新浙江省高校体育场馆有偿对外开放现状与策略研究888888 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章新浙江省高校体育场馆有偿对外开放现状与策略研究888888更新完毕开始阅读4a50d2da84254b35eefd346c

学校代码 10345 研究类型 应用研究

硕 士 学 位 论 文

题 目: 浙江省高校体育场馆对外开放


学 科 专 业: 社会体育指导

年 级: 体研112班 学 号: 2011213112 研 究 生: 冯坤野 指导教师: 田 里 中图分类号: 论文提交时间:2013年3月23日


摘 要





In this paper, taking 15 colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province as an example, through the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview on the sports venues resource allocation and the paid open investigation and analysis, and based on the results of the investigation, put forward the development strategy for Zhejiang province university sports venues open. The results indicate that, the Zhejiang province university sports venues resource is not rich enough, and the uneven distribution, facility configuration can not fully meet the demand of teaching and the training of students; sports colleges and universities in Zhejiang province paid open mainly concentrated in the badminton courts, track and field, soccer field, basketball court and swimming pool and other facilities, focused on the weekend day sooner or later, on weekdays and holidays, mainly for social groups and individuals to open, the charge is accepted by the masses; most of the students feel the influence of stadiums opening their own, some students think that venues compensation destroyed training atmosphere, open reduction of students training opportunities; people's pay fitness mainly in swimming, badminton, table tennis, but not yet fitness a good fitness habits; Zhejiang Province University Gymnasium poor earnings, the school management idea and the management system needs to be perfected, open sports venues and facility maintenance, security, there is a contradiction between the teaching and training. To colleges and universities in Zhejiang province from raising awareness, strengthening the system construction, professional management and operation aspects, gradually improve paid opening of sports venues in economic benefit and social benefit.

KEY WORDS: Zhejiang province; colleges and universities; stadium; paid to

open to the outside world