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A:就他的成绩来说他是一名好学生。但他是不是能当个好班长,我也说不好。 32、have it over 比?..好些;胜过

A:It’s pity that I haven’t been to many countries.

B:But I think you have it over me. I’ve never been out of China.


B:Never. I am not joking. A:真遗憾很多国家我都没去过。

B:但我想你总比我要好。我从来都没出过中国。 A:从来都没出去过?


33、Have had enough 对?..发腻;厌烦

A:What do you think of the Prof. Smith lecture? B:I’ve have had enough of that kind of stuff. A:So have I. I decided not to go next time. A:你认为史密斯教授的课上得怎么样? B:我对他讲的课已经厌烦了。 A:我也是。我决定下节课不去了。 34、serve somebody right 自作自受

A:Would you please find me another job, Dad? B:What’s wrong with your job? A:I’ve lost it.

B:I once told you to work hard, but you always turned a deaf ears to me. It serves you right.


A:爸爸,能请您为我另找份工作吗? B:你的工作怎么了? A:我丢了这份工作。

B:以前我告诉过你要努力工作,但你总是当耳边风,你这是自作自受。 35、for that matter 而且

A:His parents won’t trust him and for that matter, neither do I. B:But his records are very good.

A:But I like to judge a person from his close friends or kin. B:It’s also a good ways. A:他父母不信任他,我也不信任他。 B:可他的成绩非常好。

A:我却喜欢根据一个人的亲朋好友的态度来评价他。 B:这方法也不错。

36、free and easy 自由自在;满不在乎 A:Henry is free and easy with his money. B:Yes, he is. His father is a millionaire.

A:As far I know, wealth hasn’t done him any good. He’s drinking and smoking. He’s even playing truant. B:I’m really worried about his future. A:亨利花钱满不在乎的。 B:可不,他爸是个百万富翁。

A:据我所知,有钱没给他带来什么好处,他有抽烟又喝酒,甚至还逃学。 B:我真替他的将来担心。 37、back up 支持

A:I agreed to your proposal at the meeting this morning. It was


a good one.

B:You should have backed me up then when I needed it. A:The matter was too complicated to explain. A:我同意你今天早晨在会上的建议,建议很好。 B:那么你就应该在我需要的时候支持我的。 A:事情很复杂,不太好解释。 38、wet blanket 使人扫兴的人 A:What do you think of Lucy? B:She’s a wet blanket! A:Why do you think so?

B:She sulked during the entire movie yesterday. None of us could enjoy the show.

A:你认为露西这个人怎么样? B:她很令人扫兴。 A:你为什么这么想。

B:昨天看电影时她一直很生气,弄得我们谁也没看好电影。 39、keep somebody at arm’s length 敬而远之;疏远

A:I have a feeling that Lily is not so close to Joe as she used to be.

B:Yeah, when she heard about his background, she decided that she’d better keep him at arm’s length. A:But Joe feels miserable.

A:我觉得莉莉对乔不像以前那么亲近了。 B:是啊,她听说他的背景后,就决定疏远他了。 A:可乔却觉得很痛苦。


40、be on one’s back 卧病;卧床不起

A:Where’s Eric? I haven’t seen him for quite a few days. B:He’s on his back now.

A:I’m sorry to hear that. But he was all right last week. B:Yeah, he was caught in the rain the other days. He has got a very bad cold.

A:艾力克在哪儿呢?我好几天没见着他了。 B:他卧床不起了。

A:真不愿听到这个。上周他还好好的呢。 B:是啊,那天让雨淋了,他感冒得严重。

41、make somebody’s blood boil 使??极度愤怒

A:I want to sue the teachers for their physical punishments at school.

B:It’s all right as long as it doesn’t harm the children, or they won’t behave themselves.

A:Why do you also have the stupid idea? That’s brutal! It makes my blood boil to see our daughter standing in class for a long time.



A:你怎么也有这样愚蠢的想法呢?那种行为简直太野蛮了!看到我们的女儿长时间地在课堂上罚站,把我的肺都气炸了。 42、 to the backbone 彻底 A:Helen is going out with Tom.