UNIT 7 Beauty 课文及课后练习 - 图文 联系客服

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Ayu: Mom, I have something exciting to tell you。 Mother:What's up?1

Ayu: I’m going to have an operation to get my eyelids fixed.

Mother:What?Are you saying that you're going to get an expensive cosmetic surgery? At a hospital?

Ayu: Well, it's……it's not so expensive,and it's only my eyelids Mother: Only your eyelids?!

Ayu: Yeah. It's not like I'm going to, you know, do anything drastic. I' m just going to fix it so I can look prettier. And Mom, it's my money. I've saved it. I' ve been working to save my money, and I…it's my body. Mother: So that explains it. That's why you’ve been working extra hours. But you're beautiful the way you are. You look great.

Ayu: But,Mom,boys don't see what you see in me. If I look beautiful, then, you know, I'll be approached by more boys. Maybe I'll have a chance 2to get jobs that I wouldn't be able to if I didn' t fix my eyelids. Mother: Honey, you should attract people with your inner beauty. Your personality, your intelligence ---not your looks.

Ayu: Mom, you don’t understand. Boys aren't attracted by your intelligence and your wit. The first thing they see is your looks. If you're not beautiful, they won't approach you at all. Then how are they to know

if you have wit or intelligence? Mother: You can't do this.

Ayu: Mom, I'm doing it whether you like it or not. 3 Mother: I think you're making a terrible mistake.

Make your own dialogue with the substitutes, making necessary changes: 1. What's the matter?/ What is it? 2. an opportunity

3. no matter what you think

Passage A

Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?

Pre-reading questions:

1. How do you understand \? 2. What is beauty in your eye?

Is there such a thing as the perfect face? Is beauty something you can measure?

Recent scientific evidence suggests that the answer is \ A new science, the science of attraction, has come to the conclusion that beauty is objective and quantifiable and not, as the romantics believe, in the

eye of the beholder.

For more than a century, it was thought that a beautiful face was appealing because it was a collection of average features. Using his computer system, Dr. David Perrett of the University of St. Andrews has challenged the theory. In a key experiment, photographs of women were ranked for their attractiveness by a number of volunteers. Two composite pictures were then created:one, the average of all the pictures; the other made from those rated most attractive. Although the faces looked very similar at first glance, a significant number said they preferred the composite of most attractive faces.

\conclusion I reached,” said Dr. Perrett, \that the most attractive shape was not average. If you look at famous film stars and supermodels, most of them have ideal features-----larger than normal eyes, higher arched eyebrows, slightly smaller noses, cheekbones are a little more prominent. Even popular cartoon characters such as Betty Boop, Yasmin from Aladdin and Bambi have big eyes, small turned-up noses, big mouths and small chins. And if these features are exaggerated, the attractiveness rating goes up even more. Julia Roberts is a good example of this.”

But what do scientists make of men's faces? Do men with large eyes, high cheekbones and a small chin have the same irresistible appeal? Researchers were a bit shocked at the top-ranking male face. They

expected it to have the classic square jaw and strong cheekbones, but instead,women seem to prefer men with gentle faces. Although there is more pressure on females to be perfect, research suggests that men and women look for many of the same things: for example, expressive features such as arched eyebrows and a big smile were associated with attractiveness in men.

Dr David Perrett puts forward an evolutionary reason to explain why so many women now swoon over baby-faced stars such as Leonardo Di Caprio and Tom Cruise. Women like a man with a feminine face because he is more likely to have higher levels of the female hormone oestrogen and therefore to make a kinder and more trustworthy husband and father.

But do these ideals of beauty manage to cross cultural boundaries? For instance, in some cultures, lip discs, scars and tattoos are considered to be attractive. Professor Cunningham of the University of Louisville, Kentucky, found that there were only very subtle differences between ethnic groups. For example, Asians tended to prefer faces that were slightly less mature and slightly less expressive, whereas blacks preferred faces that were a little more plump. In other words,although there might be a little truth in the old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, by and large,we all seem to be attracted to the same things.