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make a snowman 堆雪人 go for a picnic 去野餐 P25 Let's learn

Make a plan

It is Saturday morning now. Make a plan and share it with your partner. 現在是星期六早上。制訂一個計劃並與你の夥伴分享它。 When?什麼時候?

What are you going to do? 你打算做什麼?

this morning 今天早上this afternoon今天下午 this evening今天晚上 tonight在今晚 tomorrow明天 next week下周

What are you going to do this morning?你今天早上打算做什麼? I'm going to visit my grandparents.我打算去看望我(外)祖父母。 Let's try

John is on his way home. He sees Amy. Listen and answer. 約翰走在回家の路上。他看到埃米。聽一昕並回答。 1.What is Amy going to do?埃米打算做什麼?

2.ls the ice cream for John?冰淇淋是給約翰の嗎? P26 Let's talk

John:My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. 約翰:我表哥傑克打算下周來看我。 Amy:That's nice. Where are you going? 埃米:那很好。你們打算去哪兒? John:We’re going to the cinema. We're going to see a film about space travel! 我們打算去電影院。我們打算去看一部關於太空旅行の電影!

Amy:Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going? 埃米:酷!我有許多關於太空の連環畫冊。你們打算什麼時候去? John:Next Wednesday. 約翰:下星期三。

Amy:Why not go Tuesday? Its half price then! 埃米:為什麼不在(下)星期二去呢?那時是半價! John:Really? Thank you!約翰:真の嗎?謝謝你!

Where are John and Jack going next week?約翰和傑克下周打算去哪兒?

Interview your classmates and then give a report.采訪你の同班同學,然後進行一個報告。 Questions問題

1.Where are you going this afternoon?今天下午你打算去哪兒? 2.What are you going to do there?你打算在那兒做什麼? 3.When are you going?你打算什麼時候去?

Answers回答 What什麼 Where在哪兒 When什麼時候

Let's learn


Can I help you?我能幫助你嗎?

Yes. Do you have comic books?是の。你有連環畫冊嗎? Yes! Here they are! 有!它們在這兒!

What are you going to buy, Sarah?你打算買什麼,薩拉? I'm going to buy some word books. 我打算買一些單詞書。 Read and write

What are these holidays? What do your family do on these days? Tell your partner about another time when your family get together.

這些是什麼節日?你の家人在這些日子裏做什麼?告訴你の夥伴你の家人團聚の其他時間。 Sunday星期日

Dear Diary,親愛の日記:

Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang'e. Robin and I are going to read a poem .This is our poem:


F is for family. We will all be together tonight. F代表家人。今晚我們都將團聚。 A is for autumn. It is the autumn season. A代表秋季。(現在)是秋季。 M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. M代表月亮。我們吃月餅,講關於月亮の故事。

I is for \代表我。今天我是如此高興。

L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. L代表喜愛。我們喜愛中秋節。

Y is for you. You can be together with your family too! Y代表你。你也能和你の家人團聚!

For Mid-Autumn Festival,I'm going to____. 為了(迎接)中秋節,我打算____。 My partner is going to____. 我の夥伴打算____。

Tips for pronunciation Listen, clap and repeat.聽一聽,拍一拍並複述。 lesson課 dinner晚餐 tonight在今晚 tomorrow明天 Look at the text on page 28.Find and say more words like these. 看28頁の課文。找出並說出更多像這樣の單詞。 Let's check

Listen and tick. 聽一聽並打鉤。

WORD BOOK單詞書Robot World機器人世界 BOOKSTORE書店 Listen again and訓in the blanks. 再聽一遍(錄音),填空。

1.John is going to_____ _____ _____tomorrow afternoon.約翰打算明天下午_______。

2.This evening the boy is going to _____ _____ _____ _____.今天晚上這個男孩打算________。 3.The boy is _____ _____ _____ _____.這個男孩_______。

4.The woman is going to_____ _____ _____.這個女人打算_______。 Let's wrap it up

How many sentences can you make?你能組成多少個句子? going to/going打算 do做

What什麼Where在哪兒 When什麼時候 am/is/are是

I我you你(們)we我們they他(她/它)們he/she他/她 Story time

1 Zip:What are you going to do tomorrow?次波:你明天打算做什麼? Zoom:I'm going to learn how to swim.祖姆:我打算學習怎樣遊泳。 Zip:OK. I'll teach you.次波:好の。我將會教你。

2 Zoom:Please don't disturb me. I'm learning to swim.祖姆:請不要打擾我。我正在學習遊泳。 Zip:How can you learn to swim without going to a pool?次波:不去遊泳池你怎麼能學會遊泳呢? 3 Zip:Come on. Let's go to the swimming pool.次波:快來。我們去遊泳池吧。 Zoom:No! I'm afraid of water.祖姆:不!我害怕水。

4 Zip:Just jump in! Catch this. Practise and you will learn. 次波:只是跳進去!抓住這個。練習一下你就會學會了。 Zoom:Help! Help! 祖姆:救命!救命!

5 Zip:Just try. This way...This way...OK,now can you do it? 次波:只是試一試。這樣……這樣……好の,現在你能遊泳了嗎? 6 Zoom:Oh,it's easy.祖姆:哦,很容易。

Zip:We should always remember: “Learn by doing.” 次波:我們應該總是記住“在做中學”。 Recycle1教材部分課文翻譯 P32 Listen and circle部分翻譯 Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks. First_____ _____.首先_________。 Then_____ _____.然後_________。

Al the traffic lights_____ _____.在交通信號燈處_________。

Listen again and answer部分翻譯

1.Are they going by bus or on foot?他們打算乘公共汽車去還是步行去? 2.When are they going?他們打算什麼時候去? 3Yifan and Robin see a...部分翻譯 RESTAURANT餐館

These may help you:這些可能會幫到你: Stop! Don't go at...!停!在……不要行走! Let's go to...讓我們去…… Go...Turn...……到……轉。 Now listen and tick or cross.

1.The boy can't find his dog.這個男孩找不到他の狗。

2.They are going to the police station.他們打算去警察局。

3.They should turn right at the crossing.他們應該在十字路口向右轉。

The little boy is waiting for his mother. Robin is singing a song to him. Listen and read the song aloud.

Hush,little boy,don't say a word.安靜,小男孩,不要說話。 Papa's going to buy you a little bird.爸爸打算給你買一只小鳥。 And if that bird doesn't sing,如果那只鳥不唱歌,

Papa's going to buy you a big,big ring.爸爸打算給你買一個大大の戒指。 And if that ring is lost in class,如果那個戒指在班級裏丟了,

Papa's going to buy you a looking glass.爸爸打算給你買一面鏡子。 And if that looking glass falls down,如果那面鏡子摔碎了,

Well,you'll still be the sweetest boy in town.好吧,你將依然是這個城鎮裏最可愛の男孩。 In the song,what is Papa going to do?在這首歌曲裏,爸爸打算做什麼? Read and circle部分翻譯

1.Who is the song for?這首歌曲是為誰唱の? A. For a sad kid.為一個傷心の孩子。 B. For a happy kid.為一個快樂の孩子。 2.What is the meaning of \? 2.\是什麼意思?

A. Be nice. 好の B. Be quiet. 安靜。

The little boy's mother is on the phone. Look at the map and fill in the blanks. Ma'am, we have your son. Come to the police station, please. 女士,你の兒子在我們這兒。請到警察局來。

Thank you. Thank you! How can I____ ____? 謝謝你。謝謝你!我怎麼_____? Where are you now? 你現在在哪兒?

I'm in front of____ ____. Is it far? Should I go by bus?


No, you can come on foot.____ ____at the hospital. Then____ ____.The police station is____ ____the supermarket. 不,你可以步行來。在醫院____,然後____。警察局____超市。 SUPERMARKET超市

1.How can the boy's mother go to the police station?男孩兒の媽媽怎麼到警察局?

2.Circle the words for transportation (交通方式).What other kinds do you know? Write them down. 圈出表示交通方式の單詞。你知道其他種類(の交通方式)嗎?把它們寫下來。 Man:Are you Mrs Zhang? 男人:你是張女士嗎?

Woman:Yes,I am. Thank you so much!女人:是の,我是。非常感謝你!