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company is running out of funds and will be in serious trouble soon. 8. 他 那些尖刻的话使我想起了他对足球教练的强烈不满。其实它们纯粹是来自偏见,并使他自己为大部分队友所疏远。


His sharp words reminded me of the strong resentment he feels toward his soccer coach. Actually they come from pure prejudice and most of his teammates shun him for it.

1. 在 图书馆和教室里当你和某人交谈时你并不提高嗓门。事实上,我就从没见任何人在那些地方大声尖叫过。


When you are talking with someone in libraries and classrooms, you do not raise your voice. As a matter of fact, I have never seen anyone screaming at the top of their lungs in those places. 2. 每 天早晨六点半,运动场上已挤满了跑步和做早操的学生。这本身就是一个充满希望的征兆,说明越来越多的学生已认识到身体好的重要性。


By six thirty every morning, the playing field is already full of

students jogging and doing morning exercises — which is in itself a hopeful sign that more and more students have realized the importance of keeping fit.

3. 当 他喊过“该死,西尔维亚”后发现拥挤在餐馆里的所有人都在惊讶地看着他时,他的脸涨得通红。


His face reddened when he found that everyone in the crowded restaurant was looking at him in surprise after he yelled, \Sylvia!\

4. 不 成文的规定比成文的规定更有力地规范着我们的生活和行为。


The unwritten rules govern our lives and behavior more strongly than the written ones.

5. 尽 管比赛很激动人心,但坐在看台上的八万名观众却没有一人离开座位。正如鲍勃·格林所说,那道无形的屏障一直是有效的。


Regardless of the emotion of the contest, none of the 80,000

spectators sitting in the stands left their seats. Just as Bob Green

says, the invisible barrier always holds.

6. 我 认识一个定期给在墨西哥的父母寄钱的农业季节工人。他把这看作是理所当然的(right)事。他常说:“你应该赡养自己的父母,是不是?”


I know a migrant farm laborer who sends money to his parents in Mexico on a regular basis. He regards it as the right thing to do. He often says, \7. 我 们生活在一个由法律、不成文的规定、习俗和传统主宰的社会里,没有它们就会一片混乱。


We are living in a society which is governed by laws, unwritten rules, customs and traditions; there would be chaos without them. 8. 由 于某种原因莉莉没有为法语测试做好准备。但作为一个诚实的姑娘,她决不会在考试中作弊,正如她不会说谎一样。


For some reason, Lily was not well prepared for the French test. But being an honest girl, she would no sooner cheat on an exam than tell lies.