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Language structure(语言结构): Are you making a …? Vocabulary(词汇):

The word should be grasped: making a kite, playing the piano, baking a pie, a paper boat, a mess.

Understanding words: noise, noisy, hooray, holiday, away, spray, mask, funny. Sounds语音:

Know the ay-’s sound in the sentences and the words. Go away, I say! Hooray! Tomorrow is a holiday! spray How to write: making a kite.

Period 1

编写日期: 执行日期:


1.能听懂、会说新单词making a kite,playing the piano, baking a cake, a pie, a mess;


3.能正确使用is making和are making. 二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握A、B部分单词。

难点:正确使用“I am making…/You are making…/Are you making…?” 三、教学准备

动物卡片,单词卡片、教学磁带等 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up: Greetings.

Song: Are you Betty?

Step 2 Presentation and drill



T: Look and read the words. Ss: Run / Jump / Swim … 学生做动作。

出示其他单词卡片,用相同的方法练习。 2.出示一只纸船。

T: Look, it’s a paper boat.(板书并教学单词boat,带读) T: Can you make a paper boat? S: Yes.


T:Are you making a boat?/What are you making? S:Yes./I’m making a boat. 3.Show the wall picture. T: Who is making the paper boat? Ss: Anne is making a paper boat.

T:What Mum,Peter and Mingming doing?Listen to the tape. 听课文A部分录音,回答问题。 4.出示课文B部分单词卡片。 T:What’s he making? S: He is making a kite. 5.听课文A、B部分录音,跟读。 Step 3 Practice

Group in four act the Part A. Game: Guess, guess, guess,

Let a student come to the front and do the action. Others use “Are you …?” guess what is he/she doing? Ss: Are you baking a pie? S1: No. I’m baking a cake. Step 4. Consolidation


1. 创设情景,自由会话 2. 评价。 3. 练习。

4. 家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。

Period 2

编写日期: 执行日期:



2.能灵活运用句型询问或描述正在做的事情; 3.能理解课文C、D部分。 4.字母组合ay的发音。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握A、B部分单词。

难点:正确使用“I am making…/You are making…/Are you making…?”三、教学准备

动物卡片,单词卡片、教学磁带等 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up: 1. greetings.

2. sing a song “Sunday morning.” Step 2 Presentation and drill 画简笔画。先画一个三角形。 T: What am I drawing?

边画边引导学生问:“Are you drawing a boat/kite?”


T:No, I’m not.

如果学生猜boat,就画成 kite,反之亦然。 T: What am I drawing?

S: Are you drawing a boat/kite? T:Yes,I’m. Step 3 Practice

1.游戏: Guess, guess, guess.

Let a student draw a picture on Bb, others guess “What is he/she doing?” 2.听课文D部分录音,跟读。 3. 表演D部分。. Step 4. Consolidation

1. 听课文E部分录音,跟读单词和句子。 2. 打节拍读句子。

3. 边读边写“making a kite” 4. 课文F部分。 5. 练习。

Unit 4 Peter is writing.


Language Function:

用现在进行时描述某人正在做某事。 Language structure: Peter’s mothre is cooking. He is sleeping. Vocabulary:

掌握词汇: writing, sleeping, working, reading, sweeping, cooking, painting, playing.