2020年高考英语大二轮复习专题突破讲练文档:大题提分练17 完形填空(夹叙夹议文)+Word版含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2020年高考英语大二轮复习专题突破讲练文档:大题提分练17 完形填空(夹叙夹议文)+Word版含答案更新完毕开始阅读4acc6ca95cf7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969f4


大题提分练17 完形填空(夹叙夹议文) 限时30分钟 提分完形填空 (2019·东北三省三校二模) 体裁:夹叙夹议文 主题语境:个人生活 难度:★★★☆☆

One day when I was 15 years old, I had some friends over to hang out. While we were making food in the kitchen, my brother came in. He placed his beef next to my __1__ one and said, “Courtney, your beef is bigger than mine. You don't need to __2__;you're







laughing.Unpleasant__3__ on my physical appearance were nothing new. Something inside me gave in to his idea that my legs were __4__, and that became the last day that I ever willingly wore __5__ until I was 30 years old. For the next 15 years, I spent summer after summer __6__ in long pants.

But then I met Ragen Chastain, and she __7__ everything. I couldn't believe that this woman who, like myself, weighed almost 300 pounds was so __8__ and happy in her own skin. I __9__ as she shared her own journey to recovery and self-love. She talked about how amazing our 10 are, simply because of the things they do every day—like breathing, __11__ blood to every cell, blinking and walking.

Walking! I was suddenly __12__ how foolish I'd been for so long. There're people who are born without legs, or who lack __13__ working legs, or who lose their legs, and I'd been hiding my perfectly strong, healthy, beautiful legs 14 because I had __15__ someone to convince me that they weren't good enough. The next day, I bought three pairs of shorts and a sundress and spent the entire summer letting my legs __16__ the sun and feel the breeze.

The next time anyone comments on your body in a 17 way, look them straight in the eye, smile and say, “If what you see __18__ 好好努力 梦想终会实现



you so much, feel free to practice the ancient art of looking __19__ else.” That's Ragen's own 20 , but I don't think she'll mind if you use it.

1.A. small C. thick 2.A. walk C. talk 3.A. reports C. reflections 4.A. unnecessary C. unique 5.A. shorts C. socks 6.A. sleeping C. driving 7.A. changed C. believed 8.A. sensitive C. tiresome 9.A. laughed C. waited 10.A. legs C. bodies 11.A. pulling C. preventing 12.A. afraid of C. aware of 13.A. properly C. accidentally

好好努力 梦想终会实现

B. plain D. slim B. eat D. cry B. suggestion D. comments B. unacceptable D. unhealthy B. T-shirts D. pants B. roasting D. running B. solved D. explained B. generous D. energetic B. expected D. listened B. weights D. images B. putting D. pumping B. absorbed in D. anxious about B. regularly D. possibly



14.A. in shame C. in pride 15.A. begged C. refused 16.A. avoid C. cover 17.A. normal C. different 18.A. amuses C. bothers 19.A. somewhere C. nowhere 20.A. decision C. creation 答案与解析

B. in panic D. in delight B. allowed D. invited B. see D. kick B. special D. negative B. excites D. hurts B. anywhere D. everywhere B. question D. requirement

【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章作者通过自己的亲身经历,说明了不要在意别人对自己身体的负面评价,每个人都应该充满活力而又快乐地去生活。

好词积累 ①hang out 闲逛;②feel free to do sth. 随意做某事

1.C 瞻前顾后解题。根据下文的“your beef is bigger than mine.”可知,此处指他把他的牛肉放在我的厚牛肉旁边。thick “厚的”与bigger呼应,符合语境。small “小的”;plain “平的”;slim “苗条的”。故选C。

2.B 根据“you're already fat enough”可知,作者的哥哥说

好好努力 梦想终会实现



作者不需要吃。eat “吃”,符合语境。walk “步行”;talk “说话”;cry “哭”。故选B。

3.D 原词复现解题。根据第17空前的“The next time anyone comments on your body”可知,作者的哥哥对作者的外貌评头论足。comment “评论”,符合语境。report “报告”;suggestion “建议”;reflection “反映”。

4.B 根据“and that became the last day that I ever willingly wore 5 until I was 30 years old”可知,这里意思是我的内心向他妥协了,他认为我的腿是不可接受的。unnecessary “不必要的”;unacceptable “不能接受的”;unique “独特的”;unhealthy “不健康的”。故选B。

5.A 瞻前顾后和原词复现解题。根据下文的“For the next 15 years, I spent summer after summer __6__ in long pants.”可知,作者总是在夏天穿着长裤,结合下文倒数第二段中的“I bought three pairs of shorts”由此可知作者直到三十岁都不愿意穿短裤。shorts “短裤”,符合语境。 T-shirts “圆领汗衫”;socks “袜子”;pants “裤子”。故选A。

6.B 生活常识解题。根据生活常识可知夏天,穿着长裤,自然是感觉炙烤般的热。roast “炙烤”;sleep “睡觉”;drive “驾驶”;run “跑”。故选B。

7.A 根据下文内容,可知作者遇到了Ragen Chastain ,

好好努力 梦想终会实现