新编汉英翻译教程(翻译)试题范围 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新编汉英翻译教程(翻译)试题范围更新完毕开始阅读46eda1bef8c75fbfc67db247

1. What is the nature of translation?

? The nature of translation is paraphrasing, or transferring the original

(source language -- SL) meaning to the target language (TL). ? Translation is always meaning-based.

2. What is the most influential and most popular criterion of translation in China? P.3

? pressiveness and elegance (“信、达、雅”) – a most influential and most

popular criterion of translation– that is first advocated by Yan Fu (严复).

3. What is the criterion of CET adopted in this course-book by Chen Hongwei and Li Yadan? P.5/7

? “Similarity in function and corresponding in meaning” (功能相似,语义相

符) is what is adopted as the Criteria of CET in this course-book by Chen Hongwei and Li Yadan.

4.What types of culture are there?

? There are 3 types of “culture” defined by 邢福义, which are: material

culture, institutional culture and mental culture..

5.What kinds of scritpt are Chinese and English respectively?

? Chinese is an ideographic one / ideographic-oriented syllabic script (表意

音节文字) , while English is an alphabetic script, formed by the combination of one or more of the 26 English letters.

6.What is the reason leading to cultural shock, simentically? P.34-

? Simentically, semantic non-correspondence (语义相异) and semantic zero

(语义空缺) are the very reasons leading to the so-called cultural shock .

7.What is text? What are its unique features:

? Text(语篇) is a semantic unit expressing a holistic concept. Coherence(衔

接) & consistency(连贯) are its unique features.


One’s ability falls short of one’s wishes. 9.您的建议我会永远铭记在心。

I will always bear your advice in mind.


Those who gain popularity among the people will gain the power.


The greatest despair comes from a devastated heart. 12.治国/家/病/水

administer a country manage a household cure disease tame rivers


basic wage

capital construction infrastructure

fundamental interest


There is no more space in the chest.

15.费孝通(社会学家、人类学家、民族学家) 在80寿辰聚会上,曾经意味深长地讲了一句16字箴言: “各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同。” Mr. Fei Xiaotong (a sociologist, anthropologist and ethnologist as well) once uttered a significant maxim at his 80th birthday party: “Every country will by rights treasure her own civilization, and if each is willing to cherish that of the other and when all are ready to share with each other their own civilizations, then a truly harmonious world will come into being.” 16.只有冷静才能成功。

Success depends on calm minds.


Complacency is the enemy of study. We cannot learn anything until we rid ourselves of complacency.


That is anything but a building of the Min Dynasty.

19.欲速则不达。 More haste, less speed.


There is no construction without destructionm, no flowing without damming, and no motion without rest; the two are locked in life-and-death struggle.


Animals cannot live without water, neither can plants grow..

22.上海男人聪明、务实,有时也相当圆滑。最令人印象深刻的是,上海男人在事业上有进取心,对家庭有很强的责任感,而且尊重女性。 P.127

Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what impressive most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to their females.

23.在四川西部,有一美妙去处。 它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠、花香袭人,鸟声婉啭,流水潺潺。它就是松潘县的黄龙。 P.132

One of Sichuan’s fine spots is Huanglong, which lies in Song Pan County, just beneath XueBao, the main peak of the MinShan Mountain. It has lush green forests filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams and songbirds.

24.虽然上海男人被戏谑为“妻管严”,但他并不屈从妻子。在与妻子有争议时,他要么保持沉默,要么一笑置之。有时候他会发火,但事后不久,他也会毫不迟疑地道歉。最终他妻子发现,她还是按照他的想法行事。 P.141

Shanghai men are jokingly called “henpecked husbands”. However, they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or smile away the quarrels. And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they lose their temper, which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselves complying with what their husbands say.

25.“长城号”游艇设施豪华舒适,除观景塔、露天观景塔、酒吧间、日光浴室外,佳肴美点,中西兼备,并有宽敞的游步甲板,游客饱览沿途风光,华丽舒适的客房均有空调设备,令您有宾至如归的感受。 P.185

Being a deluxe cruiser to tour the Yangtze River, “The Great Wall” has indoor and open-air observation towers, a swimming pool, a bar, a solarium as well as Chinese and Western restaurants and a spacious deck. All the cabins are superb, comfortable and air-conditioned.