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B:Maybe he thought you reported him to the manager. 甲:没理由向我发火。这太不公平了! 乙:你对他怎么了!

甲:如果我做了坏事,我不会怪他生我的气。可事实是,我没做什么错事呀。 乙:说不定他以为是你向经理打了小报告。 12、fat change(反语)微小的机会;极少的可能 A:I think it was Jason who stole my document. B:Fat chance!

A:He’s the only one who left here late.

B:I know him. He’ll never do that sort of thing. 甲:我觉得是詹森偷了我的文件。 乙:不会的。

甲:他是唯一一个走得晚的人。 乙:我了解他,他决不会干这种事儿。 13、mark time 原地踏步;停顿 A:Why did we stop?

B:No, we didn’t really stop. We just marked time. A:Marked time?

B:Yeah, we have to pause until we get approval. 甲:我们为什么停下来?

乙:不,我们并没有真的停下来。我们只是原地踏步。 甲:原地踏步?

乙:是的。我们不得不暂时停下待命。 14、have seen better days 有过好日子

A:Look, Mrs. Thomas is such a beauty in her early eyes.


B:But Mr. Thomas is short, skinny and ugly. A:Why do you think Mrs. Thomas married him?

B:He’s certainly very poor now, but I think he’s seen better days.

甲:看,托马斯夫人年轻时这么漂亮。 乙:可托马斯先生又矮、又瘦、又丑。 甲:你猜他为什么要嫁给他?


15、a storm in a teacup 风波;小事引起的轩然大波;小题大做

A:The husband can’t understand why his wife got angry so easily.

B:He’s too careless maybe.

A:No, it’s not that. Actually it’s a storm in a teacup. I also thought it’s the women who is to blame.

B:Anyway the man has to consider his wife’s feelings. 甲:丈夫不明白他妻子为什么那么容易生气。 乙:可能他太粗心了。

甲:不是,不是因为这个。实际上她是小题大做,我也觉得是他妻子不对。 乙:不管怎么说男人应该考虑作妻子的情绪。 16、the last straw 忍无可忍 A:That was the last straw!

B:Why did you say that? Did your girlfriend do anything wrong? A:She refused to see me. She must have fallen in love with another guy.

B:I don’t believe it. Talk with her, will you? There must be som


e misunderstanding between you. 甲:真是让人忍无可忍!

乙:你为什么这么说?你女朋友做什么错事了吗? 甲:她拒绝见我,她一定是爱上别人了。

乙:我不相信。和她谈谈,好吗?你们之间一定是发生什么误会了。 17、make a clean breast of?.忏悔 A:You’re restless. Are you in trouble? B:I’ve done something I shouldn't

A:Then make a clean breast of it, you will feel released. B:I’ve not decided yet. 甲:你老是不安?有麻烦吗? 乙:我做了件不该做的事。

甲:那就彻底忏悔一下吧。你会感觉轻松一些的。 乙:我还没决定呢。

18、to my way of thinking 依我看来?..

A:To my way of thinking, I think you behaved rudely before your dad.

B:I couldn’t keep my temper then, poor dad, he must be very sad.

A:How about apologizing now? B:I hope he can forgive me.

甲:依我看来,你在你父亲面前表现得太无礼了。 乙:当时我控制不住。可怜的爸爸,他一定很难过。 甲:现在去向他道歉怎么样? 乙:我希望他能原谅我。


19、the same? as 同?.一样 A:Jim, is this the bike you lost?

B:Let me see. No, mine has a special symbol on it.

A:This is the same bike as yours, I think. I can’t tell the difference.

B:If you were the owner, you could. 甲:吉姆,这是你丢的那辆自行车吗?

乙:让我看看。不是,我的车上面有个特别的标记。 甲:我想这辆车和你的很像。我看不出有什么区别。 乙:如果你是车主,你就能看出区别了。

20、the benefit of doubt (在证据不足情况下)假定某人无辜 A:Who did it?

B:Don’t be so angry, Henry? A:It must be Robert.

B:Maybe Robert did it, maybe he didn’t. If I were you, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s not so important anyway. 甲:这是谁干的?

乙:亨利,别发那么大的火好不好? 甲:准是罗伯特干的。


21、right up one’s alley 正合某人的心意或技能 A:David is good at tennis.

B:Speaking of tennis, Daniel is the best.

A:That’s for sure. All sports are right up his alley. Actually, nob