高级英语高级英语2练习11 联系客服

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25. The republication of the poet's most recent work will certainly _____ his national reputation

A enhance B strengthen C enlarge D magnify

26.If the specific attribute is _____, subsequent generations of offspring can be expected to display it more frequently

A inherited B inhibited C imitated D transmitted

27. For many people, overeating and overspending are _____ as to Christmas as candles and holly

A integral B suitable C inevitable D compatible

28.Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre-literate societies in order to attract good health or to _______ disease

A set aside B ward off C shrug off D give away

29. On the whole, men hold a higher position in society than women, because of this _____, men enjoy more power than women

A status B prestige C talent D dignity

30. Gone is the idea of statement and answer, the symmetrical design that

is so _____ in the music of previous centuries

A prevalent B extravagant C zealous D prevailing

keep clear of cut off from be hostile to hang on draw on be suspicious of to one‘s credit throw away be committed to thrive on drive…to on all counts shrug off safe to say, along with

1. The parents should __________ everything dangerous and harmful __________ their children. 2. He3. They were found imprisonment

4. In order to __________ a nail __________ a piece of wood you have to hit hard. 5. The community

the shipping industry for its survival. all your work; otherwise

and would be sentenced to life

hard work and never complains about anything. Ⅵ. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the box.

6. You must take the exam — you can‘tyou would miss the opportunity to go further. 7. The president admired by the public. 8. It‘s 9. Heon fighting

reforming health care and was greatly

that there will always be a demand for new software. any suggestion that he would resign its base and fall short of substances to keep

10. The army was11. The novelist __________ heavily __________ her personal experience.13. They become

to the idea of change.

of the 1960's brought back wild hairstyles

12. The conservative people are alwaysand boots with mini-skirts. 14.

Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.

Ⅶ.Fill in each blank with a suitable word taken from the list at the head of the group, giving alternatives where this is possible.

sensation sense felling sensible rational reasonable sane

1. The psychiatrists declared that the murderer had beentime of murder

2. We might as well buy the celery, as the price is 3. Betty asked her son to be car.

4. We will do the best we can to train the younger generation because only the young, plain5. The Wangs have taken achildren.

6. The mental patient became more taken effect.

7. We are proud that you have adopted a controversial subject.

8. After the accident when he came to his asked about the safety of his colleagues. 9. When I entered the room, thewas staring at me ill at ease.

10. Unfortunately, after her spinal injury, the old woman had no more

in her legs.

custom habit practice tradition

that everyone in the room

in a hospital bed, he approach to this as the tranquillizer had people are the backbone of our nation.

attitude towards disciplining their

about his demands for the family at the

11. The investigator‘s prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant which might have gone unnoticed in her legs.

12. Do not be a slave to

13. __________ acquired very early will be, in later life, just like instincts; they have the same profound grip. That‘s why people say ―___________ is second nature.‖

of calling on the Queen to of fingering a coat button when

of shaking hands when

by which the

14. In Britain people keep thedeclare Parliament in session. 15. He has formed the speaking in public.

16. The Chinese people have theintroduced for the first time.

17. Many British people abide by the 18. It is Susan‘s

bridegroom places the wedding ring on the finger of his bride. to read a lot of reference books on a variety

of subjects before she begins to write an essay.

19. When studying in a foreign country, we must know and respect the various __________ of that country as social ___________ vary in different countries. usual21. The fine of hard work and plain living must be handed


20. Jim had a small cake and a cup of tea before dinner, as is his down from generation to generation.

22. We are eager to know what is behind the whalers‘discarding the fines.

Ⅷ.For each blank in the following passage, choose the most suitable word from the list of words provided below. Each work can be used once only. Write your choice of words in its proper form in the corresponding blanks in the passage.