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A:你在干什么?难道你忘了我们今晚有约会吗? B:对不起,玛丽,我忘了。我这就过去。 112、 I am so flattered. 真是过奖了。

A:You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. B:Oh, thank you. I’m so flattered. A:你是我所见过的最美的女人。 B:哦,谢谢。真是过奖了。

113、 She’s a thorn in his side 她让他头大。 A:Richard has a nagging wife.

B:I know. He calls her a thorn in his side. A:里查德的老婆很罗嗦。 B:我知道。她让他头大。 114、 Beat it! 走开!

A:What do you mean by “Beat it!”

B:It means “Go away.” But it’s a very rude way of saying so. A:“beat it”是什么意思?

B:就是“走开”的意思。不过,那是一种非常不礼貌的说法。 115、 I have butterflies in my stomach. 我好紧张 A:I have a job interview this afternoon.

B:Really? Have you butterflies in your stomach? A:A little.

A:我今天下午要去参加求职面试。 B: 着的吗?你紧张吗? A:有一点。


116、 It’s some movie! 这部电影真不117、 错! A: Did you see the movie “sleepless in Seattle”? B: Yes. It’s some movie! A:你看过《西雅图未眠夜》吗? B:是的,真是部好电影!

118、 It’s a bittersweet feeling. 这是苦乐参半的感觉。

A: How are you feeling about your son going away from home to college?

B: it’s a bittersweet feeling. A:儿子要离家上大学了,你的心情如何? B:既高兴又舍不得。

119、 That’s not my cup of tea. 我对那没兴趣 A: What do you think of Mike? B: He’s not my cup of tea. A:你觉得迈克怎么样? B:他不是我喜欢的类型。

120、 Can I have a doggy bag, please? 我可以打包吗? A: Waiter! Can I have a doggy bag, please? B: Sure.

A:服务员!我可以打包吗? B:当然。

121、 It gives me the creeps. 我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。 A: Mary, what do you think about the thriller? B: It was really scary. It gave me the creeps.


A: 玛丽,你觉得这部恐怖片怎么样? B: 太吓人了,我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。

122、 She had a nose surgery. 她隆了鼻子 A:Did you see Susan? She looks so different. B:She had a nose surgery.

A:你看到苏珊了吗?她看起来变化很大。 B:她隆了鼻子。

123、 Gravy train 美差;肥缺

A:George realized the gravy train was over when he got fired. B:Wasn’t it too late?

A:乔治到被解雇时才明白,这下他的财源断了。 B:现在才意识到是不是有点晚了。

124、 Cut the mustard 符合要求;获得成功 A:Can this method work well?

B:This old method just doesn’t cut the mustard any more. A:这种方法会奏效吗? B:这种老方法不好用喽。

125、 What’s cooking? 发生了什么事?(在搞什么把戏?) A:Hey, what’s cooking? B:Nothing.

A:嘿,发生了什么事? B:没什么。

126、 Hit the ceiling 勃然大怒;大发脾气

A:David’s dad hit the ceiling when he got home at two in the morning.


B:So did my dad.

A:大卫凌晨两点回到家时,他爸爸大发雷霆。 B:我爸也是。

127、 Rub someone the wrong way. 触犯某人

A:There’s something about her that rubs me the wrong way. B:What is it?

A:她有些事让我很恼火。 B:什么事?

128、 Trip the light fantastic 跳舞 A:You weren’t here just now.

B:We just got back from tripping the light fantastic. A:刚才你们不在。 B:我们刚刚跳舞回来。

129、 A change of pace. (为解乏、解闷等而130、 )改变活动(习惯、生活方式等)

A:A change of pace will probably do you good. B:I’m thinking about it.

A:改变一下生活方式可能会对你有好处。 B:我正在考虑呢。

131、 Shout something from the rooftops ?公开宣布某事 A:How did you feel when Lily said she’d marry you? B:I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. A:莉莉答应要嫁给你时,你是什么感觉? B:我真想告诉每一个人。