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74、 Under warranty 在保修期内

A:Oh! Is this recorder still under warranty?

B:It should be. I bought it only one month ago. Now it refuses to work these days.

A:It must be poor quality. A:噢!这台录音机还在保修期内?

B:应该是。我一个月前刚买了它,可这些天它就不好使了。 A:一定是质量太差了。

75、 Too (clever) by half 可太聪明啦(贬义);聪明过了头

A:He thought he could get Mr. Green’s money in his pocket but he lost all, he was too clever by half.

B:The fact is he never realizes that. He always starts out tricking others and ends up being tricked.

A:That’s the point. He once lost his briefcase by asking a “blind man” to take care of it for him.


B:事实是他从没有认识到这一点。他总是开始时骗别人,到最后却被别人骗。 A:对啦,这才是要害。他曾丢过一个公文包,原因是让一个“盲人”帮他看包。 76、 (not)a shirt to one’s back 一无所有 A:Mrs. Brown deserve everybody’s pity. B:I heard she became a widow last summer. A:And a fire left her without a shirt to her back. B:Bad luck.



B:我听说去年夏天她丈夫死了。 A:并且一场大火使她一无所有。 B:真倒霉!

77、 Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth 量力而78、 为 A:Can we buy a house of our own, dear?

B:Not now. We have to rent house for a few more years. A:The price is reasonable at present. What if prices rise? B:My salary isn’t very large at the moment and we have nowhere to borrow much. We must cut our coat according to our cloth.

A:亲爱的,我们能买自己的房子吗? B:现在不行。我们必须再租几年房子。


B:我现在的工资不高而且我们也没有地方借钱。我们必须量力而为。 79、 Die in one’s boots 工作时死去 A:Has your father retired?

B:Not yet. He hates to stay at home. A:He’s old enough, isn’t he?

B:Yes, he is. But he says he would rather die in his house. A:你的父亲退休了吗? B:还没有。他讨厌呆在家里。 A:他太老了,不是吗?


80、 Dress somebody down 斥责;指81、 责


A:The boss looks cross. B:Yes?

A:Jenny work is a mess, you know. I’m afraid he will dress her down.

B:That would be all right as long as he doesn’t give her a boot. A:老板看来情绪不好。 B:怎么了?

A:你知道珍妮工作干得一团糟,我恐怕他要训她了。 B:只要不开除她就行啊。

82、 Fit like a glove 完全合适 A:Oh, the dress fits you like a glove! B:Do you really think so? A:Sure I do.

B:What about the color?

A:Maybe it’s a little bright. Pity it’s the wrong color. A:噢,这套衣服你穿上真合适! B:真的吗? A:当然了。 B:颜色怎么样?

A:也许有点儿太亮了。就是颜色差了点儿。 83、 Get the boot 别解雇

A:You looked depressed, Tom. What’s the matter? B:We all got the boot yesterday. A:Why? Is it closed down?

B:No, our factory was taken over by another company.


A:Tough luck!

A:汤姆,你看起来情绪不高。怎么了? B:我们昨天都被解雇了。 A:为什么?倒闭了?

B:没有,我们厂被别家公司接管了。 A:真倒霉。

84、 Give the shirt off one’s back 慷慨解囊 A:I’ve got an empty pocket recently.

B:I heard Mr. Genge is always ready to give the shirt of his back.

A:Do you think he’ll help me? B:You bet. A:最近我手头没钱。

B:我听说乔治先生对别人总是慷慨解囊。 A:你认为他会帮我吗? B:当然啦。

85、 Hit below the belt 做事不86、 公道 A:He’ll go to court tomorrow.

B:Yes, I think he should be careful how he answers the lawyer’s questions.

A:We’ve talked a little about that. He knows the lawyer always hits below the belt. A:他明天要去法庭。