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Demetrious: Honey, Don’t worry. I’m yours 亲爱的,不用担心,我已属於你。 Hermia: Oh! Here comes my father 噢,我父亲来了。

Egeus: You! You dare to get far away! I’ll beg the law, the law, upon your head! Demetrious, I’m so sorry!


Demetrious: Don’t say that. Now the lady I want to marry is Helena 别这麼说,现在我想娶的是海伦娜。. Egeus: Is it true? 真的吗?

Lysander: Yes, it is. Please, please let Hermia marry me too, I’ll bring her happiness, I swear.

是的。也请把荷米亚嫁给我吧,我会带给她快乐的,我保证。 Hermia: Oh! Dad! Please, he is really a perfect guy. 喔,爸爸!请答应吧,他真的是个完美的人。

Egeus: Hmmm?, since Demetrious wouldn’t marry you, I will no longer opposed your marriage with Lysander. Now, you these lover, can we come home?


四人:Yes! 好!


Oberon: Look! What the sweet couples they are! 看!他们两对恋人是多麼甜蜜! Titania: I like to see their smiling face. 我喜欢看见他们的笑脸。

Titania: Fairies, come here, in order to celebrate the happy ending, let’s sing and dance! 精灵们,过来,为了庆祝这快乐的结局,让我们来唱歌跳舞吧! Fairies一齐唱歌跳舞 (音乐起)

旁白: And now, if any offended with this story of fairies and their tricks, they have only to think that they have been asleep and dreaming. And I hope no one will be so hard to please as to be offended with this pretty, harmless Midsummer Night’s Dream.


~~The end~~