2018-2019学年上海市金山区九年级英语一模试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018-2019学年上海市金山区九年级英语一模试卷更新完毕开始阅读435c70fdfd4ffe4733687e21af45b307e971f94b


85.根据句子成分,此处缺动词,再根据句意“Jack已经和Sam的学校安排好让他休息几天。在他能飞之前,他必须先去 。”,应该是训练,填train。

86.根据句子成分,此处缺动词,再根据句意“他还学会了如何在没有重力的情况下移动,让自己 在地面上。”,所以是保持,填keep。

87.根据句子成分,此处缺形容词,再根据句意“Sam感到非常 ,因为他不知道起飞后会发生什么。他和另外两个人以及一名教练在一起。”,所以是感到害怕的,填frightened。

D. Answer the question (根据以下内容回答问题)(12分)

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter. He developed a way of painting called abstract art. This art uses colours, shapes and lines. He had many ideas about colour. He believed that colours communicated certain qualities and that the colours that surround us have a powerful influence on us. Most of us have a favourite colour and this favourite colour makes us feel good, too.

Kandinsky thought that yellow was a warm exciting colour that could make us feel happy. In comparison, blue was a peaceful colour that could make a person feel more relaxed. The colour green brings peace and stillness and makes us feel close to nature. White he thought was a colour associated with harmony, silence and cleanliness, while black was linked to grief darjness and the unknown. Red can boost our energy and is linked to improving confidence. Orange is a healthy colour with a fun side to it. Schools use bright colours to encourage children to take part in activity and learning.

Age influence our choice of favourite colours. Children like the colour yellow. As children become adults, yellow becomes less popular as a favourite colour. Older people seem to like blues and purples more than reds and oranges. This kind of knowledge about colours can be powerful in advertising and website design. It can have effect on the success of these with their readers. If you are designing a website for children, the colour yellow would probably make it more successful. If you are designing a website for older people, the use of blues and purples would make it more successful than the use of yellow. It would seem that the power of colour is interesting as a subject.

Colours seem to influence more than we could imagine in our lives. It is interesting to note that different colours have different meanings in different cultures. Red is often thought of as the colour of danger, love and passion (激情)in the West. In China, red represents good luck, South Africa, it is the colour associated with death. In Western cultures, black is the colour associated with death, while in Japan, white is the color of death. Purple is the colour of death in Thailand, but in the West, it is the colour of royalty, wealth and luxury. 88. Who developed a way of painting called abstract art?

89. Did Wassily Kandinsky believe the colours that surround us have a powerful influence on us? 90. According to Kandinsky, if you want to be relaxed, what colour would you choose? 91. Why do advertising and website design use different colours for different readers? 92. How can a website attract older people more according to the passage?

93. “Red is often thought of as the colour of danger, love and passion in the West.” Which one of the three ideas do you agree with here in China? Try to give an example.


88. Wassily Kandinsky. (did./did it./developed a way of painting called abstract art.) 89. Yes , he did.


90. I would choose (the colour) blue./Blue.

91. Because they/different colours can have effect on the success (of these) with the readers. 92. By using blues and purples.

93. I agree/also think that red means love, because when we give others presents, we often use red packets. (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.) 【分析】

88. 根据第一段第一句话和第二句话。 89. 根据第一段第五句话 90. 根据第二段第二句话 91. 根据第三段第六句话 92. 根据第三段第四句话 93. 开放题。

VII. Writing (作文) (共20分)

94. Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “I am no longer a little child ” 以“我不再是一个孩子”为题写一篇至少60字的短文。

背景:如今, 我们的父母一方面对我们百般呵护, 一方面又时常抱怨我们长不大。 请给你的父母写一封信, 证明你不再是一个孩子了 (开头和结尾已经给出,不计入字数)。

The following is for reference only (以下表达和图片仅供参考)

※ used to ※ make me ※(be)full of

(注意:信中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) 【答案】

I am no longer a little child Dear parents,

As a junior three student, I think I have grown up and I’m no longer a little child. In the past, I always asked you to do something for me and never thought about whether you were tired and busy. But now I can do almost everything myself and even help you do the housework. I used to be shy but now I can talk to the strangers. In a word, I am no longer a little child. Thank you for always caring for me. Yours Linda