美国文学史期末考试复习题 联系客服

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一、 名词解释 (交代背景、内容/特点、代表人物/作品) 1. American Realism

2. Black Humor

3. Henry James’s international theme 4. Beat Generation

5. American Puritanism

6. Transcendentalism

7. Themes of Henry James’s writing 8. The Lost Generation


1. What are the characteristics of American romanticism?

2. How is the Darwinian belief in naturalism opposed to the Christian creationist view?

What is the determinist view of existence that informs naturalism? What are the implications of this view on ethics?

3. What are the philosophical foundations and characteristics of American naturalism?

4. What are the important points for Hawthorne’s style?

5. What is the predominant mood in Poe’s poetry? Discuss with two poems as examples.

6. What are the parameters of American Realism?

7. How is Thoreau revolt manifested both in his social actions and his writing? What is the nature of his revolt?

8. The age of American realism is divided into two more periods. What are the periods called? What are the characteristics and who are the representatives of each period?