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专四听力NEWS部分时事资料(来自新东方赵建昆) 2010-01-27 19:48 | (分类:默认分类) 各位久等。以下文章中将包含12篇比较符合专四新闻考法的新闻,时间涵盖2008年4月至2009年3月。其中有5篇来源于我的补充讲义,7篇是最新的总结。重点词汇处,我会用黑体标出,需要强记。另外,不同主题的新闻有不同的考点方向,每个主题前我会说明。




专四对于天灾人祸的兴趣是很浓的,基本每年都有。大家需要注意的核心是:death toll(死亡人数),the injured(受伤人数),the missing(失踪人数),casualty(伤亡人数)以及cause(起因)和route(路线)

空难 air crash:2009-3-23

A FedEx cargo plane(货机), crash-lands(迫降), at Japan's Narita International Airport(日本成田国际机场).. Red Cross officials say both pilots were killed. Television footage showed the plane explode, shortly after one of its wings, clipped the ground. Reports say the flight from Guangzhou, China, was trying to land in windy conditions.

海难 ferry sink 2009-1-11

An Indonesian ferry carrying 250 passengers and 17crew sank after being battered by a large wave in bad weather in the country's east on Sunday, officials said. 18 people including one of the crew had been rescued, said Bambang Ervan, a spokesman for the Transport Ministry.

Transport Minister Jusman Syafi'i Djamal said 150 people had been taken off the ferry, but their condition was unknown and he gave no further details. The discrepancy(差别) in the number of possible survivors could not immediately be clarified.

海难的考点很灵活。可以是自然原因引起的,比如storm, wave, typhoon, 内因也可以为超载-overload,或者常考的非法移民illegal immigrant事件。值得注意的是,05、06、07在连续考察海难新闻。

偷渡 illegal emigrants 2008-4

About 150 illegal immigrants have drowned after their boat sank off the Libyan shore while en route to Italy. Most of the illegal immigrants died after the boat capsized in the Mediterranean on June 7. The Libyan authorities have recovered 40 bodies but it's difficult to identify them.

火车脱轨 train derail 2008-4-29

Chinese railway authorities confirmed that the death toll is at least 70 after an early Monday train collision in east China's Shandong Province. More than 400 passengers were hospitalized including 4 foreigners. When the accident occurred, the rear part of the train from Beijing, coded T195 derailed and hit train 5034 from Yantai, and caused the front part of the latter train to derail, too. Initial investigation (初步调查)says the accident was caused by human error. Two railway officials have been sacked after the accident.


恐怖袭击 terrorist attacks 2008-11-27


Four top police officials were among the 10 policemen killed as security forces took on terrorists here in the early hours of Thursday following a series of attacks in this India's financial capital, Mumbai, which killed at least 80 people and injured 250 others, authorities said. India has suffered a wave of bomb attacks in recent years. Most have been blamed on Islamist militants(伊斯兰士兵), although police have also suspected Hindu extremists(极端分子) of carrying out some bombings.


第16次亚欧领导人非正式会议(俄巴经济合作) the 16th APEC Meeting 2008-11-27 胡锦涛主席也参加了在秘鲁的利马召开的本次会议,并同时出访南美五国。此条新闻谈论的是俄罗斯和巴西的合作,请注意会议的地点、时间、双方谈论的主要目的和一些数据。 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday called for further trade cooperation between his country and Brazil. At a luncheon with Russian and Brazilian businessmen in Rio, Medvedev said bilateral trade is expected to reach $5 billion this year and will increase to $10 billion in 2010.

Brazil is Medvedev's second stop of his Latin American tour that also includes stops in Venezuela and Cuba. He earlier attended the annual Economic Leaders' Meeting of the16th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Lima, capital of Peru.

第七次亚欧会议 the 7th ASEM Meeting 2008-10-27

The Seventh Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) issued a Chair's Statement in Beijing on Saturday, agreeing to issue the Beijing Declaration (北京宣言)on Sustainable Development.

The statement said the leaders held extensive and in-depth discussions on issues of realizing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (千年发展目标)as well as the sustainable development targets agreed in Johannesburg(约翰内斯堡), strengthening energy security cooperation, jointly addressing the challenge of climate change, and

environmental protection, including water resources, forests and air, and improving social cohesion under the framework of sustainable development.

The Seventh Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 7) was held in Beijing on 24 and 25 October 2008. The Meeting was the first gathering of the leaders of 45 members of ASEM since its second round of enlargement(扩容).


俄乌斗气,最终和解 Russia, Ukraine sign 10-year gas deal 2009-1-20 Russia and Ukraine signed a 10-year gas supply deal Monday to clear the way for a

prompt resumption(重启)of supplies to a freezing Europe, cut off for nearly two weeks by a dispute between the ex-Soviet states(前苏联国家). Under the deal, Ukraine will buy Russian gas at a 20 percent discount to European market prices in 2009, while Kiev(基辅,乌克兰首都) agreed to retain preferential transit fees for Russia this year before both sides switch to a market-based price formula from 2010. A higher gas price could cripple Ukraine's economy, already hit hard by the slowdown. But analysts and officials said a substantial drop in market prices expected this year would bring down the average 2009 price to levels more affordable for Kiev.

巴以冲突 Conflicts Between Israel and Palestine 2008-5-2


Tension in Mideast continues as Israeli missiles struck on Gaza Strip for the sixth straight day on Monday. A Palestinian militant of al-Aqsa Brigades(阿尔阿克萨旅,是指巴勒斯坦民族解放运动--法塔赫/FATEH的一个分支) was killed. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told members of his Party that overall offensive will be continued. On the

other side, Hamas senior leader Mahmoud Zahar said his group has been in touch with an unidentified third party to discuss all the issue. Early Monday morning, Israel Defense Forces withdrew its ground troops from the Gaza Strip. The recent offensive in the region has killed more than 100 Palestinians. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice kicked off a new Middle East visit on Tuesday, in a bid to help revive the halted Palestinian-Israeli talks.

朝核问题 DPRK Nuclear Issue 2008-5

The United States says it expects North Korea will submit its nuclear declaration to China on June 26. (递交核清单)

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino says North Korea fulfilling its declaration

obligations will pave the way for President George W. Bush to inform Congress of plans to remove the country from a list of state sponsors of terrorism, (把它从“支持恐怖注意国家名单”上除去) and waive penalizing it under the U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act.(与敌国贸易法)

North Korea missed the deadline to abandon all nuclear weapons programs and declare all its nuclear programs and facilities by the end of 2007.

韩美牛肉争端 beef disputes between US and ROK 2008-5


U.S and South Korean officials have agreed to continue talks over the resumption of American beef imports in spite of no progress in the current round of negotiations. Last-minute schedule changes mean U.S. Trade Representative Spokeswoman Gretchen Hamel and South Korean Trade Minister Kim Jong-hoon will have the more time need to find a mutually acceptable solution.

South Korea lifted its intermittent ban on American beef imports early this month as it struggles to ratify a sweeping free trade agreement with Washington. However, following recent large-scale protests against the import of U.S. beef, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak suggests his country postpone the restart of U.S. beef import.


油价变化 Oil Price Change


China's top economic planner has announced the country will raise the prices of gasoline, diesel oil, aviation kerosene and electricity, revealing an unprecedented broad plan to raise energy prices.Beginning Friday, the benchmark gasoline and diesel oil retail prices will be marked up by 1,000 Yuan (144.9 U.S. dollars) per ton, with the price of aviation kerosene up by 1,500 Yuan per ton. The prices of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, however, would be left unchanged, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)(发改委).

The price rises also translate into mark-ups of 0.8 yuan and 0.92 yuan per liter, the measurement used at service stations in China, for gasoline and diesel oil respectively.