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At some time in your life, you might have a roommate. It is a good idea to share a flat, especially for students or people who have just finished school, because flats are usually expensive. And m_____86_____is not the only reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be fun.

But life with a roommate can also be a t_____87_____experience. Some experts(专家) did a study of college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their roommates were not happy at school and were more likely to get sick than other students. So, how can you l_____88_____with a roommate and enjoy it? Here is some advice:

Being roommates with a friend can be hard. Friends may be different when you stay with them all the time from when you don't see them very o_____89_____. So, before you plan to share a

room with a friend, discuss the situation carefully.

If you decide to share a room with someone you don't know, talk to each other. It's important to be h_____90_____about your habits and things you hate.

When you move in with a roommate, make rules. Decide how you will share h_____91_____, such as cleaning, washing and shopping. Will you share food? Is it OK to have guests? And what about loud music?

Don't get angry at small things that your roommate does. Try to f_____92_____the unhappy things between you and your roommate. No one - including you- is perfect. 【例2】

A school newspaper The Teens asked over one thousand teenagers how they spent their spare time. Here they report the r_____81_____of the survey. It’s not at all surprising to learn that most teens said they wanted more free time. Most have less than an hour a day for after-school activities.

P_____82_____activity was popular among both girls and boys, averaging between three to six hours a week. Favourite sports among girls

were tennis, basketball and swimming. Boys said they liked football, basketball and skating.

Speaking of entertainment, music and TV were popular. About half of those surveyed said that music was their favourite activity. This i_____83_____both listening to and playing music. TV was also very popular. Three quarters said they preferred watching TV to reading a book or magazine.

Unexpectedly, as many as three out of ten teenagers mentioned that collecting things was something they liked to do in their spare time. They had v_____84_____collections from cartoon books and baseball cards to stickers, toys and coins.

V_____85_____friends was also popular. Eight out of ten teenagers said they met friends once a week. Nine out of ten said they contacted friends through the Internet A_____86_____popular way of contacting friends was the telephone. Everyone we surveyed

said they spoke to friends every day. Most said they spoke about twenty minutes a day. Surprisingly, teenagers s_____87_____went dancing, especially girls. Only one out of ten said they went to the dance regularly.

学法指导 1. 总述

首字母填空既考查学生对语法、词汇、句型、搭配等基础知识的综合运用能力,也考查了学生对文章的阅读理解能力。其中,着重考查学生在具体的语境中运用语言知识的能力,根据文章内容进行合理的逻辑推断和分析概括的能力。一般来讲,在考试中,七个首字母,会涉及到不同词性。以名词、动词、形容词和副词为主,虚词为辅。 2. 解题技巧






文章的展开是按照一定的逻辑关系的,因此在文章中,作者也会使用一些关键的表现逻辑关系联词,例如:but、so、in addition等。这些关键词,可以帮助我们联系上下文展开合理的逻辑分析,了解所提问的特定语境和语篇的内在关系。








Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, loved books. Like many lovers of books, they s_____81_____walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day.

In order to realize their w_____82_____, they started by talking to bookstore owners and researching book business. One figure caught her attention: She had read somewhere that about 20 percent of books sold were mysteries (推理小说), and many buyers of mysteries spent more than $300 a year on books. She and Richard were mystery r_____83_____and had a big collection of such books.

On Halloween 1992, they opened the Mystery Lovers Bookshop and Café near their home. With three children in college, it was i_____84_____for the couple to spend all the family’s money to start a shop. To cover the $100,000 cost, they used some of their savings, borrowed from relatives and from a bank.

In order to a_____85_____customers, Mary always had new ways. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered presents to mystery lovers and served dinner for book clubs that met in the store. She also invited many writers to d_____86_____their stories with the buyers to let them understand the stories better. Now after paying taxes, business costs and the six part-time sales clerks, Richard and Mary together earn about $34,000.