我国内部审计存在的问题及对策研究 联系客服

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摘 要






Study on Status and Countermeasure of China’s Internal Audit


Internal audit is an important part of China?s audit supervision. From 1983 in which year China?s internal audit system was established, internal audit has made tremandous development. It has become an important part of corporate management system and an important means of effective control and supervision.

This paper find our country?s internal audit that existing and put forward related recommendations by understanding the status of internal audit. The problems of internal audit are following: the first, our country?s internal audit environment should to be improved, the independence of internal audit is not strong; the second, the overall quality of internal audit staff and tne level is not high, the means and methods of work generally lag behind; in addition, the object of our internal audit mainly limited in fiscal and financial revenue and expenditure. To solve these problems, I make some suggestions: such as optimizing the working environment of our internal audit, improving the quality of the employees, expanding the scope of internal audit, strengthening the effect of government and so on. This paper conduct a case study of China National Petroleum Corporation on internal audit, study the problems of our internal audit and propose countermeasure.

Key Words:Internal audit, Status, Countermeasure



目 录

摘 要 .............................................................. 1 Abstract .............................................................. 2 目 录 .............................................................. 1 引 言 .............................................................. 1 1绪论 ................................................................. 2

1.1关于内部审计的国内外研究概况 ................................... 2 1.2研究意义 ....................................................... 2 2我国内部审计的发展现状 ............................................... 3

2.1内部审计环境有待改善 ........................................... 3 2.2内部审计机构在公司治理结构中的层次不高,独立性和权威性不够 ..... 3 2.3内部审计人员的总体素质与水平不高 ............................... 3 2.4内部审计人员的工作方式与手段普遍较落后 ......................... 3 2.5审计对象主要局限于财政财务收支 ................................. 4 3实例分析—中国石油天然气股份有限公司 ................................. 4

3.1实例概况 ....................................................... 4 3.2实例分析 ....................................................... 6 4完善我国内部审计的建议 ............................................... 6

4.1优化企业内部审计的工作环境 ..................................... 6 4.2提高从业人员的素质 ............................................. 7 4.3扩大内部审计的业务范围 ......................................... 7 4.4充分发挥内部审计在内部控制、风险管理中的作用 ................... 8 4.5注重先进审计理论和手段的引进和应用 ............................. 8 4.6政府应当在内部审计中发挥更积极作用 ............................. 8 结 论 ............................................................. 10 参 考 文 献 .......................................................... 11


附 录 ............................................................. 12 结 束 语 ........................................................... 18