2008-2009学年北京市东城区初三第一学期期末考试英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2008-2009学年北京市东城区初三第一学期期末考试英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读4d2a331ddb38376baf1ffc4ffe4733687f21fc4d

improve learning and memory. Memletics is special because it joins research from not one but several areas of human performance. Using Memletics and new learning system you can discover the pleasure of learning well. 57.How do you best explain the Memletics Learning Method? A.It helps you learn faster and keep what you've learned for long.

B.A new way to develop and improve your learning skills. C.It started with the research of medicine and education. D.A discovery of the natural ability of human brain. 58.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.Tehnology to improve your learning is developing. B.You can check your physical and mental fitness. C.Memletics will offer you a picture of your brain. D.Your ability for learning is unused. 59.What can you learn from the passage?

A.The learning method to discover your ability. B.The methods of improving your memory. C.The natural ability to develop learning. D.The advantages of using Memletics.


一、听独白,根据所听内容完成卞面的表格。朗读三遍。(共8分,每小题2分) Notes: Object 1 Color: orange Use: carry books Name:1.________________________________________________ Object 2 Color:2.________________________________________________ Material: plastic Name: mouse Object 3 Material:3________________________________________________ Color:bright colors Name:4.________________________________________________ 二、阅读短文,根据短文内容,用方框中所给的词填空。(共7分,每小题1分)

som easily they o ff too air stay Men always wanted to fly.For hundreds of years they watched birds fly and wished that they could fly 5 .Birds fly very 6 .They beat the air with their wings(翅膀)and climb up through the air. The 7 keeps them up.Birds can 8 in the air for many hours.“If birds can stay up in the air, perhaps we can,” 9 thought. At first they made wings like birds.Then they jumped 10 high buildings and tried to fly.Many men did this but they all failed to fly.They crashed to the ground.Some were killed and 11 were badly hurt.After many times they stopped trying to fly with wings.

三、根据中文意思完成句子。(共10分,每小题2分) 12.你既可以用这个手机玩游戏又可以用它听音乐。 You can_______play games ___________listen to music on this mobile phone.


Can you mend my computer___________?


___________you talk about it,___________nervous she will be.


_________students__________ the methods of learning. 16.他花了很多时间学英语因而取得了很大进步。

He spends_______time learning English_________. 四、阅读与表达。(共10分,每小题2分) 阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。

When you find a new word in your reading,before looking it up in a dictionary,very often you can guess its meaning from its context(words or sentences around the new word).There are often certain words in a sentence or paragraph that can help you decide the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Synonym clues(线索)

Synonyms are words that are similar in meaning to other words.A sentence with a difficult word often has a more familiar

word to make it easy to understand.You may know some synonyms because they are separated by commas(,),dashes(—),or parentheses(()).Usually,a synonym context clue appears to be of the same part of speech as the new word.For example: The hullabaloo expresses people's high spirits at holiday time. Many years ago,however,the loud noises give the holiday a fresh start.

“Hullabaloo” is a noun in the sentence.The words that have the same meaning and part of speech is“loud noise.”So “loud noise ” is a synonym context clue to “hullabaloo.”

Autonym clues

Antonyms are words or phrases that have opposite meanings to other words-or phrases.Certain words often give you an antonym clue of the new words.They can help you to understand new words.Words like or”,“but”,“while”,“as opposite to” and “on the other hand” often give you antonym clues.For example:

Linda manages money judiciously while I manage money unwisely.

The word “while ”shows you the autonym “unwisely.”You can reason that “unwisely” is the opposite of“judiciously.”Thus,“judiciously” means “wisely.”

17.Do people have to look up the new words in their reading? 18.How mny context clues can you find in the passage? 19.What does synonym mean? 20.Why is “unwisely”the opposite meaning of“judiciously”? 21.What is the passage mainly about? 五、书面表达。(共15分)



文,为了投稿,你对你班40人就每天体育活动时间做了调查(survey),结果如下。请你在征文中描述调查结果,介绍你个人的体育活动情况,并据此发表看法。 Sportstime 3-4 1-2 hours half an 0 hour hours hour Number or 4 24 11 1 students 提示词语:take exercise, running, relax, study, keep fit, I did a survey about playing sports after class. Here are the results.




1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A

10.B ll.C 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16、A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.C 29.C 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.A 37. A 38.B 39.C 40.B 41.D 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.C 47.A 48.D 49.A 50.D 51.D 52.B 53.A 54.D 55.C 56.B 57.B 58.A 59.D 第Ⅱ卷 一、听独白,记录信息。

1.schoolbag 2.black 3.paper and wood 4.Kite 二、阅读填词。

5.too 6.easily 7.air 8.stay 9.they 10. off 11.Some 三、根据中文意思完成句子。 12.both,and 13.as son as possible 14.The more,the more 15.It's important for, to know

16.so much,that be has made great progress 四、阅读与表达。 17.No. 18.Two/2. 19.It means the words that are similar in meaning.

20.The word “while”shows that the opposite meaning of“judiciously”is“unwisely”.

21.How to guess the meaning of new words frm the context. 五、书面表达。

One possible version

I did a survey about playing sports after class.Here ate