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发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语习语集锦更新完毕开始阅读4dcf2b00eff9aef8941e06fb

A:别信任本。 B:为什么?

A:他很贪财,肯定会从你身上骗得好处。 B:那我必须小心了。

63、the shot in the arm 激励;鼓舞 A:Good news! B:What is it?

A:The state of economy is starting to go up in our country. B:That’s just the shot in the arm we need. A:好消息! B:什么消息?

A:我们国家的经济状况开始好转了。 B:那正是我们所需要的鼓舞人心的消息。 64、twist one’s arm 采取强制手段

A:It’s not easy to be a dean of a department. B:I agree.

A:The new dean in our department is twisting the arms of some of the faculty members in order to get his way. A:做系主任可真不容易。 B:可不是嘛。

A:我们系新上任的主任正在对一些教师采取强制手段,以到达他自己的目的。 65、rude awakening 如梦初醒

A:I heard that Daniel, not Donald has been promoted.

B:Yes, Donald had thought that he was the boss’s favorite employee. This time he had a rude awakening.


A:Poor Donald!


B:是这样。唐纳德总以为自己是老板最得意的雇员。这次他才如梦初醒。 A:可怜的唐纳德。

66、poor apology for something 有名无实

A:Did you have a good time during your holidays.

B:Generally speaking yes. The restaurant I stayed in has a nice atmosphere, but they serve a poor apology for a meal. A:How long did you stay there? B:10 days. A:假期过的好吗?

B:总的来说还可以。我住的酒店氛围还不错,只是饭菜有名无实。 A:你在那儿住了多久? B:10天

67、what(ever) next 还有比这更荒唐的(或更料想不到的)吗 A:Lily’s the First Lady? Whatever next?

B:Why are you so surprised? Lily’s the prettiest among us. A:But do you think beauty alone can make a First Lady? B:I’m afraid I’ve no say here.

A:莉莉当上了第一夫人?还有比这更荒唐的吗? B:你为什么如此吃惊呢?莉莉是我们当中最漂亮的呀! A:但你认为漂亮就能当上第一夫人? B:恐怕对此我没有发言权。 68、well up in 精通;擅长

A:It’s said you’re well up in literature.


B:You’re partial. I just like it.

A:Can you show me how to learn literature?

B:That’s a hard question. I’ve been reading and trying to write out my ideas. A:据说你很擅长文学。

B:你说的不完全对,我只不过是爱好文学。 A:你能告诉我怎样学习文学吗?

B:这个问题很难回答。我一直在读书,并努力写出自己的感想。 69、scarcely ever 很少;几乎 A:Would you do me a favor? B:What’s it?

A:My daughter has no interest in studying at college. Could you provide some information on job?

B:Scarcely ever to people get a good job these days without a good education. Tell this to her. A:帮我个忙好吗? B:什么事?


B:你告诉她吧,现在没受过好的教育的人找到好工作很难。 70、sure thing 当然可以

A:Would it be okay if I used your phone to make a local call? B:Sure thing.

A:Do I have to dial “0” first? B:No.




A:我是否得先拨“0”。 B:不。

71、 to the effect that 大意是??,72、 含有?.. 之意 A:What did Prof. Lindsay say in his speech?

B:He spoke to the effect that the same symbol carries different implication or association in different cultures. A:Can you give me an example?

B:Ox in Chinese is the symbol of diligence, honesty and responsibility as well as selfless contribution, but in Japanese, it’s of backwardness and inefficiency. A:林塞教授在他的演讲中讲了些什么?

B:他大意是说,“同样一个象征符号在不同的文化中却有着不同的含义,使人产生不同的联想” A:能否为我举个例子?

B:在中国文化中牛是勤劳、诚实、有责任感和无私奉献的象征;但在日本文化中,它却是落后和无能的代表。 73、 Thin air 子虚乌有

A:Jim, can you write a report for me?

B:Yes, I can, but you’ll have to give me all the data. I can’t create something out of thin air, you know. A:No, problem.


B:可以,但你必须给我提供所有的数据,你知道,我不能凭空捏造。 A:没问题。