2013创新设计英语(江苏专用)教师用书16Unit1Laughterisgoodforyou(牛津译林版选修6) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2013创新设计英语(江苏专用)教师用书16Unit1Laughterisgoodforyou(牛津译林版选修6)更新完毕开始阅读4dd7437f0875f46527d3240c844769eae009a387

mother tearfully_hug(含着眼泪拥抱)her little hero of the day!(2011·江苏卷·阅读理解D)

②To my great surprise,I ran 4.9 km in 31 minutes.When I got back,I had tears_in_my_eyes(满眼含泪).(2011·湖南卷·阅读表达)

③I tore ________ the bag with great effort but I couldn't tear ________.(2012·黑河市一中高三上学期期中质量检测试题)

A./;up it B.at;up it C.to;it up D.at;it open 答案 D

make fun of取笑,拿……开玩笑

【课本原句】 He or she will act or speak like a well-known person in order to make fun of that person.(P2)他/她会为了取笑某个名人而模仿这个人的行为或是说话方式。


play jokes on...开……的玩笑 play a trick on 捉弄,开玩笑

Have fun!/Enjoy oneself!/Have a good time!玩得开心! for fun/in fun 开玩笑,不是认真的 for the fun of 为了好玩,消遣 It is great fun to do...做……真有趣! 【注意】 fun (U)前一般不用冠词a。



①看到家人和朋友在一块玩的开心真是太高兴了。(2011·福建卷·阅读理解B) It's_great_seeing_family_and_friends_have_fun_together. ②在太空中旅行很有趣。 It_is_great_fun_to_travel_in_space. ③No one likes ________ in public.(2012·湖南石齐学校月考) A.to be made fun C.made fun of 答案 D

take on 雇佣;接受;受欢迎;呈现

【课本原句】 In an interview,he told us that he is always happy to take on new foreign students.(P11)在一次面试中,他告诉我们他总是很高兴接受外国学生。 【联想拓展】

take away 拿走,夺去;使离去 take back 拿回,收回 take down 咽下;记下 take for 认为,以为 take in 接受,吸收;欺骗

take up 拿起;开始处理;从事于;占据(时间,空间) take off 脱掉(衣服);起飞;成功 take on a new look 呈现新面貌 “take+a+n.”表示做一次动作: take a bath 洗个澡 take a drive 乘车 take a look 看一看 take a rest 休息一会儿 take a shower 洗个淋浴 take a trip 旅行 take a walk 散一散步

B.making fun of D.being made fun of



①请问飞机会准时起飞吗? Will_the_plane_take_off_on_time? ②After ten years' work,we make our city ________ a new look.


A.take up C.save up 答案 B

for a while一会儿

【课本原句】 Both ‘sit’ for a while,reading their textbooks.(P14)两个人都“坐”了一会儿,读着教科书。 【联想拓展】

quite a while 相当长的时间

all the while=all the time 一直,始终 once in a while 偶尔


①It's not what we do once_in_a_while(偶尔)that shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.(2011·湖南卷·单项填空35)

②He_sat_for_a_while(他坐了一会儿),thinking about what Mary had said to him. ③—________ I stay with you?

—Well,I would rather you left me alone ________.(2012·湖南隆回一中月考) A.Will;in a while C.Will;for a while 答案 D

burst in 突然闯入

【课本原句】 Servant bursts in,next to Queen,empty-handed and looking

B.Shall;in a while D.Shall;for a while B.take on D.put up

worried.(P15)仆人冲上舞台,来到王后身后,两手空空,神情焦虑。 【联想拓展】

burst into tears 突然大哭

burst out doing sth 突然(开始做某事) burst out 突然出现 burst forth 突然爆发,冒出

burst in on/upon 突然插嘴,打扰,突然闯入


①Cindy shut the door heavily and burst_into_tears(突然大哭).No one in the office knew why she was so angry.(2010·湖南卷·Language Knowledge,Section A35) ②They_all_burst_out_laughing(他们都大笑起来) at the expression on her face. ③The poor girl ________ when she heard the news that her grandmother had passed away.(2012·湖南攸县一中高三上学期期中考试)

A.burst into tears B.burst out to cry C.burst on tears D.burst for crying 答案 A

hold out 拿出;维持;继续;抵抗

【课本原句】 Sir?(holds out a roll of toilet paper) (P15)先生?(拿出一卷卫生纸) 【联想拓展】

hold up 延误,耽搁;阻挡;使停顿 hold on 坚定;坚持;(打电话)不挂断

hold on to 抓住,不放手;不放弃拥有;不让出 hold back 阻止,抑制(眼泪等) hold to(使)坚持(原则、方向等);紧握 hold together 在一起,成为整体,团结在一起