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bees dance around to send messages to each other and the ways dogs bark (犬吠) to give warnings or to be friendly. But did you know about infrasonic (次声的) communication used by elephants? This is how it works:

Humans hear low sounds like the thunder rumbling (隆隆作响) in the sky. But we don’t hear sounds lower than that. However, animals such as elephants can hear much lower sounds than humans can. And what’s more, they can make lower sounds as well, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.

The amazing thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometers. Sounds which have a higher pitch (音高), like the ones people can hear, don’t travel well through walls,

leaves, trees, and so on, which is why we can’t hear sounds from more than 100 meters away. But infrasound is much “stronger”, and things like trees have no effect on it. Therefore it can travel much further. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from 4 kilometers away!

There have been reports of people watching groups of elephants feeding or resting and then the elephants suddenly all stopped whatever they were doing for no reason at all. They obviously heard a warning call from a long way away, but the people didn’t hear a sound. In places like a zoo or wildlife park where you can get nearer to animals, it is easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo you may notice a slight rumbling in the air every few minutes – not loud or strong, but clearly noticeable. This is infrasonic communication –the mother elephants “talking” to their babies. 45. How do elephants communicate with each other? A. By dancing around to send messages. B. By using infrasonic communication. C. By different sounds of rumbling. D. By different ways of barking.

46. What is the amazing thing about infrasound? A. It goes into the sky. C. It sounds stronger. 47. Humans can hear .

B. It travels very far. D. It stops at walls.

A. sounds with a higher pitch B. sounds from 100 meters away C. lower sounds than elephants can

D. lower sounds than thunder rumbling 48. In places like zoos, . A. elephants don’t need to make infrasonic sounds B. it is easier for elephants to make infrasonic sounds C. mother elephants don’t let people stand near their babies D. humans can sense infrasonic sounds when they are made

Dynamo – A modern-day magician

When you hear the word “magician”, what springs to mind? A traditional black jacket and top hat with an assistant? It had a rather old-fashioned feeling. But now there’s a new type of magician who is bringing magic back into the mainstream (主流) in Britain. Thanks to a young man called Dynamo, magic and illusion (幻像) are once again super cool.

Dynamo has been famous for his modern act. He doesn’t use a stage (舞台) or an assistant like traditional magic shows. Instead he walks on the streets in casual (休闲的) clothes, accompanied by a hand-held camera holder, sharing his magic with general people, and then

quietly walking away, before they can get their head around what has just happened. He doesn’t have a specialty. He is as good at cards and small hand tricks (戏法) as he is at far bigger ones. He can pull out the playing card you were thinking about, put mobile phones in

bottles, and change names on bank cards just as easily as walking on water across the River Thames! When it comes to magic, it appears that he can do it all.

Dynamo, aka Steven Frayne, didn’t have the easiest start in life. He was born in northern England, in a poor family and he was brought up by his great-grandfather, who introduced magic to him. School life wasn’t a success and he left for London while he was still a teenager.

In London, Daynamo bought himself a DVD recorder and computer and started filming some of the tricks: Underground Magic. He started having fans after he put his videos online. A couple of thousand people in London watched him walk across the River Thames. A couple of years later, he was offered his own TV show, Magician Impossible, on a small TV channel. In the show, he performs tricks on lots of famous people. Prince Charles became a fan when Dynamo turned a pile of papers on his desk into real money.

Although he may have finally been successful, he hasn’t lost any of his creative drive. “It’s not enough for me to amaze people once or twice,” he says. “I need to keep doing it. That means doing more and more amazing things.” 49. Dynamo is famous for


A. his old-fashioned clothes B. showing magic tricks quietly C. doing magic shows on a stage D. his new way of performing magic

50. What does the underlined phrase “get their head around” mean in Paragraph 2? A. Turn around.

B. Look around. C. Understand. D. Expect.

51. What do we know about Dynamo?

A. His goal is to play more tricks and amaze more people. B. His great-grandfather made him become a magician. C. He is better at bigger tricks than small hand tricks. D. Making his own TV show made him successful.

Adolescence (青春期) is thought to be the time when children go off exercise. But a study in Britain suggests it happens much earlier, around the age of seven.

Children should get at least an hour of exercise a day. Many of the 400 children involved in the study did less than this as they got older. The experts from Newcastle tracked (监测) the activity levels of the children over eight years.

On average, boys spent 75 minutes a day exercising when they were seven, falling to 51 minutes when they were 15. The average girl spent 63 minutes a day doing middle to high levels of activity when they were seven, which fell to 41 minutes age 15. Most boys and girls in the study did middle levels of exercise at seven, which then gradually dropped. But 20% of the boys who started with the highest levels of activity at the age of seven, managed to keep their exercise levels over the eight years.

Although the study cannot prove what causes the drop-off in physical activity, Prof John Reilly, study author from the University of Strathclyde, said \long before adolescence. He said it happened at the same time with the greatest increases in weight – which happen around the age of seven.

However, another different research on the same group of children discovered that the time lost to exercise was spent sitting instead. Sitting is replacing physical activity from the time children start school.

Children aged seven spent half their day sitting, and by the age of 15 this had gone up to three-quarters of their day spent sitting.

\Prof Reilly said. \sitting.\

But he also said that activities outside school – for example, at home – was also important because children only spent half of their year at school.

Eustace de Sousa, the head of Public Health England, said, \20% children leave school overweight. It's up to all of us to make sure that children get their one hour of physical activity a day.\

Mr. De Sousa said this was the most important part of the government's childhood obesity

(肥胖)plan, which offered money for schools to get children moving and support for families to keep children active outside of school.

52. The experts from Newcastle found that . A. the activity time of most children drops gradually B. the activity time of girls drops more than boys C. boys can keep doing exercise until they are 15 D. boys do much more exercise than girls do 53. According to Prof Reilly, .

A. activity time drops because children get fat B. a 45-minute-lesson is too long for children to sit C. parents need to help their children exercise more D. children should go to school when they are aged 7 54. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Schools and families need to change to keep children active. B. There are more and more British people getting overweight. C. The government offers money to children to help exercise. D. Children get fat when there is a change in lifestyle. 55. Which is probably the best title for the passage? A. How much exercise do children need every day? B. Exercise level drops long before adolescence C. Who exercise more in Britain, boys or girls? D. Something is going wrong in British schools 七、阅读还原句子(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)