冀教版八年级上册英语单元测试卷 联系客服

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第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(30分))

一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分) 1.A. along B.among C.long

2.A. impossible B.important C.immediately 3.A. joined B.drawn C.job 4.A. Ann is weak in languages. B.Ann does well at school. C.Ann does well in languages.

5.A. Mike doesn't go to school because of his illness. B.Mike doesn't go to school because it is too cold. C.Mike doesn't go to school because he wakes up late. 二、听句子,选择最佳应答语(每小题1分,共5分) 6.A. At 9:30 a.m. B.25 dollars. C.14 years old.

7.A. For two years. B.Two years ago. C.Twice. 8.A. Yes,I'd love to.

B.Playing volleyball is interesting. C.I don't think so.

9.A. English. B.A book. C.A sweater. 10.A.I don't like the movie.


B.I'd like to have a big dinner. C.Have a good time.

三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(每小题2分,共10分) 11.A.14 years old. B.15 years old.

C.16 years old.

12.A. He went to watch the football game.

B.He did his homework.

C.He helped his mother do the housework. 13.A. Forty minutes. B.Thirty minutes.

C.Ten minutes.





B. C.



第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(90分)


21.If we sit by ________ window of the train, we'll have _______better view. A./ ; the B./ ; a

C.the; a D.the; the

22.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story, she can't keep it to ________ and wants to share it with her friends. A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 23.—Must I clean the floor now,monitor?

—No, you ________.You can finish your homework first. A.needn't



C.can't D.shouldn't

24.Diana isn't here, ________ leave a message on her desk.

A.or B.so C.and


25.—What do you think of her teaching English? —Great! No one teaches ________in our school. A.good B.worse C.better


26.—Could I use your bike? Mine is broken.

—Certainly. But please ________ it back soon. I need it this afternoon. A.give B.lend C.borrow D.keep

27.The teacher is already standing here. Do you know when she ________? A.comes

B.came D.was coming

C.is coming

28.—It's getting cold. Would you mind ________ the window? —Of course not. A.closing

B.to close


29.—How many times ________ Carl ________ to the Great Wall? —Only once.

A.does; go B.did; go C.has; gone D.has; been

30.—We've been trying hard, but can't solve the problem. —I think you can ________ it in another way.