穿PRADA的恶魔 The Devil Wears Prada 中英文剧本 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章穿PRADA的恶魔 The Devil Wears Prada 中英文剧本更新完毕开始阅读4db01908581b6bd97f19ea59

Dad, thank you. 谢谢你,爸爸

It's really good to see you. You too, honey. 真高兴见到你 我也是,宝贝

So, you want to start grilling me now... 你想现在就说正题呢?

or should we wait till after dinner?


I thought I'd let you at least enjoy the bread basket first. 我想让你吃了早饭再说

No, no, no. It's okay. Go right ahead. 不,不,没关系 现在说吧

We're just a little worried, honey.


We get e-mails from you at your office at 2:00 a.m. 我们凌晨两点收到你的电子邮件

Your pay is terrible. You don't get to write anything. 工资低,又不参与文笔工作

Hey, that's not fair.


I wrote those e-mails. 我写了那些电子邮件的

I'm just trying to understand why someone who got accepted to Stanford Law...


turns it down to be a journalist, and now you're not even doing that.

?为什么会想做记者 更何况你现在还不算是记者

Dad, you have to trust me. 爸,你要相信我

Being Miranda's assistant opens a lot of doors. 做马琳达的助理就不用愁将来了

Emily is going to Paris with Miranda in a few months... 艾米莉要和马琳达去巴黎几个月

and she's gonna meet editors and writers from every important magazine.


And in a year, that could be me. 再过一年,我也能去了

All right? Mm-hmm.

好吗? 嗯

Dad, I swear, this is my break.


This is my... my chance.


This is my boss. 是我老板

I'm sorry, Dad. I have to take this. Take it. Take it. 爸,对不起,我得接这个电话 接吧,接吧

Hello. Miranda? My flight has been canceled. 你好,马琳达 我的班机取消了

It's some absurd weather problem. 因为什么荒谬的天气原因

I need to get home tonight. The twins have a recital tomorrow morning at school.

我要今晚回家 双胞胎明天要在学校表演独奏

What? At school! 什么? 在学校!

Absolutely. Let me see what I can do. Good. 好的,我来想办法 很好

Hi. Um, I know this is totally last minute...


but I was hoping that you could maybe get a flight for my boss...


from Miami to New York tonight? ?从迈阿密飞往纽约的飞机

It's right here. Thank you. Yeah, any kind of jet. 就这里,谢谢 是,任何一种喷气机都行

From Miami to New York. Thank you. 从迈阿密飞往纽约 谢谢

Yup, I need it tonight. I need it... Ow! 是的,今晚就要,我要?哦!

I thought you were going out the other... Sweetie! No. 我以为你从那边出来 亲爱的,我没有

It's over here, honey. Tonight. 在这里,亲爱的 今晚

Hi. I'm trying to get a flight tonight... for tonight... from Miami to New York.

嗨,我要今晚的飞机? 今晚?迈阿密到纽约

Yes, I know there's a hurricane. 是,我知道有暴风

Nothing is flying out? What do you mean, nothing is flying out?

都飞不出去? 什么叫都飞不出去?

It's for Miranda Priestly, and I know that she's a client of yours.

是马琳达·皮斯利的要求 她是你们的客户

Yes. Yes, hi. I need a jet tonight from Miami to New York. 是,是,我要一架迈阿密去纽约的飞机

Yeah. Sorry. Hold on. Hello? Miranda, hi.

是,对不起,等一下 喂?马琳达

I'm trying to get you a flight, but no one is flying out because of the weather.

我在尽力给你找飞机 但因天气原因,飞机都飞不了

Please. It's just... I don't know... drizzling.

拜托,这只是? 我不知道?毛毛雨

Someone must be getting out. 总有人要出去

Call Donatella. Get her jet. 打电话给多娜特拉,让她找

Call everybody else that we know that has a jet. Irv? 找所有社交圈里有飞机的人,俄弗?

Call every... This is your responsibi... This is yourjob. 打给每个人?这是你的职责、你的工作

Get me home. 让我回家

Oh, my God! She's going to murder me.

哦,天哪 她会杀了我的

What does she want you to do, call the National Guard and have her airlifted out of there?


Of course not. Could I do that? 当然不是,我会那么做吗?

Come on. 来

Come on.



The girls' recital was absolutely wonderful. 她们的独奏太精彩了

They played Rachmaninoff. Everyone loved it. 选了拉克曼尼诺夫的作品 所有人都说好

Everyone except me... 除了我

because, sadly, I was not there. 因为,不幸地,我不在场

Miranda, I'm so sorry.


Do you know why I hired you? 知道我为什么雇你吗?

I always hire the same girl... 我总是雇类似的女孩

stylish, slender, of course... 时髦、苗条、当然还有?

worships the magazine.


But so often, they turn out to be... 但是,她们总变得?

I don't know... disappointing and, um... 我不知道?让人失望?

stupid. 变得愚蠢

So you, with that impressive resume...


and the big speech about your so-called work ethic... 还有夸夸其谈地说自己是工作狂

I, um... I thought you would be different. 我?我以为你会不一样

I said to myself, go ahead. 我对自己说,去吧

Take a chance. 抓住机会

Hire the smart, fat girl.


I had hope. 我有过希望

My God. I live on it.


Anyway, you ended up disappointing me more than, um... 总之,你却比其他任何蠢女孩

more than any of the other silly girls. 都更让我感到失望

Um, I really did everything I could think of. 我真的做了我能做的

Uh... That's all.

呃? 就这样

Excuse me! Where do you think you're going? 站住!你要去哪儿?

She hates me, Nigel.


And that's my problem because... 这跟我有关??

Oh, wait. No, it's not my problem. 哦,等等,这跟我没关系

I don't know what else I can do because if I do something right, it's unacknowledged.

我不知道还能怎么做 事情做对了,好像是应该的

She doesn't even say thank you.


But if I do something wrong, she is vicious. 但如果事情做错了 她就是个巫婆

So quit. What? 辞职好了 什么?

Quit. Quit?

辞职 辞职?

I can get another girl to take your job in five minutes... one who really wants it.

我可以在五分钟内找到一个 非常想要这份工作的女孩顶替你

No, I don't want to quit. That's not fair.

不,我不要辞职 这不公平

But, you know, I'm just saying that I would just like a little credit...


for the fact that I'm killing myself trying. ?赢得些奖励

Andy, be serious. 安迪,现实点

You are not trying. 你根本没有努力

You are whining. I... 你在抱怨 我?