新人教版九年级英语下册Unit13试题)(附答案) 联系客服

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Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 单项选择 (15分)

选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. — This is really ugly bird.

— But it is useful bird. It can help fishermen catch fish.

A. an; a C. a; a

tank (鱼缸).

— So the fish can hide behind them? A. middle

C. front

B. top D. bottom

B. an; an D. a; an

( )2. — When you keep goldfish, it is a good idea to put some stones at the of the

( )3. — Why haven’t you bought a car, Mr Lin? You can one. — Well, I have money for it, but I want to go green.

A. offer C. avoid

B. afford D. allow

( )4. — Now people have to pay some money for bags in supermarkets. — Yes. Because they are bad for the environment. A. bin

C. cloth

B. paper D. plastic

( )5. — What does this sign mean, Andy?

— It tells us to .

A. receive C. recycle

B. review D. repeat

( )6. — Everyone should use both sides of paper.

— Yes. If we all use both sides of paper, many trees be saved.

A. need C. can

B. have to D. must

( )7. — Do you often use paper napkins?

— Seldom, they are cheap and easy to get.

A. since C. because

B. although D. if


( )8. — Don’t keep the water running while brushing your teeth. — Sorry. I forgot to . A. turn on it

B. turn it on

C. turn off it D. turn it off

( )9. — How shall we go to the airport?

— Let’s take the airport bus. It only 20 minutes and much less than taking a taxi.

A. takes; costs B. spends; spends C. spends; costs D. takes; spends ( )10. — There is often so much rubbish in the river. — Yes. Luckily, to save water, many actions . A. are taking

B. are going to take C. are going to be taken D. are going to be taking

( )11. — Do you know what the clothes on the show are made of? — Waste paper. You see, waste things can to life.

A. bring back B. be brought back C. take away D. be taken away

( )12. — There lots of trees in the area.

— But they have all gone because people built a railway here.

A. have been B. used to be C. have had D. used to have

( )13. — Look at the house! It upside down.

— Yes. It must be cool to live in it.

A. is built B. builds C. is building D. has built

A. Burning rubbish in the open air. B. Planting trees in spring.

C. Walking or riding bikes to school.

( )14. Which of the following actions is NOT part of green life?

D. Taking a shopping basket when going shopping.

( )15. — I think the biggest environmental problem in my country is air pollution.


— . The air here is much more polluted than in my country.

A. Not really B. Me, too C. Yes, I agree

D. It doesn’t matter

二. 完形填空 (10分)


At the University of Kansas art museum, scientists tested the influence of different colored walls. They chose 16 groups of visitors to an exhibition of paintings. For the first group the room was painted 17 ; for the second group, dark brown. Movement of either group was followed by a special camera under the carpet (地毯). The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown room 18 more quickly, covered more area. And they spent 19 time in the room than people in the white one. Dark brown made people more active, but the activity 20 sooner.

Not only the choice of 21 but also the general appearance of a room affects those inside. In 22 experiment, two groups of people were offered photographs of faces whose energy was to be commented (评价). Both groups were shown the same photos, 23 they were in different rooms. One group was in a well-designed living room with a carpet. The other group was in a messy one. Results showed that the people in the pleasant room tried to 24 higher marks to the faces than those in the 25 room did. Other studies showed that students did better in tests taken in a comfortable room than in an ordinary-looking or ugly room. ( )16. A. two ( )17. A. red ( )18. A. ate

B. three B. green B. more

C. four C. white C. spoke C. better C. worked C. cameras C. others C. but C. old

D. five D. yellow D. wrote D. longer D. ended D. experiments D. the others D. unless D. unpleasant

B. walked B. continued B. another

( )19. A. less ( )20. A. started ( )21. A. colors ( )22. A. other

B. visitors

( )23. A. so B. because ( )24.A. lose B. give ( )25. A. small 三. 阅读理解 (30分)

B. big

C. take D. get



Going Birdwatching Around Shijiu Lake Shijiu Lake is about 70 kilometers away from the city of Nanjing. It’s famous for being “A Swan Lake”. And our society introduces you to that.


You can enjoy beautiful scenery (风景) of the lake from the south to the north. The tour includes a boat trip and a visit to the main islands full of birds. And enjoying local food may make the trip more unforgettable. Also, you have plenty of stops for watching birds and taking photos. This is a tour you can’t miss! We meet and set off every day except Monday from the South Square of Nanjing South Railway Station (From November to February). Price: Adult—150 yuan, Child—80 yuan (up to 16 years of age) For group of more than 10, 20 percent Half price for members of the society. Price includes coach and boat fare (费) off. and lunch. Time: Leave at 09:15. Arrive at Shijiu Lake at 10:30. Return at 17:00. Remember to take: Raincoats (Umbrellas will be useless while watching birds), cameras, binoculars (双筒望远镜). Be sure to wear warm clothes. E-mail: birdwatchingany@hotmail.com For more information, please visit www. jiangsubirdwatching- society.com

( )26. If you take the trip, you can do many things EXCEPT . A. have local food

B. fish on the lake

D. have a boat trip

C. take photos of the birds

( )27. If you would like to take the trip, you can go there on .