家里给狗做实验,但并未提及在家里做的实验结果与在实验室做的研究结果不同,故排除C项;根据最后一段“I'm looking forward to dog owners answering all the big questions that have puzzled scientists for decades.”可推知一直困惑科学家的问题还未彻底解决,故排除D项。


iPads vs. Textbooks

What if you could have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips?In the first month of the iPads' release, 25 million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for all sorts of different things, but one of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook.____1____

To begin with, iPads are less expensive. Textbooks become outdated and schools have to buy new books, but with an iPad schools can update them for free.____2____Schools don't have to spend $500 every year for iPads because they last a while and can be updated.

3____Students usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks. Heavy backpacks filled with books can cause back problems. A solution to that is an iPad, which only weighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a student's textbooks.

Third, schools should get rid of their textbooks and get iPads because they have more capabilities. Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPads more efficient.____4____Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tap of the fingertip.

Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead of textbooks because these devices allow students to access their learning anywhere at any time.____5____With iPads, they find it easier to get their homework done.

In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads.iPads have allowed this generation to have their entire backpack in the palm of their hands.

A.Second, iPads cost less and are more popular. B.These tablets are perfect for busy students.

C.Therefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.

D.Moreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each. E.iPads have already replaced textbooks in over 600 American counties. F.iPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are found within the device.

G.Schools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.

【解题导语】 本文介绍了iPad的另一个优势——iPad可以在学校充当教材使用。 1.解析:选G。由前文中的“but one of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook”可知,iPad可以被当作教材使用,故G项“学校有充分的理由取消他们的