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B:能。他就是10年前的那个庭院网球冠军! 147、 Bone of contention 争吵的原因

A:Why are the brothers grow cold and often quarrel with each other?

B:The division of their father’s property is their bone of contention.

A:So there’re no brothers when they come to money. A:那对兄弟为什么关系如此冷淡,还总是吵架? B:还不是因为他们父亲财产分配的事儿。 A:一提到钱,亲兄弟也不亲了。

148、 Tickle someone’s funny bone 逗某人笑 A:You seem to enjoy Bob’s company.

B:Sure. He always tickles my funny bone with his army stories. A:Will you marry him? B:For those jokes? Oh, no! A:你好像挺喜欢鲍勃做伴的。

B:没错。他总是用他军队里的笑话逗我笑。 A:你会嫁给他吗?

B:因为那些笑话吗?哦,不! 149、 Be all ears 聚精会神地听

A:Go on with your story, Dad. I’m all ears!

B:It’s too late. Go to bed. We can go on tomorrow. A:Oh, no. Five more minutes, OK? B:You swear?


A:Yes, I swear.

A:接着讲你的故事吗,爸爸。我正聚精会神地听着呢。 B:太晚了,上床睡觉吧。我们明天再接着讲。 A:不!再讲5分钟好吗? B:你保证? A:是的,我保证。

150、 Face the music 面队现实;承担自己行为的后果 A:I crashed my brother’s car.

B:I’m sorry to hear that. But it’s good to see you are all right. A:I’m sure I’ll have his back up. I really don’t know how I can escape the punishment.

B:You’d better tell your brother what happened and face the music.

A:我把我哥的车撞坏了,但只要你人没事儿就好。 B:听你这么说我很遗憾。

A:我肯定他会生气的。我真不知道怎样才能免受惩罚。 B:你最好跟你哥说实话,勇敢地承担责任吧。

151、 Have a finger in the pie 通晓一切152、 A:Where can I get the information, Alana? B:Ask David. He’s sure to know about it. A:Why?

B:He has a finger in the pie. A:阿兰娜,你从哪儿能得到信息? B:问大卫吧。他一定知道。



B:他这人无所不知。 153、 In the flesh 本人

A:Have you ever seen Celine Dion?

B:I’ve seen her on TV but not in the flesh.

A:Me, too. I’m so familiar with her performance. But I don’t know what kind of person she is in real life. A:你见过席琳迪翁吗?



154、 Foot the bill 付款

A:Tom has bought so many expensive things. B:Then what can the rich do? A:Well, he’s only a student.

B:But his father is a millionaire who foots the bill for him. A:汤姆买了许多贵重的物品。 B:有钱人还能干什么呢? A:可是,他只不过是个学生。


155、 Let one’s hair down 放松;不156、 拘束

A:Have you ever been invited to attend any formal banquets? B:Yes, but on such occasions, it’s hard for you to let your hair down.

A:I think after drinking some wine, things will change a bit.


B:You said it.


B:参加过。但是,在那样的场合你很难放松自己。 A:我想几杯酒过后,情况会有所改观的。 B:你说对了。

157、 Serve someone hand and foot 服158、 务周到 A:That Japanese guest is complaining again.

B:What? We’ve already served him hand and foot. What else does he expect of us? A:He’s really a nuisance. A:那个日本客人又在抱怨了。

B:什么?我们已经是服务到家了。他还想我们怎么样? A:他可真令人讨厌!

159、 Be head over heels in love 坠入爱河 A:George doesn’t look the same as before. B:Can’t you see he’s head over heels in love. A:Really? With whom?

B:Ann, the newcomer in our class. A:乔治看起来和以前不一样了。 B:你看不出他已经坠入爱河了吗? A:真的吗?和谁?


160、 After one’s own heart 所喜欢的 A:Congratulation on your wedding, Rose. B:Thank you.