2018版七年级英语下册 Module 3 Making plans检测(新版)外研版 联系客服

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1.—What are you going to do A Sunday?

—I’m not sure.But the morning I often do my homework. A.on;in A.will C.is going to




2.Let’s go to the party.It B great fun.

B.is going to be D.will going to be

3.—Would you like to have a picnic with us? — C .What time?This weekend? A.Yes,please

B.Sorry,I’d like to

D.Yes,I’d like C.see C.yourself C.win C.with

D.looking D.my D.enjoy D.since

C.Yes,I’d like to A.watch A.myself A.check A.after

B.seeing B.me B.cheer B.during

4.My pen friend is coming to China.I’m looking forward to B her soon. 5.This plan is fantastic.I think I can enjoy A this weekend.

6.We all hope Betty can C the first place in the singing competition. 7.Welcome to our hotel!I hope you’ll have a good time B your stay here. 8.—Who is going to take you to school? — C .I’m going to take the school bus. A.Anybody C.Nobody

B.Somebody D.Everybody

9. B are going to lie on the beach summer holiday. A.Sam,I;in C.I and Sam;on

B.Sam and I;on D.I,Sam;in

10.Would you like A to eat? A.something else B.anything else C.else something D.else anything Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

“Tell me what you are 11. B on Sunday morning,Mike,” Mr Wang asks.“I’m going to see a new film.It’s an English film 12. D the life of the students in America.Bill tells me it’s 13. C fantastic.”

“After 14. B the film,what are you going to do?” Mr Wang wants 15. D .“I’m going to read Chinese,” Mike says.“Do you like it?” asks Mr Wang.“Chinese is not easy for me,16. A I like it very much.I’m going to work hard 17. B it.After lunch I’m going to do my homework.I think I can do it better than before.”“Then 18. D about Sunday evening?”Mr Wang asks.“After supper I’m going to help Han Mei 19. B her English.She wants my help,” Mike says.

“You are going to have a busy day!”20. B Mr Wang. 11.A.doing C.go to do 12.A.of 13.A.much 14.A.see 15.A.know 16.A.but 17.A.in 18.A.where 19.A.on 20.A.speaks

B.going to do D.going B.for B.many B.seeing B.knowing B.because B.at B.when B.with B.says

C.with C.very C.to see C.knows C.and C.with C.who C.at C.talks


I will fly to Beijing to visit my grandmother with my parents because her Kate birthday is coming.We are going to visit the Great Wall and other places of interest. I’m an American girl.I am studying in a middle school in Shanghai.I will go Bettback to America to see my family.I’m going to buy some Chinese presents for y my American friends.I want them to know more about China,too. I’m going to play more sports such as playing football and basketball.I Dave can’t swim so I want to learn to swim.I am not good at English.I am going to join an English club to learn English. SimoI will go to England to see my uncle and my aunt.I am going to visit Big Ben n and Tower Bridge. D.about D.less D.sees D.to know D.or D.to D.what D.for D.smiles



21.Where is Betty’s family? C A.In China. C.In America. A.Betty. A.By car. C.By plane.

B.In England. D.In Canada. B.Kate. B.By train. D.By bus.

B.An art club. C.Dave.


22.Who will be able to see Big Ben during the summer holiday? D 23.How will Kate go to Beijing? C

24.What club is Dave going to join? A A.An English club.

C.A dancing club. D.A swimming club. 25.Which of the following is true? A A.Betty is from America.

B.Dave doesn’t want to learn to swim.

C.Simon will go to England to see his grandmother. D.Kate will go to Beijing alone.



I’m going to have a great weekend.I’ll go across Canada with my parents by car.We’ll drive seven or eight hours a day.

In Toronto,we’ll stay in a big hotel.The food is very delicious.There’s a big swimming pool and a lot of game rooms.I think I’ll play there happily.But there’ll be lots of people in the hotel,so I think we’ll sleep in one room.And it’s expensive.

Then we are going to stay in a small cabin(小木屋) in the mountains.I really love it.The cabin is clean and quiet.We’ll have two rooms,so I can get up late in the morning.But we have to get up early because we want to go swimming.There is a beautiful lake near the cabin.We can also go fishing and cook food outside. 26.Where’re they going to stay in Toronto? B A.In a small hotel. B.In a big hotel. C.In a small cabin. D.In a room.

27.What’s the problem of the hotel? D A.There’s no swimming pool in the hotel. B.The food there is not delicious.


C.There are lots of game rooms. D.There aren’t enough rooms for them. 28.What can they do in the mountains? C A.They can play in the game rooms. B.They can have lots of delicious food.

C.They can go swimming and fishing and cook food. D.They can go skiing. 29.Where’s the lake? B A.It’s near the swimming pool. B.It’s in the mountains. C.It’s behind the game room. D.It’s in the hotel.

30.What do you think is the best title of the passage? C A.Delicious Food in a Hotel B.A Beautiful Cabin C.A Pleasant Weekend Plan D.Visiting Canada

Ⅳ.词汇运用(每小题1.5分,共15分) A.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句中单词。

31.What are you going to do during the winter holiday?

32.On weekdays I have to get up early ,but at weekends I can sleep late. 33.Many people enjoy collecting stamps.

34.Don’t be silly(傻气的).Everything will be fine. 35.Some players(运动员)on the other team are quite strong. B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

36.Young people enjoy listening (listen)to pop music.

37.Tony doesn’t visit (not visit) his uncle very often,but he is going to visit (visit) him this Saturday.

38.She is making (make) travel plans on the Internet now;she says that she is going to travel(travel)in England.

39.Would you like me to help (help) you? 40.Nothing else is(be)in my pocket now. Ⅴ.完成句子(每小题2分,共10分) 41.她很期待收到我的来信。

She is looking forward to receiving my letter. 42.


Why don’t we take a walk down to the river? 43.我不想一个人待在家里。