优秀导学案高中英语北师大版版必修2:Unit5 Rhythm-lesson4 Lets Dance 联系客服

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1. To practice reading a text quickly to identify the type genre

2. To read a text with gapped sentences and be able to complete the gaps using topic, linking and reference clues.

3. To practice vocabulary related to music and dancing. 4. To talk about preferences about music and dancing.

课前 自主预习

I 根据提示完成下列短语

1. 古典芭蕾 classical______ 2. 详细的 in_______

3. 结对跳舞 dance_____ _____ 4. 讲述故事 _______a story

5. 从一代到另一代 from_____ _____________to_______ 6. 在特殊场合 _____special_______ 7. 往返,来回 _____and________ 8. 交谊舞 ______dances 9. 贵族家庭 _______families

10. 第一次世界大战 the_______ _______War III必背句子. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Make sure that the sentence fits in with the sentences before and after in. They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couples. Ballet tells a story with music and actions but no words. Many countries have produced ballets,including China.

They are dressed in beautiful costumes,skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums. In many parts of the country,you can see people of all ages dancing in the street during


7. In the united states, the mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dance, such as

tap dancing.

8. The Argentine Tango was made internationally popular by Carlos Gardel through his songs

and films

课堂 互动探究

§核心词汇 讲·练·悟

1. ordinary (adj.) 意为“平常的,普通的”


①It was an ordinary day today. 今天是很平常的一天。

②The book I have read recently is about ordinary people. 我最近看的这本书是关于普通人的。 辨析:


Common意为“普遍的,常见的;共同的”,指因常见、时常发生而“不足为奇”,因共有而“平凡”,强调共性。短语in common “共同的,共有的”;

General意为“普遍的,一般的”,强调所涉及的面,较少有例外,语气比common 强,多指概念,意见,风俗,习惯,法律,幸福等,与particular相对。 Usual 意为“通常的,惯常的”,多指习惯性的,遵循常规的,一贯如此的。短语as usual “像往常一样”。 应用:

That morning he came earlier that _____,for it was not an ______day.

A. common;ordinary B.ordinary;common C. usual;ordinary D. usual;common 2. generation (n.) 意为“代,一代” the generation gap 代沟 the rising/young generation 青年

①The young generation don’t know what hard work is. 年轻一代不知道什么是艰苦的工作。

②In this way stories were passed on from generation to generation. 故事就是用这种方法一代代地传下来的。 应用:

Traditional festivals were passed down ______.

A. from generation B. generation to generation C. from one generation D. goth A and C 3. type(n.) 意为“类型,种类;具有某种特征的人;类型” (v.) 意为“打字;用打印机打” 用法拓展:

typist 打字员

this type of hat = a hat of this type 这种样式的帽子

all types of 各种各样的...... different types of 达成协议


①That machine is of the latest type. 那部机器是最新型的。

②There are four kinds of tree in the park . 公园里有四棵树。

③He is the sort of person who only cares about money 他这种人一心只想着钱。 应用:

Do you know what ______of blood is yours. A. type B. kind C. types D.sort

4. unique (adj. ) 意为“独特的;唯一的,仅有的,独一无二的” 用法拓展:

Be unique to ... 只有......才有


①The custom is unique to the region. 这种风俗是这一地区特有的。

②This is the unique existing example of Donne’s handwriting.

这是多恩仅存的手稿 应用:

This stamp is______; there are no other like it.

A.unique B. single C. separated D. Ordinary 5. noble (adj.) 意为“贵族的;高贵的,高尚的” (n.) 意为“贵族” ①He is a man of noble mind. 他是一个有高尚情操的人。

②Proud as these nobles are ,they are afraid to see me. 这些贵族尽管很傲慢,却害怕见我。 词性扩展:

nobly(adv.) 崇高地,高尚地 nobleman(n.) (男)贵族

nobility(n.) 贵族(阶层),高贵的品质

6. immigrant 意为“移民的,居民的;移民。


①America has a large immigrant population. 美国有一大批的移民人口。

②Canada has many immigrants from Europe. 加拿大有许多欧洲移民。

migrant(n.) 移民者;候鸟

immigrate(v.) (从外地)移居,移民 emigrate(v.) 移居国外,移民

immigration(n.) 移居(入境);移民人数 §重难句导学

1. They are dressed in beautiful costumes , skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums.他们身着漂亮的服装,和着锣鼓点儿,扭来扭去。

解析:(1)be dressed in 意为“穿着的状态”,后面接表示衣服的名词,in后面还可直接用颜色,表示“穿着......颜色的衣服”。


①The children are dressed in new clothes on Children’s Day. 在儿童节这一天孩子们穿上了新衣服。 ②The woman dressed her baby in a hurry. 这个女人匆忙给孩子穿衣服。

(2)skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums 为现在分词短语在句中作伴随状语。 e.g.

My parents wrote me a letter, telling me to change my job. 我父母来信让我换一个工作。

(3) back and forth 的意思还可以延伸。如果和非趋向性动词搭配使用,表示来回、不断的变化。


early and late 从早到晚地 up and down 上上下下

backwards and forwards 前前后后

here and there 到处,处处 day and night 日日夜夜


①There are many books here and there in his room. 他的房间里到处都是书。

②He worked day and night to pay back the money he borrowed. 他日日夜夜工作来还他借的钱。 应用:

Before liberation many children are forced to work in the factories_______by the bosses. A. days and nights B. by day and night C. day and night D. days after nights

2. popular or social dances often come from folk dances, although they are usually popular for only a short time. 流行舞或交谊舞通常是由民族舞蹈发展而来的,但这些舞蹈通常只流行一小段时间。

解析:(1)句中形容词popular意为“为众人所喜爱的,流行的”,此外,popular还可表示“受某人欢迎的;普及的,大众的,通俗的”,常用短语be popular with sb.表示“受某人的欢迎。


①Mary is a very popular name for a girl 玛丽是个很普通的女孩名字。

②Jeans are very popular among the young. 牛仔裤很受年轻人的喜爱。 用法拓展:

popular music/science 流行音乐/大众科学 popularity(adv.) 流行的 popularity(n.) 普及流行 popularize(v.) 使......受欢迎 应用:

This magazine is very _______with young people,who likes its content and style. A. familiar B. popular C. similar D. particular

3.They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couple. 他们很容易学会,通常两人一起跳。 解析:句中不定式to learn 作表语形容词easy的状语。在句型“sb./sth.be+adj.+不定式”中,不定式作表语形容词的状语,又和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式要用主动形式表示被动含义;若这个非谓语动词是不及物动词,要加相应的介词。 e.g.

①The book is easy to read. 这本书容易读。

②He is easy to get along with. 他这人容易相处。 应用:

He feels his new fellow is hard______.

A. working with B. to be dealt with C.dealing with D.to work with

4. The Argentine Tango was made internationally popular by Carlos Gardel through his songs and films. 阿根廷探戈能够风靡全世界全靠Carlos Gardel 的歌曲以及他的影片。