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2,103 female nurses they surveyed were obese(肥胖的), citing job stress and the effect on sleep of long, irregular work hours as the cause.

The study, which measured obesity using estimates of body mass index(体质指数), found that nursing schedules affected not only the health of the nurses but the quality of patient care. “Health care professionals are often involved in providing advice or care to patients that relates to things that aren?t totally under control in their own lives. It?s not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco,” said Dr. David Katz, the director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center.

Keith-Thomas Ayoob, associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, said nurses are just as susceptible to health problems as the rest of society.

“Before we were health professionals, we were real people. Just because we became health professionals doesn?t mean we stopped being members of regular society with all the problems that go along with it. It illustrates that knowledge alone isn?t always enough to produce behavioral changes,” said Ayoob.

The same is true with smoking, Ayoob said.

“We all know smoking is bad. It doesn?t matter if you?re a doctor or a nurse or a plumber. You might assume that your interest in health would be higher if you were a health professional, but a lot of doctors and nurses smoke,” said Ayoob.

“Nurses need to understand the importance of taking care of themselves before patients or their families,” Ayoob said.

To combat the high obesity rate among nurses, Kihye Han, the author of the study, proposed more education on good sleep habits, and better strategies for adapting work schedules. She also called for napping at work to relieve sleep deprivation(睡眠不足), reduce fatigue and increase energy.

11. One of the causes of the high obesity rate among nurses is _______. A. heavy smoking C. less education

B. nursing schedules D. unhealthy food

12. By saying “It?s not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco”, Dr. David Katz wants to tell us _______.

英语试题 第5页(共14页)

A. health care professionals eat well B. doctors and nurses usually don?t smoke C. health care professionals wear different uniforms

D. doctors and nurses don?t necessarily have healthy behaviors

13. The underlined words “susceptible to” in Paragraph 4 probably mean _______. A. easily influenced by C. highly sensitive to

B. closely connected with D. very doubtful about

14. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. nurses need more professional training B. nurses need some help to control weight C. doctors don?t have obesity problems D. doctors often give useless advice

15. What might be helpful to solve the problem of high obesity among nurses? A. More sleep. C. Higher income.

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

A new study shows an astonishing number of people are using their cellphones on the john(盥洗室). From web browsing and texting to conference calls and online shopping, it seems this technology-driven world leaves no time for bathroom breaks.

11mark, an integrated marketing agency, surveyed 1,000 American mobile users in October. Seventy-five percent of them admitted they used their phones while on the toilet—leaving no mystery as to what happens behind closed stalls.

And this doesn’t just account for the technology-addicted youth. Forty-seven percent of mobile users from the Silent Generation (born 1946 or before), 65 percent of Baby Boomers (1946-1964) and 80 percent of Gen X-ers (1965-1976) use their cell phones in the bathroom. But as expected, Generation Y has the highest percentage of multitaskers, using their phones and the john at the same time.

Did the same percentage of Gen Y wash their hands afterward? Ninety-two percent of those

英语试题 第6页(共14页)

B. Tighter schedule. D. More exercise.

surveyed reported they washed their hands after using the restroom (perhaps all those “You must wash your hands before returning to work” signs have started to pay off). But unfortunately the same cannot be said for their mobile devices—only 14 percent wash their phones after using the bathroom. Maybe this calls for a new-age health initiative, requiring public restaurants to change their signs to “You must wash your hands—and your phone—before returning to work.”

And for many, toilet talking and texting was not a just one-time thing, used only in the most dire(急迫的)circumstances. Twenty-four percent of mobile users reported they actually don’t go to the bathroom without their phones.

In a world where you can’t even have a moment of solitude(独处)on the toilet, one is forced to wonder, isn’t anything sacred anymore?

16. The passage is mainly about _______. A. a survey on how people use their mobile phones B. the different ages and percentages of mobile users

C. whether people wash their hands and phones after using the bathroom D. how technology-driven world influences bathroom breaks

17. We can learn from the passage that what happens in the bathroom used to be regarded as _______. A. funny

B. enjoyable

C. ridiculous

D. mysterious

18. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. the older people are more addicted to technology B. the younger people are better multitaskers

C. technology has the same influence on different people D. technology has a destructive power

19. The underlined words “pay off” in Paragraph 5 probably means _______. A. deserve nothing

B. cost much

C. influence people

D. go unnoticed

20. What is the tone of this passage? A. ironic

英语试题 第7页(共14页)

B. humorous

C. optimistic

D. doubtful

Format II

Directions: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For questions 21—25, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of the gaps. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet.(10 marks)

This year the world?s population ticked over to 7 billion. 21) _______ They forecast dramatic changes unless significant steps are taken to control population growth. Here are some challenges a population of 7 billion must confront.

Water is probably going to be the first real threat that we bump into. Access to fresh water becomes incredibly difficult. We?re seeing the impacts of overuse of water resources and that sort of pressure mounts as the world population increases. 22) _______

What we?re putting into the atmosphere is going to lead to changes that haven?t been seen in millions of years. As the whole world warms up, a lot of places become very unpleasant to live in. 23) _______ We have to find less polluting sources of energy and be much more careful in the way that we make use of the remaining non-renewable fuels we’ve got. If we continue to tap the resources to meet the immediate economic demands, the supplies will run out in time. We still can’t imagine that one day we have to run the world from renewable energy resources.

24) _______ We?ve got some major health problems with the medical services to actually attack the diseases of old age. But the real problem is that the world population is growing fastest in the developing countries. How can we cope with a double of the population when they’re already dirt poor and only just getting enough to live on? 25) _______ Is it all doom and gloom(前景暗淡) as the experts suggest, or do we have a brighter future?

A. Challenges range from water shortages to rising sea levels. B. Experts have painted a depressing future for life on Earth.

C. All countries in the world will face the challenge of population ageing. D. Agriculture, a main consumer of water, may have to change its whole structure. E. If we hang on to them for a little bit, they?ll get more and more valuable in the future. F. The challenge of meeting the food needs of its ever-growing population is enormous. G. There will be much hotter temperatures, summer-time heat stress and rising sea levels.

英语试题 第8页(共14页)