新人教版八年级上册unit 1--unit 8 知识点归纳+经典练习题(单词,短语,句子。语法) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章新人教版八年级上册unit 1--unit 8 知识点归纳+经典练习题(单词,短语,句子。语法)更新完毕开始阅读43408c0b657d27284b73f242336c1eb91a3733bc

( ) 5.After the rebuilding, our school is becoming _______.

A. more and more beautiful

B. beautiful and beautiful

C. more beautiful and beautiful D. the more beautiful

A. much larger, that of No.8 Middle School B. much greeter, No 8 Middle School

( ) 6.The number of the students in our school is _____ than ____.

C. more larger, that of No.8 Middle School D. more large, No.8Middle School ( ) 7.Of all the subjects, English is _______ for me. A. interesting

B. more interesting C. the most interesting D. much more interesting

( ) 8.—Many boy students think math is _____ English. --I agree. I’m weak in English. A. much difficult than

B. so difficult asC. less difficult than

D .more difficult than

( ) 9.I’m surprised that John is only 25.I thought he was _____ ,for he seems to be in his thirties. A. old B. older C. young D. younger ( )10.It’s much ______ to have a small lovely room than a big cold one. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )11.—What do you think of his new design(设计)?

--It’s of even______ practical value(实际价值)than old one. He’s just a bookworm (书呆子)!

A. greater B. great C. less D. little ( )12.—What do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei?

--Wonderful. I think it is ____ than the other films about youth in recent years.

A. the best B. the worst C. much better D. much worst ( )13.—Jack,how are you feeling today?

--Much____. I think I can go to school tomorrow.

A. better B. worse C. brighter D. weaker ( )14.Taking the bus in Beijing is___________ than taking a taxi. A. more cheap B. much cheaper C. a little cheap D. less cheaper ( )15.Tony is not as clever as Lucy,but he works _____ than her.

A. hard B. harder C. harder D. the hardest


第17&18页 新单词学习

1.友好的;爱交际的;外向的(adj.)________ 比较级

2.(good和well的比较级)较好的(地)更好的(地)_______比较级 3.喧闹地;大声地;响亮地(adv.)________比较级_______________ 4.轻声地;轻柔地;安静地(adv.)________比较级________ 5.工作努力的;辛勤的(adj.)___________比较级 6.极好的;了不起的(adj.)比较级 7.清楚地;清晰地;明白地(adv.)_比较级 8.比赛;竞赛(n.)动词形式 9.哪一个;哪一些(pron.&adj.) 10.获胜;赢;赢得(v.)名词形式

11.补过;可是;然而(adv.)虽然;尽管;不过(conj.)(同义词) 12.写出下列形容词的副词形式:

loud_________ quick________ slow_________ quiet________ clear 第17&18页 重点短语巩固 1. 两个都_______________ 7. 唱得好_____________ 2.努力学习,努力工作_______________ 8. 跑得快_______________ 3. 和……一样_______________ 9. 比……更清晰___________ 4.过得愉快__________________________ 10. 过得愉快_______________ 5. 比……更外向_______________ 11. 唱歌比赛_______________6. 一样努力____________ 1b 听力原文词组:

1. 和……不一样_____________ 2. 看上去相似_______________ 3. 跳得更高__________ 4. 起得更早_____________ 5. 比我更聪明______________ 6. 更勤奋

7.学习一些新东西 8.最重要的事情 9哪一个


1. Is paul taller than Jim?(作肯定回答) ________,__________ ___________. 2. Tara is smarter than Lisa.(给为同义句) Lisa isn’t _________ _________ as Tara. 3. Tom is funny. Tim is funnier.(合并成一句) Tim is _________ __________ Tom 第19页练习


1.People who like to go to parties are (爱交际的). 2.---How was the party last week? ----It was __________(极好的).Everyone had a good time. 3.Your idea is good, but my idea is __________(更好)

4.Larry __________ (赢)a toy car in the game and he liked it very much. 5.---Do you like the singing____________(竞赛)yesterday? ---Yes, it was great. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. .This movie is________________ (interesting)than that one. 2. Lisa practiced a lot and wanted ______________(win). 3. I play the guitar_______________(good) than my cousin. 4. Who has _________(many)friends, Lin Tong or Lin Ning?

5. My best friend is ____________________ (popular) than me at school. I want to be as __________(popular) as him. 三 单项选择。

1.——Who is Lisa? ------The one________ big eyes.A. in B. with C. have D. has 2.Look, that is Liu Hua. Liu Hua`s hair is shorter than_________ .A. me B I C. my D. mine 3.Bill is a(n)______ boy, so he has lots of friends.A .tall B. serious C. quite 4. I`m outgoing ,but my best friend is __________ than me.

A.a lot more outgoing B.much outgoing C. a little outgoing D.outgoing 5.I can`t hear you _________.Can you speak __________?

A. clear ; loudly B. clearly; loud C. clearly; loudly D. clear; loud


1. Liu Mei is taller than Liu LI.(改为同义句)Liu Li is ________ _________ Liu Mei.

2. Bill`s hair is short. It`s straight.(合并为一句)Bill is a boy _________ __________ _________ hair. 3. The book is different from that one. (改为同义句)The book isn’t the _________ as that one. 第20页 新单词学习

1.有才能的;有才干的(adj.)_______----(n)_______ 2.真正;确实(adv.)________(adj.)____________ 3.在意;担忧;关心;(v)________4.笑;发笑;(v.)笑声 (n.)_______________ 第20页 重点知识学习

1. talented________ talent ________ be talented in 有音乐方面的天赋 ①He is talented in singing. ②She is a talented musician.

2… is good at sports……擅长运动,at 为介词,其后接名词,代词或动名词。 be good at…/do well in 擅长……;在……方面做得好 He is good at English. I`m good at swimming.

3…truly cares about me……确实关心我。

D. outgoing

true (形容词)-- (名词)--____________(副词)意为真正;确实,常位于连系动词,情态动词或助动词之后,实义动词之后。

1)He is_________(true) happy.2) I ________(true) want to go home.

3) This is a ___________ (truly)story.4)How do we know you`re telling the ____________? 4.care about 关心; 在意

Your mother truly _____________ you.你妈妈确实很关心你。

1)take care= be careful _______________ not to fall into the river.当心不要掉进河里。 2)take care of 意为照顾;照看相当于look after You should ______________ yourself.

5. make me laugh 让我发笑 make sb. do sth.

The teacher made me ___________ this difficult question.(answer)

6. both 意为 ―两者都‖单独使用时,通常位于连系动词,助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。 They are ______ good swimmers.We ________ like playing basketball. 7. both……and……._______________ eg1)Both Sam and Tom can play the drums. 2)Both you and I were wrong. 3)He can speak both English and Chinese.

第21页 新单词学习(一)

1.严肃的;稳重的(adj.) _______ (比较级)_______ 2.必要的;必需的(adj.)________ -----(比较级)___________ 3.镜子(n.)________- _4.小孩;年轻人(年)________

5.两个;两个都(adj.& pron. )________6.成绩等级;评分等级(n)________

7.应该;应当;可以(modal v.)_______8.谚语;格言;警句(n.)______________ 9.伸手;到达;抵达(v.)____________10.手(n.) 第21页 重点知识学习

1.My mother told me a food friend is like a mirror.

Like 此处为介词,意为―像,和…….一样‖,其反义词为unlike 意为不像,和……不同 be like /look like(看起来)像 eg Our class ________ a big family. May __________ _________ her mother

3.I’m shy so it’s not easy for me to make friends. 我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。

It ’s +形容词+forsb. to do sth.是固定结构,意为做某事对某人来说是……的。It 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。

It`s very important for a child __________ at home alone. (stay) 4…. you don`t need a lot of them as long as they`re good. …….(朋友)不在多而贵在好。

as long as 只要;既然 引导条件状语从句(主句和从句的时态,——主将从现) You will get good grades ______________ you work hard. You can leave here _______________ you tell the truth. 第21页 重点短语巩固

1.像一面镜子 2.对…….认真 3.只要;既然 4.与……不同 5.使显现出;使表现出 6.和……相同