2013创新设计英语(江苏专用)教师用书16Unit1Laughterisgoodforyou(牛津译林版选修6) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2013创新设计英语(江苏专用)教师用书16Unit1Laughterisgoodforyou(牛津译林版选修6)更新完毕开始阅读4dd7437f0875f46527d3240c844769eae009a387

4.He ________ his hand and ________ to give his answers when asked to. A.rose;raised C.raised;rose

B.raised;raised D.rose;rose

答案 C [raise one's hand举手;rise在本句中表不“起身,站起来”。] 5.He is a strict but kind teacher,________ is always trying to make his classes ________ and interesting. A.one;living C.he;lovely

B.one who;lively D.he who;live

答案 B [one后面接定语从句,表泛指。句意:他是位严格而和善的老师,一个总是努力使他的课生动有趣的老师。] 6.—Are you still busy?

—Yes,I ________ my work,and it won't take long. A.just finish C.have just finished

B.am just finishing D.am just going to finish

答案 B [由下文可知,本句为进行时态表将来。]

7.The report said a car went out of ________ control on a road ________ south of the city and rushed into a river. A.the;the C.the;/

B./;the D./;/

答案 D [out of control失去控制;south of the city作状语,为固定表达,相当于in the south of the city。]

8.—Mrs.Jones? This is Mr.Black,assistant headmaster at the high school. —Oh,hello,Mr.Black.I ________ your call. A.am expecting C.was expecting

B.have expected D.had expected

答案 C [答语表示“我刚才在等你的电话”。] 9.—________ is now a school ________ a church. —Yes.Great changes have taken place in our hometown.

A.Where;was C.What;would be

B.Where;has been D.What;used to be

答案 D [what从句为主语从句,what在从句中作主语。句意:学校现在所在的地方过去曾经是一所教堂。]

10.You can use a large plastic bottle,________ cut off,as a pot to grow flowers in. A.the top is C.whose top

B.with its top D.the top of which

答案 B [本题为“with+宾语+宾补”结构。cut off是过去分词短语作宾语补足语。]

11.Helen always helps her mother do housework,even though going to school ________ most of her day. A.takes up C.saves up

B.makes up D.puts up

答案 A [take up 占用时间;make up编造;save up节省;put up建起;张贴。只有A符合题意。]

12.Martin Luther King,the great black leader in the movement against racial discrimination,was ________ the Nobel Prize for Peace for his outstanding contributions to world peace. A.rewarded C.confessed

答案 B [award颁奖。]

13.There was music,games and dancing for the ________ of the guests. A.accommodation C.enthusiasm

答案 B [entertainment娱乐。]

14.You don't seem very ________ about the party-don't you want to go tonight? A.worried

B.cautious B.entertainment D.exploration B.awarded D.granted

C.enthusiastic D.responsible

答案 C [be enthusiastic about对……有热情。]

15.He sat under the tree,with his eyes ________ upward and his fingers ________. A.looked;crossed C.looking;crossing

B.looked;crossing D.looking;crossed

答案 D [在本题中的“with复合结构”中,his eyes和look之间是主动关系,his fingers和cross之间为被动关系,故选D。]