人教版七年级英语下册第4单元测试题附答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版七年级英语下册第4单元测试题附答案更新完毕开始阅读4d030f585a1b6bd97f192279168884868662b86a



( ) loves _____ best. He often borrows books from the library. reads?

( )2.—Would you like to come and play soccer, Jim? —, I wouldn’t. idea! you.’re right.

( )3.—Where are Jim and Tom Their mother is looking for them. —They _____ at the running?

( ), the children __ in the dancing dancing dance

( )5.—Excuse me, _____ I borrow this book—Of course. ?

( )6.—How long can I _____ the VCD—A

( )7.—What are you doing—I’m _____ my English book. after at for like

( )’t make any noise. We _____ to the news. listening?

( )9.—Let me help you find the lost purse.—Thank you very much.—_____ ’s nothing.’t thank me.’s OK.’s a pleasure.

( )10.—Excuse me, do you have any basketballs—Sorry, we don’t have any.—, I want to buy it. you all the same . doesn’t matter.

Ⅱ.情景交际。(5分)从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏的答语。其中有一项是多余的。 Ⅰ Ⅱ

( ) is Jane weeks.

( ) are they doing, he is.

( ) you like to play soccer is in the lab. ( ) long can I keep it idea!

( ) Tom having lunch at home now, I wouldn’t. are dancing.


Look! The bus 16 at a small bus stop. A man 17 out of the window. He sees a woman. She is selling 18 . The man wants 19 a cake. But he doesn’t want to go out because it is raining. The man sees a boy. The boy is 20 the window. “Come here, boy.” the man says, “Do you know 21 the cake is” “Twenty fen.” the boy says. The man 22 the boy forty fen and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and 23 is for me.” he says to the boy. After 24 minutes, the boy comes

back. He 25 a cake. He gives the man twenty fen and says, “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”( ) stopping?

( ) looking looking ( ) ) buy?

( ) ) much many? ( )

( ) other cake other

( ) few little( ) having hasing have Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30分)(A)

Jim wants to borrow a book from a new library. He comes to the library with Jack. They can’t see any librarians(图书管理员) there, but only some robots(机器人) standing there. Then Jim says to one of the robots, “Hey, give me the book.” But the robot doesn’t work. “What’s wrong with the robot ” he asks Jack.?

Then Jack tells him, “When you want to borrow something from someone, you must say ‘please’ first.”When the robot hears this, it begins to laugh. Jim’s face turns red. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) aren’t any librarians in the library. ( ) are some robots in the library.

( ) is something wrong with the robot. ( ) robot gives Jim the book.

( )’s face turns red because he knows that he isn’t polite (有礼貌的).

(B)Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes reading news and watching football games. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese tests. He thinks hard and finds a way finally.“Hello, Mrs. Black!” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave(请半天假).”“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” says Mrs. Black, “But who’s that”“It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”

( ) is a _____ . school student?

( ) will be in _____ next Two Three One Four( ) often reads newspapers because _____ . likes reading likes reading stories

wants to know where and when a football game will be held father wants him to read them

( ) wants to ask for half a day’s leave because _____ . father is ill in wants to watch the football game doesn’t like to have English or Chinese is ill in bed

( ) of the following sentences (句子) is RIGHT? . Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor. wants to watch TV at four in the afternoon. is a clever(聪明的) is a good student.

(C) It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. The last class is over. Some students are going home and some students are going to the dining room.

The football players are doing some exercise on the playground. Some students are swimming in

the swimming pool. Others are warming up(做准备动作) near the pool. Many students love music. The members of the school band are practicing(练习) in the garden. In the computer room, there are some students playing computer games. In the library, some students are reading Ren’ai English Post.

After-school activities(课外活动) are really fun.根据短文内容,回答问题。 is the last class over?


some students going home after class?

______________________________________________ are some students swimming?

______________________________________________ are some students doing in the computer room?

______________________________________________ are some students doing in the library?

______________________________________________ 第三部分写作(25分) Ⅰ.词汇部分。(10分)

(A)根据句意,从方框中选择合适的单词或词组并用其适当形式填空。 shelf, keep, picture, use, clean

students _____ Ren’ai Project English workbooks now. They’re helpful for them to study English well.

is a _____ of our town. It looks beautiful. are many books on these _____ . 44.—How long can I _____ the book? —Two weeks.

45.—Where is Mom? —She _____ the house.

(B)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 must r_____ the books to the library on time.

is good at swimming. He likes to swim in the swimming p_____. can’t see anybody e_____ in the classroom but(除了) Lily. often b_____ some books from the school library.

Great Wall is w_____. I hope(希望) I can go to climb it one day. Ⅱ.综合填空。(5分)


It’s Sunday morning. Many boys and girls are in the park. Some of them are singing under the tree, some 51 in the river, other children are playing games behind the hill.

Maria is 52 American girl. She is in the park, too. Where is she Oh, she is on the hill. What 53 over there She is sitting and 54 a book. She likes reading very much. Tom is an English boy. He is five. He is too young. He can’t go to school. Now he is 55 a kite with his father in the park. 51. _____ 52. _____ 53. _____ 54. _____ 55. _____Ⅰ. 考查固定搭配love doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”。由句意知他经常从图书馆借书看,故用reading。love后也可跟to do表示一次具体的动作,故选C。

Would you like to …表示建议,回答用Good idea./Yes, I’d love to. 故选B。

at the moment 是“现在、此刻”之义,用现在进行时,动词应用现在分词形式,run为重读闭音节动词,应双写最后一个字母加ing,故选C。


表示请求,用may I …, 故选B。

考查 “借” 的表达方式。borrow为短暂性动词,不能与一段时间连用,keep为延续性动词,可以与一段时间连用,故选D。 考查动词look构成的短语。look after照顾;look at看;look for寻找;look like看起来像……,根据句意,“我正在寻找我的英语书”,故选C。

根据句意,前句为祈使句,后句应为现在进行时。主语we为复数, listen 的现在分词形式为listening, 故选C。

在对方表示谢意后应说It’s a pleasure./With pleasure.等,故选D。

根据句意,“打扰一下,有篮球吗”“对不起,没有”。这时,买东西的人也应礼貌性地说谢谢。故选B。 Ⅱ.

Ⅲ. stop是瞬间完成的动作,不用进行时。The bus是第三人称单数,故选D。 根据句意,“一个男人正往车窗外看”,应用现在进行时,故选C。

由The man wants _____ a cake. 可知,这位女士卖的是蛋糕,并且用复数,故选C。 考查固定搭配want to do sth.想要做什么,故选C。 根据句意小男孩应该在窗户的附近,故选A。 由答句Twenty fen.可知是问价格,故选A。

由上下文可知这个人应该给这个小男孩钱去买蛋糕,故选D。 表示两个中的另一个,用the other,故选D。


此句应用现在进行时,而have的现在分词应去e再加ing,故选B。 Ⅳ.(A)

由They can’t see any librarians there … 可知。 由but only some robots standing there可知。

机器人没毛病,只是Jim对它没礼貌,所以Jim让它给他拿书,它未照办。 由But the robot doesn’t work.可知。

由When you want to borrow something from someone, you must say ‘please’ first.和Jim’s face turns red.可知Jim认识到自己做错了,对别人没礼貌,所以脸红了。 (B)



Peter喜欢读报纸是因为他喜欢看球赛,他想知道什么时间在哪将举行足球赛。 他想请半天假是因为他想看下午的足球赛。由He wants to watch it very much.可知。 由第二段第三、四句可知。 (C)

class is over at five o’clock in the afternoon./At five o’clock in the afternoon. , they are.

students are swimming in the swimming pool./In the swimming pool. are playing computer games (in the computer room). are reading Ren’ai English Post(in the library).