[解析版]江苏省南通、扬州、淮安、泰州四市2015届高三第三次调研英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章[解析版]江苏省南通、扬州、淮安、泰州四市2015届高三第三次调研英语试题更新完毕开始阅读467ac3d8ba1aa8114531d981

D. putting what they think of into practice 【答案】D


【解析】根据题干关键词Real creative people找到文章对应段落是第一段,其中第一句话的关键词to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and to produce solutions可推断有创造力的人常常将想法与实践相结合。故选D。 59. Why does the writer refer to learning a sport? A. To claim that people are not born creative. B. To illustrate the difficulty of acquiring creativity. C. To prove that creativity begins with knowledge. D. To show the relation between creativity and sports. 【答案】A


【解析】根据题干关键词learning a sport找到对应段落第五段,其中中的最后两句话中的关键词practice可知人们的创造力也需要锻炼,不是生来就有的。故选A。 60. A conclusion can be drawn from the passage that ______. A. creative people are equal to gifted people B. how hard you work decides if you will succeed

C. talent is not as important to creative people as confidence D. parental encouragement plays a key role in developing creativity 【答案】B




并根据文章最后一段的关键句:No one reached high levels of achievement in their field without devoting thousands of hours of serious training可知选B。


Everyone is familiar with white fat, which serves as an energy warehouse. Many mammals also have brown fat, which has the unique ability to produce heat.

Brown fat is sometimes mistaken for a type of gland (腺), which it resembles more than white fat. It varies in color from dark red to tan. When the animal is exposed to a cold environment, the color darkens. In contrast to white fat, brown fat has numerous nerves which provide sympathetic stimulation (刺激) to the fat cells.

Brown fat is most noticeable in newborn animals, wrapped round the central organs to keep them warm. In human infants it occupies up to 5% of body weight, then declines gradually. Certain quantities of brown fat can be discovered in adult humans, especially when they are exposed to cold temperatures. Most of brown fat in adults is located in the lower neck.

Exposure to cold leads to sympathetic stimulation of brown fat cell. As in white fat, sympathetic stimulation promotes hydrolysis (水解) of triglyceride (甘油三酸脂), with release of fatty acids. In contrast to other cells, including white fat cells, brown fat cells express UCP1, which gives the cell’s mitochondria (线粒体) an ability to produce heat rather than ATP. Within brown fat cells, most fatty acids are immediately combined with oxygen in mitochondria and a large amount of heat is produced.

There is only about 50g of brown fat in the neck region and it switches on and off throughout the day as it’s exposed to different temperatures or if you exercise or eat. But this capacity is much greater in young children compared with adolescents and adults.

The challenge is now to use the knowledge to find out what might switch on brown fat. If it is switched on, we can benefit from it. Brown fat produces lots of heat by burning calories. Unlike white fat, brown fat does not expand our ageing waistlines. And that’s why the race is on to find out more about brown fat, and how humans could use it to our advantage, though we would waste energy unnecessarily, and we would sweat a lot and forever be opening windows.


【文章解读】这是生活类知识阅读。文章主要告诉我们体内红色脂肪和白色脂肪的功能。 61. Which is the unique factor of brown fat producing heat? A. Fatty acids. B. Triglyceride. C. UCP1. D. ATP. 【答案】C


【解析】根据题干关键词brown fat producing heat找到文章对应段落是第四段,其中该段的第三句话的关键词brown fat cells express UCP1判断选C。 62. We can learn from the passage that brown fat ______. A. becomes less in amount with age B. proves less active in low temperatures C. exists nowhere but in the lower neck D. has nothing in common with white fat 【答案】A


【解析】根据文章第三段的最后一句话排除B;根据文章第五段的第一句话排除C;根据文章第而段的最后一句话排除D;根据文章第三段的第二句话中的then declines gradully可知brown fat随年龄的增加而减少。故选A。

63. The underlined word “infants” in Paragraph 3 means “______”. A. cells B. organs C. bodies D. babies 【答案】D


【解析】cells细胞;organs组织;bodies身体;babies婴儿。根据前文的newborn判断选D。 64. We take special interest in brown fat mainly because it helps us ______. A. save energy B. develop power


C. keep warm D. keep our figure 【答案】D


【解析】save energy节省精力;develop power培养力量;keep warm保暖;keep our figure保持体型。根据文章最后一段的第三句话Brown fat produces lots of heat by burning calories可知选D。


I do not know Sybrina Fulton. Nor can I claim to understand the depth of her pain. Yet, we share a deep connection. A common feature experienced by those women who face the challenge of raising a Black male child in a nation that far too often views Black male bodies through fear. You see, Ms. Fulton is living my nightmare (恶梦). A constant worry that has stayed in the back of my mind since the birth of my eldest son, some sixteen years ago.

Through the years, I have witnessed the world’s reaction to my son evolve as he has grown from a small boy to a young man. In his early years, his easy smile and lovable character were nothing less than magnetic (有磁性的). Complete strangers would approach him in the street, draw him into conversation, and find themselves easily struck by his lively spirit. Even at that time I worried, how would my son react when in the years to come some of those who found themselves so impressed by this cute, intelligent boy, might grasp their purse tighter as he walked by.

Over the years I have sought to protect his spirit from the hurt that comes from undeserved hatred. I have also sought to arm him with the knowledge that could one day save his life. He knows, for example, that if he is ever pulled over by the police, that he is to keep both hands on the wheel at all times and only reach for his license when the officer is specifically observing his actions. He knows, even in less threatening situations, that rough play and loud interactions with his buddies of any color will be viewed very differently when he does it, than when his white