2016高考天利38套英语11湖北省七市(州)高三联合考试 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2016高考天利38套英语11湖北省七市(州)高三联合考试更新完毕开始阅读435d21a6eff9aef8951e060f

and parental duties.

“It's very sad when I see clients(当事人)who have been laid off show that work was the centre of their lives and they have no hobbies to turn to for support,”Gail says.“Entertainment gives us rest and a fresh perspective,”says Gail,who notes that lots of creative ideas appear when people take a break and listen to their intuition(直觉).

Danielle,blogger,made her blogging hobby a career a few years ago,and in the meantime found a hobby she never expected to get into:clothing design.“Having a hobby,especially a creative one,has positively impacted not only my work life,but my personal life as well,”Danielle says.“The trick,”she says,“is to find out where you are spending time doing things that aren't fulfilling to you and taking that time to do something you love instead.”

“Learn to be an expert public speaker so you can give better presentations at work;start a scrapbooking(剪贴本)with your kids so you can spend time with them and be creative…”Danielle offers.

Gail also suggests developing a hobby that promotes socialization with friends.This is an opportunity to become part of a powerful support system,which is important for emotional health.At the very least,it's a good way to chat with a golf friend while walking the course and forgetting a long day at work.

55. What do the underlined words in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Quit one's career to pursue one's hobby. B. Struggle to a balance between work and family. C. Prevent us from taking up our hobby. D. Attach more importance to work than family. 56. What do we know about Danielle? A. She makes a living by writing blogs. B. Designing clothes is her career.

C. She supports her family by being a public speaker. D. She spends time doing what she has no interest in. 57. What does the last paragraph imply?

A. It's our responsibility to socialize with others. B. Developing a hobby is very important. C. Our feelings are determined by our hobbies. D. We benefit from a hobby of talking with others.

58. According to the passage, the benefit a hobby brings is that .

A. we can concentrate more on our jobs B. we can enjoy ourselves in the wild C. we can think in a more creative way D. we can avoid being laid off


“Selfie”may have been named Oxford Dictionary's word of 2013. In effect,so widely known has the selfie become that in the past 12 months,its frequency in the English language has increased by 17000 percent,said Oxford dictionaries.However,its populanty has just eamed it another honour-being voted the most annoying and overused term of the past 12 months. But I'd like to offer that maybe it isn't so bad.

According to the Oxford online dictionary, selfie is a photo that one takes of oneself, often from a smartphone, and send them to a social media website. Women and men alike decorate their Facebook and Twitter accounts with these pictures, sometimes with exaggerated facial expressions,such as large smiles or puckered lips(噘嘴).

Let's think about it.Someone takes about 10 selfies each time they do,and they only end up posting one or two of those.They pick the one that they feel makes them look the best. Isn't that beautiful? In that one picture,somebody has given himself or herself confidence. Self-image is vital. In today's society,we are so crazy about being perfect.But perhaps,with that one selfie,we feel as if we fit that need.We feel handsome,beautiful,confident,smart,happy,and content.For that moment,everything bad or terrible that has ever happened to us seemed to have been erased,for that smile or that pucker is what gives us the determination to love ourselves.

A spoken-word poem I saw lately set me thinking:If I ask you what you love,the answers will most likely roll of your tongue.You love to read.You love to write. You love birds,music…your mom,your brother,your sister,your daughter,your best friend,your dog.How long do you think you could go on and on before you said,“I love myself.”?

The poem hit me like a ton of bricks.I've struggled with confidence all of my life.And I still do.And in no way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway to that confidence.However,the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.Just as Pamela Rutledge put it,“There are many more photographs available now of real people than models.” 59. What can we learn about selfie in the first two paragraphs?

A. It is an honorable photographer. B.It is an annoying online dictionary.

C. It is the most popular term in 2013. D. It is a useful tool to decorate websites. 60. According to the writer,we live in a society where . A. being perfect is highly valued B. selfie leads to success

C. one's poor performance can be erased D.a good image decides one's status 61. The spoken-word poem mentioned in the 4th paragraph implies . A. our need to love people around us B.our tendency to ignore ourselves C. our pleasure to enjoy beauty D. our real love to share with others 62. In the writer's opinion, selfie A. is an annoying phenomenon on the Internet B. is merely popular among teenagers C. tells the true meaning of life

D.brings about people's sense of confidence


Electricity bills can be highly expensive and the power we consume comes at an even greater cost to the environment when you consider that over 85% of the electricity produced in the United States comes from fuels. Whether you're concerned about cleaning up the environment or you simply want to reduce your electricity bill,residential wind power generators(发电机)could be a solution.

Producing wind.power at home will not work for everyone.If you live in a over-populated residential area,there may be certain laws and zoning requirements that prohibit the use of windmills(风车).If you live on 1 acre of land or more, you probably won't have any issues but you should investigate carefully to make sure that wind power generators are both legal and practical where you live. Even if there are no laws or regulations prohibiting wind power generators you still need to be in a location that gets enough wind on a regular basis.

Some producers of wind generators recommend that you live in an area with wind speeds that average at least 10 mph. Newer models have been developed recently that can operate with wind speeds as low as 4 mph but maximum efficiency is achieved at higher wind speeds. Before you fix a wind powered system, you will have to determine your power requirements. Will you be usingit to charge a small battery for a boat or vehicle or will you need enough power to run your entire household and be completely off the grid(电网)?Once you know what your power requirements are,you can start shopping around for a system that can meet those needs.

Wind power generators are a great solution for a lot of people.They're an ideal solution for remote locations where it would be impractical or simply too expensive to tap into the grid.They are quiet and totally clean,producing no pollution.They require no fuel and very little maintenance.

Residential wind power offers a lot of benefits but it's not for everyone.You'll have to have some money up front to pay for the system and equipment;however,you could save quite a bit of money if you're able to do much ofthe work yourself.You'll also need to live in an area that gets enough wind to make the equipment worthwhile.You'll need to do your homework before you make a purchase but,wind power generators could be a great solution for producing clean, low-cost energy.

63. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A. Electricity bills can be highly expensive.

B. Most of the electricity in the US comes from fuels.

C. Residential wind power generators are useful and necessary. D. Generating electricity does harm to the environment. 64. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Wind power generators are an ideal solution for everyone B. You can place wind power generators wherever you want. C. Wind power generators are affordable to most families. D. .Wind power generators enjoy a lot of benefits.

65. What attitude might the writer hold towards residential wind power generators? A. Supportive.. B.Negative C. Skeptical. D. Cautious. 66. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Ways of Fully Using Wind Power B. How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill C.Altemative Solution-Wind Power D. Function of Wind Power Generators


Imagine you've had a fight with your best friend. It's a stupid fight,something you will both get over.But right now you are upset.When you walk in the door,your mom asks what's wrong.How are you mostly likely to respond?Have a long,comforting talk about it with her.Or head to the fridge for the ice cream. But can that really help you feel better—or just make you feel sickeningly full? Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of to satisfy hunger.We've all been there,fuushing a whole bag of chips or eating cookie after cookie while preparing for a coming exam.But when done a lot—especially without realizing it-emotional eating can affect weight,health,and well—being.

One of the biggest beliefs about emotional eating is that it's caused by negative feelings.Yes,people often turn to food when they're stressed out,lonely,sad,anxious,or