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? 2)The organization has considerable experience //in the design and implementation of programs for capacity-building. 这个组织在设计上有丰富的经验,在能力建设项目上也有相当的实践。

? 3)High priority has been given to increasing cooperation and coordination in human rights activities,//particularly at the field level.


Homework 10

Assignments: Translate:

Read the following passage, which provides background information for the dialog, and then translate the dialog into Chinese.

Bob and Sheila Beckwith have been happily married for eighteen years. They cherished one another, delight in one another and, most of all, trust one another. With their two high-spirited young daughters, the Beckwith seem the ideal family.


Then comes the overseas telephone call. Along-forgotten voice from France reveals a secret so incredible that Bob and Sheila’s marriage may not with stand the shock. 原文:

Husband (H): Honey, I gotta to talk to you. 丈夫:亲爱的,我有话对你说。 Wife (W): Sure. Is something wrong. 妻子:好的,有什么事情出问题了吗? H: Well, sort of. Yes. 丈夫:嗯,有一些,是的。

W: Bob, something in your voice scares me. Have I done anything? 妻子:鲍勃,你声音里隐含的东西吓到我了,我是不是做了什么事情? H: No. It’s me. I’ve done it. Sheila, remember when you were pregnant with Paula?

丈夫:不,是我,我做了一些事情。记得你怀着珀拉的时候吗? W: Yes? 妻子:怎么了?

H: I had to fly to Europe---Montpellier---to give that paper… 丈夫:我那个时候飞去欧洲……蒙彼利埃……为了交文件…… W: And? 妻子:然后呢? H: I had an affair.



W: No. This is some terrible joke. Isn’t it? 妻子:不,这一定是个可怕的玩笑,是不是? H: No. It’s true. I---I’m sorry. 丈夫:不,这是真的。我……对不起。 W: Who? 妻子:和谁?

H: Nobody. Nobody special. 丈夫:没人,不是什么特殊的人。 W: Who, Robert? 妻子:是谁,罗伯特?

H: Her---her name was Nicole Guirin. She was a doctor. 丈夫:她……她叫妮科尔 奎因,她是个医生。 W: And how long did it last? 妻子:这段关系持续了多久? H: Two, three days. 丈夫:两三天。

W: Two days or three days? I want to know. 妻子:两天还是三天?我想知道。 H: Three days. Does all this matter? 丈夫:三天。这很重要吗? W: Everything matters.



W: I thought our marriage was based on total honesty. Why didn’t you ever tell me?


H: I was waiting for the right moment. 丈夫:我是在等待适当的时刻。

W: Moment? No doubt you thought it would be easier. On whom? 妻子:时刻?不用怀疑你认为那样会更容易些,对谁而言? H: I didn’t want to hurt you, Sheila. If it’s any consolation, that’s the only time. I swear. It was the only time.


W: No, it isn’t any consolation. Once is more than never. 妻子:不,没有任何慰藉,一次就够多了。

H: Sheila, that was so long ago. I had to tell you now because---I mean…(and then he blurted out) She’s dead.


W: For God’s sake. Bob, why are you telling me all this? 妻子:天哪,鲍勃,你为什么要告诉我这些? H: Sheila, I am telling you because she had a child.