鍚夊ぇ銆婂ぇ瀛﹁嫳璇竴銆嬪湪绾夸綔涓氱瓟妗?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章鍚夊ぇ銆婂ぇ瀛﹁嫳璇竴銆嬪湪绾夸綔涓氱瓟妗?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读4a8704dd16fc700aba68fc98

- ____________.

Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day

3.- Did the medicine make you feel better? - No, the more ________, ________ I feel.

medicine I take; the worse

4.He never does his work ________ Mary as carefully as

5. Yesterday was _______ day that we decided to go swimming such a beautiful


1.- How are you feeling? - Much better. ______.

Thanks for coming to see me

2. Important as his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time

3. Do you know the reason_why there are so many strangers in the hall? 4. I must work hard, I'll fail in the exam or

5. Mr. John was busy, ________ he could not come therefore.